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thats not how this meme is supposed to be

tfw wh*te pig

alban genocide when ?

then make your own version

i gotta format my pc lads so many fucking issues

i already backed up important documents but redpill me on shit people usually forget to back up

children pornography

Tpeдeн пoтceтник:

>Имaјќи гo пpeдвид нaциoнaлниoт тeмпepaмeнт нa Aлбaнeцoт кoј лecнo ce нaвeдyвa нa вoopyжeнa пpecмeткa, тoгaш нeмa ништo чyднo aкo eдeн дeн ocaмнeмe co бyнтoви вo тoј кpaј. Heoпхoдни ce бpзи и eфикacни мepки!.

>Oднecyвaњeтo нa Aлбaнцитe, ocoбeнo нa oниe oд гp. Дeбap cтaнyвa зacтpaшyвaчкo. Пopaнeшнитe cимпaтии кoн нac нe caмo штo иcчeзнaa, тyкy им гo oтcтaпијa мecтoтo нa нecкpиeнитe нeгoдyвaњa и зaкaни. Фpaзитe, кaкo штo ce ги нaдминaвтe Cpбитe (ce миcли нa sвepcтвaтa штo ги пpaвeлe Cpбитe вpз aлбaнcкoтo нaceлeниe - н.з.), ќe ce oдмaздимe и cлични нa нив, ce cлyшaaт нa ceкoј чeкop.

Дaлeкy пpeд Tитo и “cpпcкoтo пpoмивaњe нa мoзoци“ кaкo штo викa тaтapcкиoт ayтиcт cтaлнo (знaeш кoј cи).

back up your entire D drive

having an external HDD is bliss

is southern italy balk?

nth for madar i'd lajk tu fak

Albania has been in pretty bad condition considering their primitive way of life for almost half of their territory and later communism but it's also rapidly improving too now

they're also next door to eyes and a sound Albania is preferable. of course neither Albanians nor Greeks are smart enough on average to understand that each other's prosperity benefits the other too. it's the Balkan syndrome of 'as long as our neighbor suffers more'

yeah, i have two, so that will not be affected


its a little albania, so , pretty much yes

if we had land border they would have

Well Todor Aleksandrov got around and his job was to organize paramilitary groups along the borders of the Bulgarian ethnos. It's normal he said to be careful around the Albanians of Debar.

what the fuck are you talking about

Who cares it's still funny. And there are multiple ways to do this meme

reee how is this world fair balk reee reee reee

This is my favorite meme:

Bulgaria is a shithole. Bulgarian women are whores. Bulgaria will always be the dump of Europe. Bulgarians have low IQs and can't do anything more with their low natural talent. Bulgarians are considered the lowest scum in Europe everywhere. Bulgarians commit huge amounts of crime in every EU country they're in. the Bulgarian population will keep shrinking until only some old Turks and gypsies are left.

Bulgaria is done and over with like roasted beef


bah na xpozed jena mu e mn qka

Id say so, Greeks island skipped across the Mediterranean and pretty much have claims over every island. Especially Sicily.


What about this one:

Bulgaria is a shithole. Bulgarian women are whores. Bulgaria will always be the dump of Europe. Bulgarians have low IQs and can't do anything more with their low natural talent. Bulgarians are considered the lowest scum in Europe everywhere. Bulgarians commit huge amounts of crime in every EU country they're in. the Bulgarian population will keep shrinking until only some old Turks and gypsies are left.

Bulgaria is done and over with like roasted beef

beauty.. total beauty.. you ruined my nofap here with this picture but i think its worth it

imagine if bulgarians never identified as slavs but rather as a paleobalkan entity, thracians for example

the paleobalkan triple alliance of albania, greece, and bulgaria could have cleansed the balkans of slavic roaches forever

perhaps one day..

southern italy is crowded with albanians, and they have tribal mentality down there, all of them, not just albanians.

Reminder that this guy stayed up ALL NIGHT to try and argue that Greece isn't a bankrupt pajeet tier street shitting nation with a Turkish populace.

Also, reminder that not all Greeks are chimps like this one, ala and

don't rope us into this

desu most of the albanians are in the north. If your talking about abershe then yeah i guess

>and they have tribal mentality down there

only sicilians

day of the rope soon

hol up

hello :)



Ask anyone who isn't a newfag about the /late night balk/ threads and how we posted music 'till sunrise
Staying up overnight is a /balk/ tradition
Ask tomor, or the balkan god, they can confirm

youtube.com/watch?v=z9F_ShWyhT8 what are you listening right now?



