
Nakakasawa na sila edition

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How is Aldub nowadays?

meh, I only like Jadine for their duets anyway.

How to end up working in britain?
want to go and get me a fancy white girl

best bae reporting in

Passe, their primetime TV show flopped and will end this month.

Funny, I actually met Alden at a restaurant back in January.

I cannot stop masturbating to asian women, is there something wrong with me?

pic related

You have a fever.

It's called "Yellow fever".

I have this problem too. Even Asians that would be considered ugly in their country are attractive to me. I think it's just yellow fever.

and I love me my white people
dat girl ugly tho

Who's our (country)-tan

What about this girl

Yes. You need to stop masturbating and get the slanted pussy a big, strong whitey like you deserves.

average sorta

meh but better than the previous one

>Skin colour
She looks like an average flip in Manila


well, I wouldn't call her ugly...

Dancing Kampilan


Not to put it in a bad way I mean
She looks nice I guess

this kind of cringy desu

How come nobody uses the Kampilan in Escrima? It'd be the answer to the Kendo's katana or the HEMA's longsword

It's just a traditional dance jeez other sword martial art has it's own,sort of

you know that thing Kendo does?

This is now /asean/ martial arts edition


Heavy 1.5 hand swords aren't really that useful in Escrima..
Escrima is dual wield, not really so much for two handed

Remember this pic?
The small sword that he has is called a Mamoru Katana in Japanese, its other names are Cattan (Spanish Invasion) and Philippine Katana.

They are actually the ones that had been used in training back in the ancient Philippines. No one really uses Kampilan except for the Moros.


Does Jelqing Really Work?

its so choreographed and unauthentic
not suitable for the style

what does the boxer codex say?

Katana in the PH dates further back than the Spanish Invasion

>No one really uses Kampilan except for the Moros.

not really, more like the lauo is the ones that uses that

I'm pretty sure those are not Kampilan but other types of sword. As you can see, they're shorter, smaller and has a triangular protrusion at the pommel.

it seems to describe the word katana rather than the sword

those are probably kalis

Yeah, it's just proof. I mean Katanas originated in China anyways. I think that might be a Chinese influence rather than a Japanese one. But I think the Japanese traders might have just coined the term.

boooo I'm not into katanas

also,is this a kampilan?

does that come from the boxer codex itself?

who are the lauo people?

If the Kampilan is primarily a Two-handed sword then why is the hilt so short?

I don't think so. Kampilan swords are straight, not curved.

Damn, flips were the OG Samurai.

I think it's a 1.5 handed sword like a Japanese Katana. But that remains a mystery. I'm no sword expert so I don't know the purpose of that.

Well the Chinese and Koreans too. It's the influence. No surprise there. But I'd take bets that the original dual wielding samurais might be Flips because there are no others with techniques as unique as FMA swordfighting.

this is

well, it is usually paired up with a shield
seems too large for a kalis



Well Tagalogs did use the trio combination of a Shield, A spear, and the Cattan.

so we got the word despite the nonexistence of the actual sword

Flip history is a mystery isn't it?

this is what I mean by kalis or keris

kek were mixing bullshit after bullshit
are tagalogs the lauo?

>kek were mixing bullshit after bullshit
Well it's from an old Spanish Manuscript so I have no choice but to trust and cling on that one. I mean the Boxer's codex can't lie right? Hm..

>are tagalogs the lauo?
That, I have no idea.

Is this armor native or did we got it from the spanish?
come on, there'a probably a two-handed variation of escrima.besides, you can still use a Kampilan with one hand.

>Well it's from an old Spanish Manuscript so I have no choice but to trust and cling on that one. I mean the Boxer's codex can't lie right? Hm.


>a probably a two-handed variation of escrima
Well if there was, it's probably forgotten now. I mainly see Escrima being used in Dual Wielding and Staff fighting.

The Boxer's Codex?

wtf chinaXD

well since this is the only thing we have going for the "proof"
do you have the link where it say that thisis thisand does it come form the boxer codex?


google is blocked in China


ooooh try filipino

hey pinoys, i have a request to find a video

it's a music video about manila, i remember the ref being "manila manila oh manilaaaa"
the video is in mid 2000s MTV style, you know magazine cutouts and shit. I distinctly remember a frame of your tuktuk with human eyes and lips singing manila manila oh manila, god I loved that video.
my dad brought it home from manila to us in indonesia, would appreciate if I could see it again

>do you have the link where it say that this
What do you mean?
books.google.com.au/books?id=GiCTPPnBuHEC&pg=PA102&lpg=PA102&dq=tagalog bideo&source=bl&ots=xCV3Qg2OMh&sig=kK83Fc0-ZtFLQgtfMErDLlrcO_U&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjSoabj6ePTAhUJwbwKHaOdBLQQ6AEIQTAG#v=onepage&q=tagalog bideo&f=false


I doubt there are many people that wrote about the lost swords of the Philippines like what was in the Boxer's Codex. But my greatest bet are from different obscure sources that might explain what they are such as I have not read the whole book so I have no idea. Maybe if i study Philippine history, they'd go more indepth on these topics.

take on as a course*


Then it holds no water.
If only we have our own records.

