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International #749
Walk around normal, working class neighborhood
Why is Sup Forums filled with autists ?
WOW what are they all fleeing?
Is this the official whiteness indicator?
Hi Sup Forums
/fuggen/ ehemals /deutsch/
Holy shit the madman actually did it
What language do you think sounds the worst? I think hungarian
19yo in a few months
Italian cucks strike again
Look up videos of interviews with Japanese women on the street
Kurva anyátok
Daily Poland hate thread
Culture Pals /cp/
Where will be the new home of the European people once the continent is overtaken by African/Middle Eastern migration?
/cum/ Cambodia Uganda Macedonia
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world
You must to a part of the former French empire besides France and Quebec. What do you choose?
Unifies the Former Soviet States into the Soviet Union again
Tfw no Euro bf
Don't race mix because your children will look ug-
Be me (american)
1. country
2-0 painos
Why isn't this a thing,?
Sverigetråden - Estetiska upplagan
/hilo latino/
Be american
/MENA/ Death to Israel edition
Wtf i hate poland now
Is Germany the most Americanized country in Europe? Why or why not? In terms of architecture, I would say yes...
Europe now bases it's borders based on genes
/fr/ - Le Francofil de l'eternel suedois
Any Gerries here? I want to visit Germany, where should I go?
Where's The Best Place To Live In Ireland?
/ex-ussr/ general
Questions for Russians: Do you consider USA your vassal now?
We need more of this into Greece
Where is the best place to get a burger in your country?
/BRiD GmbH ehemals und nie wieder deutsch/
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/MENA/ + /balk/
What's the difference between a King and Emperor?
Guess the face of the poster above you
Why does US healthcare suck so much despite the government spending so much money on it?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
/éire/ - /eire/
You have 30 seconds to be as Japanese as possible
Why everyone calling russians mongols? We are not!
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
How come Br*ts were allowed to leave the EU, but when Greeks wanted to, they weren't allowed?
If you have to marry a woman of this countries, which country's woman do you want to marry?
/ITA/ - il filo
How do we fix americans, lads?
Why germany's fertility rate is so low?
If your flag is unrecognizable in black and white, you are not a real country
Is USA seen as a role model in your country?
According to this map, I am a fucking dirty slav. Kill me pls
Miss World Hungary - Choose your favorite magyar girl!
ITT: Misconceptions you had about countries when you were younger
I think there is only one way to make Europe great, and that is to absolutely support Germany in every possible way
Having browsed Sup Forums for a full year now, I have come to hate Sweden more than I hate Russia
His country's flag doesn't have red and white colours on it
Tfw swiss
Is 16cm penis small in your cunt?
One shot at life
/vocaroo/ thread - Triste Thursday edition
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1855
/schweiz/, vor langer Zeit mal /deutsch/
We should have better relations with them
/polska/ /szymborska/
Is your country overpopulated?
Korrans are really ugly
How do Asian men live in the US? I heard They are the least popular men in the US
/v4/ + friends
Australia never thanked us for saving their ass in 1683
We the Italians never thanked Greeks for civilizing them?
1. your a country
Why is it okay for a black woman to date white man, but for white women not okay date black man...
I want to marry with Brazilian
1. Your pee hole
Pure baltic men edition
RIP Chris Cornell
Depression is hitting again
Why are Greeks so non-european?
I am curious about China !
Are Greeks closer to Italians or other Balkan people?
Which country has the highest proportion of women who are virgins?
Why do literally all Germans hate Trump so much?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
*beats the meat to futa hentai*
Mfw train is full
/hell/ - Hellas General Ελλάς
How do we stop them?
What do people in your cunt think of him?
And who!s better?
When compared to women elsewhere in Scandinavia...
2012 election : arabs and black wave their african flags in paris
For me it's Poland
ITT: Sup Forums in 1988
In this ITT thread we make full aphabetical list of Brasilian cuisine
Mfw not Japanese
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico +Finland
Do Japanese women love men from your country? South Korea, of course
Moving to Russia
Year 2000
Polish are colonising Britain
/ex-ussr/ general
I want to kill all white people and repopulate the earth with black, korean and turk women
Name a better alliance, oh that's right you can't
A system of measurement in the UK
Australians were chucked by Americans
Tfw no catholic russian gf
ITT:All people in the world are Chinese.Start
What happens here?
Kurva anyátok
If you could visit any country for free, what would it be?
*blocks your sovereignty*
Do Japanese like black?
What's cunts don't you ike?
White "people" rape, steal, enslave and kill millions of people across the world in the name of "colonization"
Why is are Indians cancer?
You have all night (or day) to name 1 famous literally work originating from Australia or Canada
Post clay that your country owns that really really pisses people off
What were some geographical misconceptions you had as a kid?
Niggas be like 'white people can't fight'
How fucked is Thailand now that this dummy is the king
When you realize that over half of the people you're talking to are newfag normies that came here with the Trump...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do you have AC in your house? How common is it in your country?
