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International #748
I've noticed some chink shows come with Chinese subtitles, which would be pretty useful for me as I'm learning Mandarin...
Not all third world countries use squat toilets, but all countries that use squat toilets are third world
Post battles were your country has won vs anglos
Tfw you live in a 1st world boring shithole where nothing ever happens
This confuses and enrages the European
I didn't realise so few cunts have compulsory voting
Mfw there are unironically Finlandboos
Slavic men aren't handso-
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Live in Palmerston North NZ
Why is it that every time a white woman
Who were you in the high school?
Italian and Spanish anons help me out
Your cunt
This meme was a shot in the foot, brazilians love attention regardless of anything, you shouldn't have done this
1. Ur a cunt tree
What do Latinos think of Latino Americans?
Great culture
25 years old
Wellcome. what will be for you?
Do Asians have the best stereotype?
/luso/ fio lusofono
The great debate
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
In which country would you rather want to live in if you had to choose for the rest of your life. The UK...
The best aspects of american society combined with the best aspects of western european society with the best aspects...
Turkroaches BTFO
ITT: the good the bad the ugly of body
Please love the Netherlands
/ex-ussr/ general
An average day in your cunt
Death to Amerikkka
/polska/ - edycja bycia przystojnym prawiczkiem
Why do the French speak like they have a dick in their mouth?
God Save The Queen
Is Europe, its culture, traditions, heritage, history and more importantly, its people, worth saving?
Your country
I don't watch sports, and certainly not soccer. Was this really a huge deal at the time?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
/deutsch/ keine ahnung wie man nachsicht richting schreibt
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1854
Why the FUCK do americans get drug tested at work lmfao?
How come American English sounds so vulgar while British English sounds so based, refined and delicate? What went wrong?
Post ur cunt's service rifle
Why korea has no hope
Slavic neo-nazis
Your cunt
/fr/ - fil francophone
All my friends hate new chinese immigrants
The best country lanking ( my opinion)
/carib/ thread
WE are greek
USA is the only country that has put their flag on the moon
Sweden YES
Tfw pic related is what people imagine is the average paki poster
0. Your country
Macron, has called for a "historic reconstruction" of Europe
Kurva anyátok
Who wins?
Be american
Huh duh black people are violent
Would you be prepared to die for your country?
1. Your country
Say something nice about southern italy
Finns aren't the most powerful ra-
Why some of you here hate brown of black skin?
Name 3 countries in Oceania
His country isn't number #1 at their national sport in the world
Why there is a lot of serial killers in the USA?
Why do Fyromians LARP as ancient Greeks?
/ex-ussr/ general
/deutsch/ Abendausgabe
/Ronnystunde/ ehemals /deutsch/
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Spanish Grammar Help!
/cum/ canada usa mexico
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
Why do Americans do this?
What is Spanish culture like? Do they eat tacos? Do they celebrate cinco de mayo?
Do you really think all Americans are brown-skinned? :(
NYC Tourists
German """"""education""""""
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et blanc:
/ita/ - il filo
National Geographic Determined What Europeans Will Look Like in 2050, and It's Beautiful
Is this true that asian women want french cocks ?
Germanic are a meme people prove me wrong
Post your hometown's coat of arms
I am Japanophile and I love Japan so much but my parents and friends always tell me that Japan is a declining country...
Is there any hope for this country
I really fucking hate Ikibey
/ex-ussr/ general
Post your dick
In the British museum
White Midwest Americans are Whiter than these people:
Your native country
Tfw just realised that practicing Catholic white girls don't exist anymore
Why do the poorer European countries have better looking women?
How can anyone in Europe be a virgin when prostitution is legal throughout Europe?
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
/Afr/ican general: apolitical edition
Which country makes the best
Do You Like England?
Is your country treated as inferior and always bullied on int?
Why do Slavs suck at war unless they have a massive overwhelming advantage?
/ex-ussr/ general
What the fuck is wrong with them?