For once, I would love to see an asean thread that isn't dominated by Filipinos.

That's from an old dictionary and not from the boxer codex itself

You oughta ask the person who made the book. And find credible evidences whether the Boxer's Codex is legit or not. I'd doubt it would be fake since it was written by some Spanish guy to record history from hundreds of years ago.

I tried to search up the history of the Katana in both English and Chinese, but so far have not found any reference to a Chinese origin of Japanese blades in general.

I'm also not sure how far Chinese sword culture influenced Japanese sword culture. Although the Nips use the same character 刀 to refer to swords, the Nip pronunciation of the word has always been 'Katana' or something similar, while the Chink pronunciation is closer to the modern reading 'Dao'.

The last time I remember anyone saying that Katanas had a direct Chinese influence was on Chinese state television, which you can probably guess tends to be overzealous in claiming its cultural exports.

I did however find that a famous Song Dynasty poet was so enamoured with Katanas that he wrote an entire poem around it, which you can read here:


Those fuckin' weebs I swer

How sad then that's not the cattan

>How sad then that's not the cattan
Well what else would it be called?
>It looks like the Japanese Katana but it's not
>It was used in the Philippines
>It's in the Boxer's Codex
That's probably enough evidence there, I mean even the Spanish coined the term Cattan.
Spain does not have a direct access to Japan, but only through the Philippines. Portugal did though, so it's another proof that it happened in the Philippines

That happened recently.

The Indons booted out Ahok and everyone agreed that the Tagalog-Bisayan wars were a much better topic than Indon politics.

Does it actually say that in the boxer codex
It would be a lot safer to assume if it does
Especially with the picture

Does Singapore have good music.

I think I might have another source. Trying to look for it now.

Ah yes, Boxers Codex (English Translated) page 528. Says right there.
books.google.com.au/books?id=_W7sCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA3&dq=the boxers codex&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiRxY6W6_HTAhUJvrwKHdxKD5wQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=the boxers codex&f=false

Can't help but agree with this guy.


>Tagalog-Bisayan wars were a much better topic than Indon politics.
Agree. Just patiently wait until they're killing each other IRL.

Not that I know of. There are lots of small indie bands but they're all so small none of them really stick out to me.

This is one of the more popular ones:

Somehow remember this one song from someone:

Other than that a bunch of local singers have managed to break into the chinkpop (China, Taiwan, HK) market over the years, but I don't think that really counts as 'Singaporean' music.

I think it's just the case that we aren't big enough to support a music industry. If you're a band or a singer or what you can't 'tour' Singapore. Typically big internationally-acclaimed bands that come here will just have a big concert and leave for their next gig.

Then again, we did have Malay boybands and 'Xinyao' (locally-based chinkpop) maybe 20 or 30 years ago but they've all died out by now.

That said there're probably underground music scenes that I'm not aware of. I do remember chancing upon 'Singaporean Death Metal' once but it was really generic for death metal.

Do check out this lit rap made by the media ministry a few years back though:

Can you highlight where it describes the swords. I'm on my phone its seem stuck on introduction

It won't work if you can't bypass the google play view limit.. Use a computer to do it, or buy the book.

well said

btw sorry if our sjw cause some shits in your country recently

kek even the boxer codex cant answer if that's the cattan or not

the rest is in Spanish tho

>tfw slow internet wants me to load the whole image book

Yes. Only scripts of its usage and how it was kept. It never even mentioned the names of the other swords and just called them, "Espadas". Which is pretty generic. But sometimes they include the names if they coined the term.

>bombed the Huk
Truly a hero

we cant even assume then thats disappointing

No one can call anything definite, not even the whole Philippine language. Everything was made and retrieved from countless speculations, and proofs from different sources, even our history. But the evidence is there unless you have another name for that kind of sword, it's now called a Cattan.

You mean because of the Ahok thing? Barely anyone here actually cares. Only Indochinks and the Western media.

Truthfully I'm a bit concerned as well being that I'm the descendant of Indochinks but
1. I'm not an Indon and not well-versed in the workings of Indon society so I don't think I'm capable of making a well-informed judgment
2. I think people might be overreacting a bit. Though I can understand where they're coming from I'm wary of getting too caught up in hype.

Does it even label it as cattanWeird we never use it again
What does it say about the lauo people?

We must figure out which group the warrior is from

>Weird we never use it again
That's not only about the Cattan, but the other swords as well. We now have these low quality provincial swords.. I wonder what happened to the swords that we used in the Boxer's Codex.

>What does it say about the lauo people?
I have no idea. I think even the translations changed the spelling.

Actually this Is Brunei
They also depicted actual Japanese and Chinese in the boxer codex
So there's a chance that thisIs not even a flip

The whole Boxer's Codex are about flips and tradees / merchants. They are listed in a group as "Natives", and I don't know where you got your info that they're from "Brunei", but that's probably false.

Its labeled as bruney

I don't know any groups here named Malucos
Its probably Malaca Malaysians

Wikipedia says they're from the Moluccas.