Post your ethnic religion

How widely practiced?

If dead, are there non-meme revival movement?

>Ethnic religion
Are you talking about real religions or pagan shit?


>"real" religion


>How widely practiced

Some ethnic groups still practice them, but they're a minority. Although some traditions blended up with catholicism, especially in the north (Andacollo and La Tirana), and in Chiloe.

>If dead, are there non-meme revival movement
No, methodism and other protestant churches are filling that gap between the native people

im a sikh
we make up 0.39% of the worlds population and usually migrate to western countries and retain out faith pretty well as migrants. Usually the 2nd generations become less religious and loose their religious identity, i doubt they'd ever try to revive it if it died out, theres always india to keep it alive thoguh

i guess you could say anglicanism is my ethnic religion, though it's mainly practiced by old ladies and black africans these days.

Still kicking, but not for long. About 100,000 or so still around, but in rapid decline.


Russia has one of the largest Pagan populations in the world

Killed by the Carolingians, resurected during Renaissance thanks to Gallicanism then definetely killed by Ultramontanism


Forgot the pic

Catholicism must perish

more than in India? there is just a handful of Mari pagan worshippers and even less Far North/Siberian shamanists


Old Norse religion is our "ethnic" religion followed by the more recent Christian invasion.
The pagan still have small groups of active people, so does the other kind.
But in the vast majority people are atheist here.

Is Sikhism the ethnic religion of the Punjabi people?

How connected is it with Punjab identity?

At university I once met a "Russian" girl from the Northern Ural and she looked 100% like a meme-Finn. She said to me she was orthodox but the Pagan gods/Spirits are still worshiped in her family. She was impressive.

>Old Norse religion is our "ethnic" religion followed by the more recent Christian invasion.

And a more recent invasion of people that believe in congolese swamp monsters and the power of albino human fesh.

Sikhism is just a few hundred years old, but if I had to choose a religion it probably would be Sikhism. They are very reasonable. But those Nazis don't accept foreigners.
Fuck off, you bald Hinduscum.

Dead, but Halloween is one of the biggest holidays here which is most overtly pagan festival

only religions worth adhering to are ethnic religions

Dead, but we still celebrate Springs day, Flowers day and regionally there are the day of Tomor

In most countries Pagans make up like 0.1% of the population

post screenshot of the whatsapp message

Our "catholicism" 200 years ago in the villages might as well been called a syncretic folk religion if you read some excepts from books that touch beliefs and practizes of the time.
Well, thats dead of course and I would ask you kindly to not even look on the bunch of esoteric aquablling hippieshits that talk about being bagans here.

Volga Finno-Ugrics don't look like Suomi Finns at all (except for Erzya perhaps), many of them have slanted eyes and Asian look. Khanti and Mansi are just pure Asian (Paleo-Siberian) stock. North-Western Finno-Ugrics (Vepsi, Izhora, Karels, Vod') look like Suomi but have been all Orthodox Christians for centuries (except for Lutheran Ingermanland Finns). Real Paganism (not LARP crap) is only practised among Mari (who don't look like Suomi at all) and small indigenous tribes. Looks like you were bullshitted.

It' a photo of a cat

Idk... depends on what region and what time are you talking about... in general it's paganism... thanks to scandinavia

pretty cute desu

this is LARP bulshit not real paganism and figures are inflated like in 100000 times

They are shit tier "pagans" though and not genuinly faithful people who adhere to rules and values that were passed down. Makes me sick to see the former always trying to leech off the latter by pretending they have something in common.

Stop that,
into the Gulag you must go, Ivan

>ywn have a slavic pagan gf