Would your cunt win a defensive war against America?
I'm one fourth Ukrainian. Can you tell me about my people, history and culture?
Stop sexualizing our women
When a Frenchman attempts to speak English
Why are Japanese companies afraid of comment?
If immigrants completely assimilated in your cunt, including changing their names...
90% of young Lithuanians want to move to Western Europe
Mediterranean men are god tier
Tfw we europeans brought civilization to the rest of the world
Fuck you
1. Your name
When will turks admit?
Tory MP 'told schoolgirl to "f*** off back to Scotland" when she said she'd vote for independence'
Post your nose
Best nature
What's your country's duty?
American """cuisine"""
What do you think of asan who use Christian name?
Why do some people not consider Finland a Scandinavian country?
The best country in the world is actually Germany
Unpopular opinions thread
Mfw americans can't do this
Take a pic of ur city
Why is Sup Forums so gay?
Sverigetråden - Ensamhetsupplagan
/cp/ - culture pals leafcucks BTFO edition
Why is Pooland sooooooooooooo fucking poor?
/sag/ - South Asia General
The NEET dream is ending
Everytime I post something people assume I am greek
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is it true that asian eyes are small?
Sup Forums confession thread
These are the five most beautiful women in the Miss USA competition. Which is your favorite?
Are japanese and philiphines asian?
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
The new details from Paul Clarke of SBS and Blink TV brings the potential number of competing countries in the contest...
Go to Japan they said
Tfw being ital*an
/ibe/ - hilo iberorromance
Are Turks Arabs larping as Greeks in denial?
ITT: Sup Forums in 2010
Whats there deal anyways?
10% of Wrocław's population is now Ukrainian
I hate korean
Tfw born in poor family
What are trash of your society?
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Australia To Enact Cat Genocide
/brit/ Edward VIII
Japanese Women
Why is Germany the most anti-Semitic country in Europe?
Who's the greatest leader in German history?
Wtf why nazis were so ugly?
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
/cum/ Canadia Estados Unidos Mejico
I just want to live in Australia
/ita/ - il filo
Privileged location. Which nice places are close to your cunt?
Post your ethnic religion
Hilo /conguito/
Boarders that make you commit autistic seppuku
/éire/ - /eire/
I don't get it americans, is there a chance you would ride on another part of the horse?
Why are you still a virgin?
Be euro
Kurva anyátok
What happens here?
I suffer in Russia
Spanish GF or Italian GF?
/fr/ - Le fil hon hon hon
Friendly reminder that he was the Gauls that defeated the Huns and saved the West(as usual)
One chance at life
How do we save Britain?
Polish guy in the Netherlands was going 75km/h over the speed limit
People are starving here in brazil, pls send food
How exactly did pic related happen?
Post qts from countries
Can multiculturalism work or will white people always be racist?
Why did he do it?
Empires ranked
What's the master race of food and why is it Indian?
*blocks your path*
Why do you blame the jews for everything? Throughout all of our history, they never did anything bad...
Is this accurate?
You're country
Which Asian country has best alphabet?
Post iconic pictures/paintings from your country's history. Images that everyone in your country would recognize...
Argentina hates ita*y
What does Sup Forums think of women serving in the military? Does your cunt have them?
Who is your nation's greatest ally and worst enemy?
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Help me Sup Forums. I just applied for 5 jobs in Bratislava with a large company. What is life like in Bratislava...
Is taking 2 scoops of ice cream impolite for you?
Do you think average Negroid and Mongoloid features are really ugly or it's muh media brainwashing?
Another day wasted on Sup Forums
/luso/ fio lusofono
Post currency from your country, modern or old
Sverigetråden – Sjuklöverknäckargänget
Why is Haiti so much worse than the rest of the Caribbean nations in terms of poverty and development?
Who would your country look to in defense in the event of an attack?
My teachers always told me Germans were miserable under Hitlers rule did they lie?