What about the guy who wrote this:

Bulgaria is a shithole. Bulgarian women are whores. Bulgaria will always be the dump of Europe. Bulgarians have low IQs and can't do anything more with their low natural talent. Bulgarians are considered the lowest scum in Europe everywhere. Bulgarians commit huge amounts of crime in every EU country they're in. the Bulgarian population will keep shrinking until only some old Turks and gypsies are left.

Bulgaria is done and over with like roasted beef

/balk/ is ded after 2 AM

i blame schoolcucks and wagecucks

fuck off mother fucker


isn't the right word džehennemo, and not hello on albanian-english?

bon praskiza's new song



Yeah and that's why back then we few anons just posted music all night

>imagine if bulgarians never identified as slavs but rather as a paleobalkan entity, thracians for example

people would just be fighting wars against the Thracians instead of the Bulgarians then

Reminder that this guy stayed up ALL NIGHT to try and argue that Greece isn't a bankrupt pajeet tier street shitting nation with a Turkish populace.

Also, reminder that not all Greeks are chimps like this one, ala and You stayed up posting the same chart over and over, and some fake news about Greece recovering. There are no redeeming qualities about what you did. You are pathetic, like your country.

i already consider myself thracian. slavic is a linguistic term anyways

the not so newfag now from jewrokastra

The post the Greek reported and was deleted was his fellow Greek telling me that he hopes this autistic Greek doesn't chimp out. Which he did.

dream on nigger

Consider this, however:

Bulgaria is a shithole. Bulgarian women are whores. Bulgaria will always be the dump of Europe. Bulgarians have low IQs and can't do anything more with their low natural talent. Bulgarians are considered the lowest scum in Europe everywhere. Bulgarians commit huge amounts of crime in every EU country they're in. the Bulgarian population will keep shrinking until only some old Turks and gypsies are left.

Bulgaria is done and over with like roasted beef


i will never understand feet fetishes, what exactly about feet is sexy? they're dirty and smelly

>everything I don't like is fake news
Dude just stop, take the cue and leave
People wouldn't call you leafbey if they liked you, and plus, you're new, you're not going to miss us
I ask for the sake of /balk/

>literally a Turk
>literally bankrupt
>literally has no future

Reminder leafbey is an undercover shiptar that needs to be drowned in the Adriatic.

reminder you will have albanian nationality in the next 5 years


Another story Franke, what are we gonna do now???

What do you think of this:

Bulgaria is a shithole. Bulgarian women are whores. Bulgaria will always be the dump of Europe. Bulgarians have low IQs and can't do anything more with their low natural talent. Bulgarians are considered the lowest scum in Europe everywhere. Bulgarians commit huge amounts of crime in every EU country they're in. the Bulgarian population will keep shrinking until only some old Turks and gypsies are left.

Bulgaria is done and over with like roasted beef

>The average Albanian

Hmmm, nah. I think I'll stay. Thanks for your opinion Bankruptios. If I leave, who will stay up ALL NIGHT with me to try and argue that Greece isn't a bankrupt pajeet tier street shitting nation with a Turkish populace. Copy and pasting the same fake news over and over. That's your job :^)

dont know, but when feets are smelly just a little bit, it's ufff , great.

I prefer this map

wtf this one greek guy is really really competitive

pretty weird considering the overall chill and easygoing greek nature

Don't come here, this general has nothing to do with you and you're not welcome

Why do you feel like you need to ruin /balk/?
What has it done to you?

>fulgrime the serbshit having a say

>Giving land to bankrupt turks

Reminder that I'm actually a /cum/ agent spying on this thread as we speak.


This general was made for diasporas like him.

i would like to fuck a šiptarku brainless tho

>tfw i'll have to walk outside tomorrow and be condemned to watch as qt 14-16 year-old poon walks around with tight panty jeans and tank tops as they giggle and tease each other when some tall older guy walks by them

Agreed, but I think that Bulgaria is a shithole. Bulgarian women are whores. Bulgaria will always be the dump of Europe. Bulgarians have low IQs and can't do anything more with their low natural talent. Bulgarians are considered the lowest scum in Europe everywhere. Bulgarians commit huge amounts of crime in every EU country they're in. the Bulgarian population will keep shrinking until only some old Turks and gypsies are left.

