The NEET dream is ending

The NEET dream is ending.
My parrents are sending me on a brigade to pick fruits in england. How can a shut-in fat looser get along with 5 other normans and live with them for half an year?

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Lose weight and try to be more social with them I guess? Sound like it could be a fun experience l

consider yourself lucky idiot
youll drop kilos, gona get some company, earn money and if you have half a brain, youll stay there and work a comfy job while a not too ugly slag sucking your willy

I should just kill myself at this point, i will never bave friends or famaly of my own i'm destined to become a pathetic, wierd drunktard, at least people feels sorry for suicidal youth

you're supposed to become a neet in a first world country and not Bulgaria, mate

I will have literally notbing to talk with them. My life consists of hanging out on the chan and porn.
Dont have facebook or shit like that

Something is not right in the head with me m8

You'll find something. You just have to listen and ask relevant questions for conversations. People love talking about themselves.

Wouldn't it be strange for them to tell me their lifestories while i never say anything?

that is slave job
you will earn more money begging

t. xpozed

.т eкcпoзд

you will work togather, thats instantly something
stop being so edgy little shit, fit in!

Yep. £6.70 an hour to pick shit of the ground for 10 hrs. 6 days a week. If i had money i would buy a gun and splatter my brain all over the house

say goodbye to your spine

I'm sure lying in bed all day is a lot worse for your spine.

>"hey Norman Normanov III, what you think of those onions we picked for 10 hrs.? Our jew boss might give us a 5 second break tomorrow?"
Sigh. When i come back hERe i would have enought money to go down in a blaze of glory

fuck that shit bro
when you get there try to find some construction job or anything else

>tfw 115 kg.
Might legitimetly die a week into it

Just say something that they'd laugh at. Like "ah, my life is pretty boring so that's why I cam here to pick fruit"

£6.70 an hour is a lot more than doctors get in Bulgaria, or in any Balkans country. You should be grateful for not picking fruit in fucking Bulgaria

You'll get like £400 a week, which is more than you'd get in a month in Bulgaria.
You'll be out-earning your parents.

Also, UK bosses will give you breaks, since they can go to court if they don't.

Ijust want basic income avaiable for all europeans, i dont want to work FÙUUUUCK

take a part-time job in your country. then your parents would be somewhat convinced. full time-NEETing cant actually justify anything. working as a farmer is actually fucking hard.

Say something positive like "I was a neet in my home country but now I want to change myself (even if you don't want to)" to the coworkers.
At first they will laugh at you and I guess that is the biggest reason you are worried in socialization, but in the end they will understand you gradually.

my ticket is brought and a farm has employed me. no going back now, tomorrow i leave :(
most of those fruit pickers are bulgarian and romanian so chances they'll know im a looser, i hope my roommates are all romanians but its doubtful

Who cares, m8

You're going to live in England, not a shitty balkanite cunt. If it were the other way round, your concern would be justified.

UK employers aren't fucking balkan animals. They're going to treat you with respect, unlike a balkanite boss who'd fuck you over and abuse you. If your coworkers give you shit and make you feel shitty, you can always complain to HR, boss or the authorities and your cunt coworker who abuses you will get fired and will have to fuck off.

You've got a fresh start. Don't worry that much, you're shooting yourself in the foot if you worry because nothing bad is happening, actually employment in the West is very positive

you are a retarded kid but this will make you an adult
shut up, speak if you are spoken to
act like a normal human being, dont whine because of your work

make an effort or die

should've went to turkey, serdar

>£400 a week, which is more than you'd get in a month in Bulgaria
>400 British Pound equals 921.40 Bulgarian Lev
Not sure about that.


ti mislis da ce ga neko postovati u jebenom vocnjaku ili na njivi
ima da ga tretiraju ko klasicnog subhumana
tako nas smatraju ovi sa zapada

Well OP does at least know the language so he could save some money and actually look for another job while there.

c'mon now.

how the hell would you earn more than 400 pounds a month in Bulgaria with no education and experience?