Why haven't you joined your countries military yet?
Why do Asian men despise non-Asian's so much?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Be me
Post your cunts food
Culture Pals /cp/ General : Pray for Russia edition
How long before this stupid shithouse cunt's actions lead to another war in Europe?
Which countries girls are the most ugly girls?
I fucking hate this country,im gonna do it guys
Tfw not american
Which slav loves Japan the most?
Anal licking and discrimination
Genuine discussion about why civilization stalled throughout much of Africa...
Please cum to Mexico
HDI is a meme
/luso/ fio lusofono
/fr/ - Le Francofil Québécois et francophone
I've been looking so long at these pictures of you, that I almost believe that they're real
Americans on suicide watch
L.A. rocked in the 80s
If you're Japanese and don't live in one of these types of houses, you're a disgrace to your culture
Tfw everything and everyone has been influenced by the greeks
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Anyone on Sup Forums live in this state?
I just want to see it get nuked
Statistically, does Peru produced the most beautiful women in the world?
/lang/ - Language Learning & Linguistics thread
Koreans are really ugly
Do you know that yesterday was international day against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia...
What language is more expressive: Spanish or French...
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
/deutsch/: TWICE Ausgabe
You wake up in Yemen
Why do the left-wing hate their respective nations so such?
/esp/ - Edición gordacos
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
ITT countries with flags which have deep meaning behind them
What is the most dangerous insect (or animal) in your area?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Why is uruguay such a wonder of a country?
Tell a joke about the country your country jokes the most about
Ukrainian thread
/ex-ussr/ general
Brazillian intellectuals
Icelandic-British cod wars
/balt/ /ausnz/
Countries you didn't know they even existed until you discovered Sup Forums
Be american
Are Romanians actually vampires?
Be Latino
The great debate
Culturally speaking, how is Europe generally divided?
Sverigetråden - Serverproblemupplagan
Tfw still no russian gf
What is your country's secret evil plan?
/fr/ - le fil Franc
Feel out of place after returning to USA
Tfw just realised that practicing Catholic white girls don't exist anymore
Trump/NATO say Germany should spend 2% of GDP on its military
What do you call gay "people" in your country?
Images are finally back, thanks Hiroshimoot, let's celebrate by having a Spurdo thread
In 632 the prophet Muhammad died...
Tfw poland is gonna be first world when every other european country accepts refugees
Walk into you're father's room
Why arent you trying anymore?
It's over folks
You wake up in a generic, standard, souless polish city
What's your favorite "Pokemon" music?
Sverigetråden - Nipponesiska Upplaga
How many does your country
Get BTFO by a declining pocket power in front of your own nose
Summer is here
How do we save the white race?
Today is the Norwegian constitution day! The biggest celebration of the year in Norway...
Why do people want socialised health care in the US?
/ITA/ - il filo
Is classic music only a white thing?
/Unterschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why does this "country" exist?
Why the heck do we, East Asians, always copy western ideas?
/ex-ussr/ general
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/brit/ more like /shit/
Yodel-Adle-Eedle-Idle-Oo Yodel-Adle-Eedle-Idle-Oo Yodel-Adle-Eedle-Idle-Oo Yodel-Adle-Eedle-Idle-Oo...
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
You wake up in Southern Italy
You're a girl
Do Russians like kots because they are soulless just like them?
Some one give me a quick rundown on what the fuck is happening in America
Why are white men so superior?
Post your country's best immigrants. Every peanut ive met is a nice person
Fresh propaganda paid by the EU and Soros owned groups
Post music from your neighbouring country if you have one, if not then post music from Lesotho
/Buntland/ ehemals /deutsch/
Can they become superpower ever again, instead of just being America's little bitch?
How are bikers in your country?
New International leftist discord
Why is Taiwan much better than China?
Tfw live on a small island of a few dozen people and yet I can talk to people from all over the world on Sup Forums
Post countries that are villains
How come they don't take much part in world affairs like America and Russia does?
Tell me a shocking truth about your country
Post the scum of your society
Ummm Australia
/cum/ canada usa mexico
You have 1 day to name a literary work from Australia
Foreigner, please cum to Germany
What happens here?
Kurva anyátok
Culture Pals /cp/ General Spurdo
Wake up
Rate asian girls
When will the French admit that Belgium invented these, not them?
How South America managed to be so shitty...
ITT: Sup Forums in 1911
ONE SHOT at life
Be moldovan-american
Is this the country with the worst shape?
What is the view of police in your cunt? In Canada...
What is the most prestigious military decoration that your country has to offer?
He doesn't speak proto-Celtic
Haven't had sex in a month
Am I the most American person to ever American?
1. Your country
/fr/ - Le fil de la francophonie
At what HDI do you start being considered first world...
Are women built like this in your country?
Post a weird unsolved mystery from your country
When will Japan accept more immigrants to help their birth rates and economy...
