Polish guy in the Netherlands was going 75km/h over the speed limit

>Polish guy in the Netherlands was going 75km/h over the speed limit
>Swerves into a bike lane, kills a 2 year old and two elderly people
>Gets sentenced to 120 hours of community service
>Gets released early and deported to Poland because his wife's pregnant

Is there a bigger shithole than the Netherlands? This reminds me of that afghan mudslime who killed a woman and got out in 12 years despite being homicidal and attacking police with a hammer.

Other urls found in this thread:


Shit, forgot source

Father throws chair at judge for sentencing.


who cares
one dutch cuck less


It's just a Dutch m8.
Who really cares?
You can slap that shit out of air and no one would care

>nazi dispatches 77 people
>gets 21 years in a prison that's more like a hotel
>unironically complains that his human rights were violated after the justice system refused to upgrade his PS2 to PS3

oh Norway

>the city of netherlands

europeans are so lenient, jesus, what went wrong

>go to prison in the US for having a gram of weed on you
>anally raped and tortured for years
>come out a hardened criminal
At least we have capital punishment to make this shit SHORT for some people.

American system looks like it's for pussies too, if you look at what Russia does. It's basically still the gulag over there.

Oh yeah. Russia sounds like it's the absolute hardest.

>complains that his human rights were violated after the justice system refused to upgrade his PS2 to PS3
>gets to troll like that and legally they can't stop him because his "hoomun rightz" would be violated
Then people here think that is what we should be aiming for...

>Norwegian politician gets raped by Somali

I think muslims have this weird thing for buttraping men/boys tbqh.

In Russia one can get around 5-7 years for murdering a person. You think it's fine?

Not what I saw

He should have just killed her.

Wrong actually, he did get community service at first but when the prosecution appealed it he got 15 months prison time. But then the BS started as they couldnt catch him untill '16 when English police arrested him in the UK.
He went to jail but recently got released because his gf is pregnant.
The committee who made this decision literally stated the interests of the perpetrator were of bigger value than the interests of the victims.
It is more important that the perpetrator gets to witness his child be born than the parents of this murdered child see him do his time

>It is more important that the perpetrator gets to witness his child be born than the parents of this murdered child see him do his time

Dutch laws are fine. But our judges are terrible.

First he got 120 days of community service.
Then the prosecutors went into appeal.
Then in appeal he got sentenced to 15 months.
Then it turned out he had fled the country.
He was arrested in the UK.
Then he went to prison. And just sat out like 5 months or so before he was released to be with his child.

Our politicians often talk about introducing minimum sentences or stop with releasing people prematurely entirely.
Under standard rules you get released after sitting out 2/3th of your punishment by default.
And lately that has become quite controversial.

Only when you get a life sentence you cannot be released. But almost nobody ever gets one.

Fucking hell the absolute state of the mighty Europe. I say we close our borders now

You guys need to listen to texas when it comes to criminals.

what the fuck is wrong with you toothpaste land?

Indeed. The PS2 is much better than the PS3.

Prison in Scandinavia would be a massive step up from my current situation. Killing someone in Norway would put me in a hotel.
>Not that I could ever kill a fellow European.

We solved that by not having life sentence. You get 20 or 40 instead, but you have to complete them, no excuses. The problem with life is that it doesn't scares anyone and that it always comes down to less time irl. But if you have someone in his 30's he knows he is not going out no fucking matter what before he is 50, and he is done. Better kys

Jeez I'm so lucky... Won't come back there though, sorry Dutch for that xD

You cannot be released early with life sentences here though.

Life is life here.

And any punishment above 30 years gets converted to life.


Life is never life don't bullshit me bro


The dutch are degenerate subhumans. The child soldier will become a murderer, that girl would have become your average degenerate dutch whore.

well that solves that.

Is there anyone who isn't a subhuman to you, grecko?

No bro, wiki a shit. Link your criminal law if you want to convince anyone
Why are you being so rude out of nowhere what's the matter with you

He's a greek that shits on literally everybody on here. You can post the ultimate 10/10 and he will call her a subhuman. Pretty rich coming from a greek.

Hail Satan!

>He's a greek
he is a fucking roach.

A few years ago our politicians increased the prison sentences from a maximum of 20 years (or life) to 30 years (or life).
But the judges didn't get the message.

Last year or so they introduced that you could only be released early if certain conditions are met.

And two days ago there was a majority in parliament that wants to end early releases entirely.


in the past raping fellow man was considered act of dominance. as long as you are the one fucking you are badass and perfectly straight.

Netherlands is reddit: the country

nordcucks and nedercucks are most lenient of all. it's really pathetic.

we are a meme country. victim's reaction after hearing the sentence youtube.com/watch?v=DNRTfhmDJ7g

>Is there a bigger shithole than the Netherlands?

>there are flags in this thread RIGHT NOW that do not have the death penalty