In this thread we get at least 200 unique world flags
/nachtschicht/, früher /deutsch/
Could red win this war if no nukes are involved?
What do you think of my travelling plans?
Discussion about finland pls respond ok??
This thread has two topics, the topics are about Brazil...
What has Britain given to your nation that you are grateful for?
Ask a mexican tourist in Spain anything
Norway's capital will get an extra name
You are subhuman filth
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
Gówno /polska/ mówi
Germanics are worse than niggers
How do Russians feel about being swedish viking rapebabies?
I'm going to travel a bit of Europe by bicycle this summer, here's my plan
Living in Italy
Do you have people like this in your cunt?
Why did Greeks and Italians abandon appreciating the male form and why did they replace the superiority of men with...
Help me decide which city I should move to live in in Israel
Question for French anons: are your arabic imports more likely to be kept women or working girls than your locals...
Do Goys even know what they miss out by not going to the military?
/ex-ussr/ general
Why are turks whiter than greeks?
Can europeons buy good healthcare or are they stuck with the muzzie version..?
Greek diaspora thread
Can japan join eurovision?
ITT : We destroy racism with one (1) picture each
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Sverigetråden – VALET
Why are slavs so degenerate?
/ibe/ + /ita/ - Peninsulae Populusque Unitas
/fr/ - Le fil des initiatives
What's your cunt's opinion on GLIMBALD KALUMFERS?
Your cunt
Weed in Italy
Gulf arabs
/dixie/ - Southern States + Friends
You will live 2 years there
Which of these unions would be the most powerful?
Why are you hate russia
They both couldn't invade Russia
What would've happened if these Turkic/Islamic empires each allied together and spread in different directions?
Please cum to Germany!
Americans give Euroes shit saying they are pussies and that they defend them (that's what they believe) but tell me:...
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Sverigetråden - Partiledardebattupplagan
Are they the greatest countries on Earth?
Brazil nearly elects a fucking chimp
Can ikibey just get banned already? He does nothing but endlessly shit up threads
How come such a beautiful county like Pakistan is filled with such hate?
Why aren't these one country?
Y-you do support a united Ireland r-right user?
Dutch licorice/candy suggestion please
/ita/ il filo
1 shot at life
French "people" will defend this
/balt/ + /ur mum/ + /ausnz/
Boycott Eurovision 2018?
ITT: Post the typical breakfast in your country?
K-Drama Propaganda
Why are foreigners so rude?
Which is more important to you; your national identity, ethnic identity, or religious identity?
What do Europeans think of Cadillac?
The biggest UFC champion is a Croat-American
When you see meatballs, what country springs to mind first, Italy or Sweden?
1: your country
Which countries do you like?
I think we are starting to forget that
I love Germany!
/luso/ fio em português (brasileiro)
What's your country's comfiest area ?
Are indians aryan??
It's an "Ikibey shits up the thread" episode
How do I become a professional porn actor in japan? Do I need people within the Yakuza...
*judges you by the way you dress*
/mämmi/ + /balk/
Sverigetråden - Partiledardebatt snart-upplagan
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Was it rape?
Jap in 1941
/BRiD GmbH ehemals und nie wieder deutsch/
/fug/ - /mämmi/ + /brit/ + /deutsch/
Turkey is literally 0% atheist
Whats it really like having strikig blue eyes?
Who are more white greeks or turks?
/carib/ BLACK qts edition
This is considered 10/10 in the Norway thread. What would you rate her in your country?
Ozbekistan is the most powerful stan
Would you ever consider marrying a Japanese girl y/n
Love white women
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
There's no Sup Forumsernational board on 2ch
Non-Muslims of Sup Forums
This store has sign "entry denied for faggots". What reaction it would cause in your cunt?
In Korea, you need a "Knife licnese" to buy this wonderful knife
Would you like to live in this world?
How often are Celtic languages spoken in their cunts? Like are Irish, Scottish, Welsh...