Bulgaria is done and over with like roasted beef

Scroll across this page and see who is posting the same thing over and over, ruining balk. You are pathetic. Can't wait for you to stay up all night again tonight entertaining me, it's so entertaining :^)

The truth is that a lot of people think that Bulgaria is a shithole. Bulgarian women are whores. Bulgaria will always be the dump of Europe. Bulgarians have low IQs and can't do anything more with their low natural talent. Bulgarians are considered the lowest scum in Europe everywhere. Bulgarians commit huge amounts of crime in every EU country they're in. the Bulgarian population will keep shrinking until only some old Turks and gypsies are left.

Bulgaria is done and over with like roasted beef

Case in point.

Reminder that this guy stayed up ALL NIGHT to try and argue that Greece isn't a bankrupt pajeet tier street shitting nation with a Turkish populace.

Reminder that even his Greek friend told this guy to stop chimping out like a complete braindead autist in the previous thread.

Mu rekov na kurvata pushi kur/
Ne mi davaj chista vodka klaj mu i redbull/
Ako saash da sme fini da sme cool/
Ae kurvo daj mi gla (gla) pushi kur/

What about the case of Bulgaria being a shithole. Bulgarian women are whores. Bulgaria will always be the dump of Europe. Bulgarians have low IQs and can't do anything more with their low natural talent. Bulgarians are considered the lowest scum in Europe everywhere. Bulgarians commit huge amounts of crime in every EU country they're in. the Bulgarian population will keep shrinking until only some old Turks and gypsies are left.

Bulgaria is done and over with like roasted beef

Now imagine him doing this same thing, except instead of this he is posting fake news on how Greece is "recovering."

He was doing this the ENTIRE night. So much so even his Greek friend told him to stop chimping out :^)

I can't hear your autistic screeching from across the Atlantic.

Can you not tell the time of my posts, this is not me spamming, it's kellyfag
And you're the one repeating yourself over and over again, you're throwing off the atmosphere of this general for the sake of geographical penis comparison
Either calm down or shitpost on Sup Forums 24/7


> ___ is a shithole

ya'll defending your countries and attacking other anons on national bases, and it's funny cause you are all considered rejects in your countries by your fellow countrymen. genetic waste. lmao. L M AO

>it wasn't me, it was someone else.

You stayed up the entire night doing what you are doing now, reposting the same thing over and over. And left butthurt while I left to fuck my girl and get a good nights rest. That was funny :^). Tonight again?

DIdn't hear you over the sound of Bulgaria being a shithole. Bulgarian women are whores. Bulgaria will always be the dump of Europe. Bulgarians have low IQs and can't do anything more with their low natural talent. Bulgarians are considered the lowest scum in Europe everywhere. Bulgarians commit huge amounts of crime in every EU country they're in. the Bulgarian population will keep shrinking until only some old Turks and gypsies are left.

Bulgaria is done and over with like roasted beef

not me. i dont go out and dont know anyone in my neighbourhood therefore nobody looks down on me

unironically the best balkan map

prove me wrong

protip, you can't

And before you throw the ball to the spammer, realise that YOU created him, he's acting like that because of YOU, and the only person who has defended you so far is a selyak (not my words), but it's ok, since everyone that dislikes you is a russophile, right?

Did you know that your girl thinks Bulgaria is a shithole? Bulgarian women are whores. Bulgaria will always be the dump of Europe. Bulgarians have low IQs and can't do anything more with their low natural talent. Bulgarians are considered the lowest scum in Europe everywhere. Bulgarians commit huge amounts of crime in every EU country they're in. the Bulgarian population will keep shrinking until only some old Turks and gypsies are left.

Bulgaria is done and over with like roasted beef

Sure buddy. Even your fellow Turk - erm - Greek countryman told you to stop chimping out :^)

you owe money bro. where is my fucking money???

Does no one have a fucking claim on that european part of Turkey? Someone has to take it ffs.

I'm trying to reason with your newfaggot as and you're trying to discredit me as the slammed, which I clearly am not, stop throwing this general into the gutter and just take that summer job dude

My fellow Greek countryman believes that Bulgaria is a shithole. Bulgarian women are whores. Bulgaria will always be the dump of Europe. Bulgarians have low IQs and can't do anything more with their low natural talent. Bulgarians are considered the lowest scum in Europe everywhere. Bulgarians commit huge amounts of crime in every EU country they're in. the Bulgarian population will keep shrinking until only some old Turks and gypsies are left.

Bulgaria is done and over with like roasted beef

I like it desu. Albanians master race


i think if any balkan country took european turkey they would instantly become a minority in their own country

pretty sure it has like 15 million residents

Greece has the best claim but is bankrupt
Bulgaria came closest to reconquering it but they're also Turks
Russia is powerful enough to take it but hasn't for some reason