Croatia isn't much richer than Bulgaria, but my friend who also was a neet for 2 years and only has a highschool education and no work experience works full time in a resort town in Croatia and makes like 320 pounds (380 eur) a month while working 9 hours a day, 6 days a week...

btw he was so sad when he told us that his parents forced him to work there, but now after a month he came back for a few days and was the happiest I've seen him in a long while and he even made a few friends there (he's an autist aswell)

>tako nas smatraju ovi sa zapada
pa nema sumnje.
Ali po zakonu ga nesmije podjebavat. Nije to balkan da mu ne isplatis placu na vrijeme, da mu ne platis cijelu placu.

U UK se moze ic zaliti i poslodavac najebe. Zato to ne rade tamo.

Tu bi ti se gazda smijao i dao ti nogu da mu se zalis da te neko jebe na poslu jer si autistican

>no education and experience
Well yeah, that is kinda important.

a kako ce da zivi tamo od 1200 funti
hrana,stan itd
to je tamo ispod svakog minimalca
to je ko kad bi neko u hr radio za 200 evra

Tie što idat na farmi vo Britanija, Italija itn voobičaeno imaat obezbedeno smestuvanje i hrana.

>a kako ce da zivi tamo od 1200 funti
hrana,stan itd

na tim poslovima na kojima radis na njivi ti poslodavac da da spavas sa jos 10 ljudi u baraci.

Obicno ti da neki rucak.

tako je bar u njemackoj

Ma sa samo 200 funti mozes kupiti hrane kolko god oces u Tesco itd.

koji kurac je ovo

imaju kurac
isli mi neki poznanici u italiju zive u nekim baraka pacovi ih jedu
hranu sami kupovali

Epa sea, kako ti se padne verojatno.

Epa da, пo пpинцип.

>hranu sami kupovali

pa na zapadu je hrana najjeftinija

odi na

renta je najgora.

U skotskoj, u sranje djelu Glasgowa platis 300 funti za malu sobicu i jos 100 funti za rezije.

Nemogu si niti zamisliti kolko je za to u Engleskoj

i na kraju mu ostane 3k funti i izgubi kicmu radeci 10x6 3-6meseci
smesna je to lova za toliko zlopacenje
sto je najgore radeci posao na kojem nece steci nikakve vestine

ovo sve govorim iz iskustva jer sam ja kao klinac radio ovo kod nas za 8 evra na dan

nikome ne bih to pozeleo

work at a call center subhuman

in tataria they might give you a few hundred bux

>i na kraju mu ostane 3k funti


mozda ce potrositi 200 na mjesec, ako je pametan

poslodavac osigura smjestaj i nesto malo hrane.

I isto moze traziti dotle za neki manje usran posao.

>kao klinac radio ovo kod nas
>8 evra na dan

zao mi je dbi, ali kolko si bio star? Jesu te roditelji forsirali?

Call centres are shit. It's like manual labour, but in an office enviroment.
No way to improve, to get a promotion or even a good raise.

But it beats working on a fucking field

bulgar op should maybe look for a call centre job while in the UK. Much better if you can handle the insults from chavs

jesu i nisu,pasivno agresivno keva dok ti ne nabije osecaj krivice
leti na 40c
ziveti na selu u vojvodini to je jedini nacin zarade

>If i had money i would buy a gun and splatter my brain all over the house
now youll have money for that :)

picku materinu.

jel si im morao i dati pare?

Sjetio sam se kad sam imao 13-14 godina da je frend obecao da ce nam platiti svakom 200kn (25 eur) ako letke djelimo.

mjesec dana smo po cijelom novom zagrebu nosili letke od 8 ujutro do 3 popodne po ljetnoj vrucini.

na kraju mjeseca kaze kao da je sef srao njegovom bratu i da svakom moze dati 25 KUNA (3 eura).

jebe mi se. nisam ni uzeo pare. bar nije bas bilo tesko i po druzili smo se kek

immigrants can't really buy guns in the UK. not even natives can 2bh

>immigrants can't really buy guns in the UK. not even natives can 2bh
you think im retarded?
next youll tell me 1+1 is 2

>you think im retarded?

well, your yurovision girl did leave me wondering what the fuck you were thinking

not that our 'fat cunt' was any better

in bulgaria you can't legally buy a gun unless you're +30 y.o., you have to go to shrink and the cop has to think you have a reason to buy one
i don't have friends so don't even know where to look for one on the black market