New worlders, please tell us about your heritage
Why Is Hellas/Ellada Called Greece In English?
America has a black problem, not a gun problem
Kill all whites
1. Cunt
1. your country
/cp/ CulturePals
/deutsch/ Saellner Ausgabe
How do Poles feel about the fact that their greatest scientist, Nicolaus Copernicus, was a German_
Jeanne d'Arc / Joan of Arc
Why australians like to ruin everything?
Why won't Europeans just send the refugees back? Is your government even trying?
ITT: Sup Forums in 1959
Fuck the rest of the world
New York was THE place top be before 2000. It was thriving both culturally and economically
Quick, name a place or two in your country that one needs to visit at least once in their lifetime
United States of Āryāvarta
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /leb/
/mena/ + /خيبر/
A german, a russian, and a swede walk into a bar
T-the nazis weren't arya-
I dream to live here
Argentina is White afterall
Do most Germans believe the bullshit propaganda? I've never seen a developed country...
可愛い <3
26 years old
I'm probably the last living Prussian on earth
Kurva anyátok
The United States claims to be the land of the free
/sino/ - Chinese thread
/ita/ - il filo
In your country, what do you call that part between your arsehole and ballsack?
How do we take care of the F*nnish problem?
Why are Russians so bad?
Ded meme
You will never live in a comfy Italian village surrounded by roman ruins
How are East Asians perceived in your country?
/fr/ - Le francofil éclairé
Italy should have won
Why do Canada and Australia import so many Chinese immigrants into their countries?
Its over for us isnt it?
Kawaii Christian book
What language are you learning and why? I'm learning Japanese because I like the language, culture...
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
Where will be the new home for Europeans when the Africans and Asians flood into these lands and overwhelm the natives?
Why is America so violent?
/extraflags/ + /flag/ Calm before the regionals edition
Indo-European Migrations
WW1 ends
Do americans feel a real sense of belonging to their states or does it not matter anymore?
Tell a joke about the country your country jokes the most about
I need help with Swedish/Jag behöver hjälp med Svenska
Races of the World
His country doesn't have qt girls in sexy school uniforms
/deutsch/ Arshmettausgabe
She is exotic and hot as fuck for me as Asian but how do you think from the eyes of europian?
At what point did your life turn to complete and utter shit?
I am french
This area has only 1million people
Can brits please stop exporting whatever they think their 'culture' is to the US? Thanks
What countries make the best cars?
Have one chance at life
USSR thread
Is Queretaro the best city in Mejico?
/luso/ - fio lusofono
How can other countries even compete?
Who was the cutest boy at eurovision?
Could i pass as a local in your country ?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Gustavo edition
This is a picture on the wikipedia article of Erasmus
If I can't roll my r's am I fucked in speaking Spanish or will people just assume I'm a fucking gringo and go easy on...
White Protestant males are superior to other people, especially if they're right wing
Wtf i love the USA now
Dude last place lmao
Tell me everything you know about Sweden and the Swedish people
What would happen if I went around your cunt wearing a swastika shirt?
Which country CONSISTENTLY has the most beautiful women?
ITT. looking for Mexican friends
Now that the dust has settled
Post-Eurovision Chill thread
"Estava tudo comprado e verdade"
Does your country have lots of serial killers?
Portugal has to fund Eurovision next year
If your ancestors aren't from the area in green you're subhuman
What "useless" language would you like to learn?
Good evening Sup Forumsellectuals, in this thread you can ask an Icelander anything...
/BRiD GmbH ehemals und nie wieder deutsch/
The individual nations of the Balkans should come together and form one super state...
Int, you all have seen conservative Russia under Putin. Would you like to see liberal Russia under Navalny...
Most consumed alcohol in the world
Australians are the most powerful race
/v4/ + friends
Your ethnicity
Sverigetråden - Gotlandupplagan
How do you learn English in your country?
What's your most honest opinion about Colombia and colombian people?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...