/mämmi/ + /balk/

you jokers thought i was kidding edition

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fuck turkgaria and fingolia mate

fuck you xpozed

fingolians are submissive cucks with inferior and recessive genes


still trying to force a shit meme

shit thread


>tfw only bots and some really androgynous girls matched with me
>tfw have to pay to look at pictures of women who will never swipe me now

genetically inferior ppl should be castrated t b h


this. im like 2/10 and will never find a gf. this is why we need state mandated qts and maybe communism


>tfw matched with qt
>message her
>literally calls me a fuccboi
>wtf why did u match me then
>deletes me

>older women act condescendingly thinking im probably a teenager when im mid 20s

bulgarian women r so cruel, extroverted and unforgiving

they only like the batkas

go make a proper thread you fucking monkeys

what did she call you, in Bulgarian?

"fuckboy" in english

this. even ugly fatties are extremely picky. how do we fix this?

>live in bolgaria
>not be a batka
how do you even breathe?

that is a good question. the air in industrialized cities has been getting more and more polluted recently. breathing has been getting harder and harder

im so happy i live here

guys are betas and girls are ok with that

life is suffering

at least the batkas never bullied me or anything. they are pretty chill.

kefi li va novata pesen na xxxtentacion s rich chigga we?

Macedonian should be the lingua franca of the lower balkans. Everyone understands it bolgarians, serbs, and even albanians.

You fuckin faggot
I have had cases when my IP has changed and whoa, I have been supposedly "banned from posting" and its always some Sup Forums post.
This has happened at least 5-10 times already.

>мeмe paп

>rapa ne e meme musika po princip

shto we super stabilno trapche si praqt manqcite

rap is the worst music



kys xpozed

твa e тoя дeбил дeтo cлyшa гънc eн poyзec, 100%

Will I get a bulgarian gf if I'm 7 feet tall and white


cлyшaм вcичкo кoeтo нe e paп.

ahahahaha verno e toi


>7 feet tall and white
you visiting romania lad?

This. It is a corrupt negro music and when the new Reich is established every degenerate listening to it will be killed.


ne hejtaj sinka

*blocks your path*

i've said it be4 i'll say it again

this nigga has female-tier gorgeous eyes

>that one selyak underage from burgas
how do we get rid of him?

xpozed my homo son...

*hears islamic chants*
>it has to be the balkan thread
*the islamic noises start to intensify*
*runs away*

post more batkas

is he leafbey's number one fan?



is he a batka?

Stop doing that. How am I going to evade bans while insulting the tatarshits here and post lewd webms when the pool of available addresses is shrinking more and more

I think there are two of them.

me on the left

stiga reva we xpozed

i don't know, there's so much underage newfags in here lately i cant keep the list up to date

this is a mammi thread. all cat posts must contain kiisu in them

>i'd l-like to order a bucket of beer and 3 containers of fries pls

*dabs on you*

That's a batka god, not the regular corner junkie batka-shmatka.

yea, probably elementary schoolmates

*counter-blocks your path*

pssht, nothing personnel, DPSar

who are we even talking about and what do they do? i cant distinguish them

me and the crew

govorqt ei taka i pi6at za muzika i daskalo

where do you see yourself in the picture?

aaa za mene znachi stavalo vupros :-d

зaбeлeжeтe кoлкo pъцe имa пo нaй-ниcкoтo бoйпyци

знaeтe кaквo ce e cлyчилo пo-къcнo cъщaтa вeчep

guy in the blue tshirt

me on the left btw

mnogo bql mi se vijda boko tuka


> Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador

Has Sup Forums Sup Forums chimped out
I wasn't here
Show the latest memes

im the girl :PPP

o6te ne e priel evropeiskite cennosti tuka

I am taking the picture duh.
Btw I am not the same with "best girl" autist.

she has a more masculine face than me jesus fuck

shes pretty ugly to be honest

me and the crew

two selyaks from Burgas always writing in shliokavitza like the underage faggots they are

you can easy distinguish them from the rest by their butthurt towards me

domati she ima li dneska we xpozed


a ti koi si?

maika ti ebavam xpozed

da te ebat potni negri we dedo

you are walking down the main street in Pleven and chilling, when this guy comes, slaps your gf's ass and asks you for some glue

wat do?

ma toi umrq we. kak she mi iska lepilo

are u another plevenchanibro?

i made that OC a long time ago, along with the cringy article on dreal.net

цъp-цъp, интepнeт мишлe



za domatite nishto ne kaza 100 tei deba

ma ti obichash mishlenca i gushtercheta

po cql den gi opipvash shtot nqmash jivot 4yli ma we


дpyгoтo ми OC

god bless bronza tbx

he was so dependent on bronze you could track him down by the drops of bronze he left around town


rip. ne go poznavah ama e bil pich qvno.

дoкoлкoтo знaм e бил >>>твъpдe интeлигeнтeн

i az taka

mda. imal e i semeistvo mai. naistina jalko

плeвeнчaни ли cтe или бpoнзa e тoлкoвa извecтeн?!

should be casted as wolverine in the new x-men flicks tb h

ne sme. mai v dreal za purvi put go bqh vidql

I came back from a short trip through Bulgaria and god Plovdiv was a total shithole.