Why brazil lose at germany 7-1?
Hispanic "men"
No Asian waifu
Ah, so THIS is the beauty of the Philippines
One eats monkey soup
Americans will defend this
Is Hungary best Europe ?
TFW can't find a job in this fucking shit country
This confuses and enrages the American
/éire/ - /eire/
Why don't chicanos live in mexico? they seem to be proud of their culture and most of them speak spanish...
Average girl with Greek genes
Just post qts
What's the best climate type?
Can you legally shoot trespassers on your property in your cunt?
Building skyscrapers should be banned in Europe
Tfw pure anglo but cannot pronounce 'th'
How do you cope? knowing you'll never have a qt Tartar gf?
1. your country
All those whiny eastern Europeans here are pissing me off
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Can you identify them all?
/geiles Ferkel/ ehemals /Schwein/ ehemals /deutsch/
The Partition of Venezuela
Bon Christ, dont Brits get claustrophobia and cabin fever? I mean, their entire country is a tiny little island...
Does your country have commercials like this?
Ugly shitskin inferior italians are not whit-
Our ancestor =]
1. Your country
How do I stop getting baited so easily?
Holy shit! Trudeau sets a world record in avoiding direct questions. I feel deeply sorry for you leafs...
/brit/ - The Mini ERA Turbo Edition
Be american
Give intel pls
Was he French, Belgian, or German?
/ENDLÖSUNG/, vorher /deutsch/
Which is worse: the eternal Anglo, or the eternal Kraut?
/hell/ - Hellas General Ελλάς
Daily reminder if you don't have your majesty Queen Elizabeth II as your head of state, you don't have a """country"""
What nationality do you wish you were born?
Is it possible to get an permanent resident visa in your country by investing money or being pensionist?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Whats the difference between Iranians and Arabs exactly? I don't see one
Am I the most American person on Sup Forums?
My hero
Parents coming out as gay
You get:
Americlaps are literally, unironically masturbating to depictions of fast food mascots
You're cunt
Why is italian bread so weak, greasy and soft?
Tell me about Native American traits. Are They Friendly? Are They Racists?
/brit/ - The Ford Capri RS Edition
When it comes to the topic of the Islamisation of Europe, a few things need to be considered:
/fr/ - le francofeel
Be born in Native Pre-Roman Iberia
/brit/ + /yank/
Why do Yanks dress like retards?
Did you know that your country was a safe place in the past?
How come Albania and Greece dont unite into one SuperBalkan country?
Finnish girls wont want to date me!
Post more memes like this
Post autistic memes in your lang
Indian "men"
Kurva anyátok
Americans will defend this
/Schwein/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why here koreans are so stupid?
How can non-white women ever compete ?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Sverigetråden – Vasaupplagan
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How long can their right-wing authoritarian regimes last? When will be Poland and Hungary finally free?
Average turkish girl
Is Europe doomed by its need to been seen doing good?
Let's get a family tree thread going
American movies are retarded
Does anyone kind of miss them as an enemy? Muslims are boring
Raided and colonised in the baltic
Without talking about poo, what are your thoughts on India and the Indian people?
When someone calls me kraut or germ...
1. Your cunt
Is germany a weird kid in europe?
1. your cunt
Your cunt music thread?
Why people hate turkey? even turks hate turkey
Why are we trying to boost our fertility rates by paying people to have babies when the solution is right there in...
Butthurt Belt Strikes Again
I have a question for Europeans. What was your age when you first saw a non-white person?
Post the most American picture you can find
Why does everyone suck Germanys dick on Sup Forums?
I kinda like them. I wanna hug a Russian and maybe break his neck afterwards
Every country's tourism slogan
/ex-ussr/ general
In this ITT: countries that shouldn't exist
French population 66 million
Italians are white
Thank a Country for their Best Product
What country has the most genetically strong people?
That feel when no tall bf
Is American literature popular in Europe?
The first swedes were black
Which country has the best beer?
Be asian
Which is the best to work in?
In this ITT we summon ikibey
What happens if I show up with one of these flags in Poland?
/mämmi/ + /balk/
First emus not kots. Straya why?
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
His country doesn't have a national epic
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Post the most American picture you can find
Why does Europe nickle and dime you with fucking EVERYTHING?
Name 1 country, with worse female haircuts than Japan. Is there even such...
Japanese Princess Mako to Announce Engagement
What country is this?
What are these called in your country?
One chance at life
Why do south koreans play
Is this guy considered attractive in India?
/Sverigetråden/ + /MENA/
Germany is over
The city of Japan
In this ITT: we post our country's greatest enemy
Does your language have an older version of it with less loanwords?
World was frozen 12,000 years ago
Why the fuck does the letter Q even exist
Was any government in history a bigger fuck up than this?
/ibe/ - el iber de buena mañana
Meme aside, is this island actually makes the rest of Italy butthurt? How is it ecomonically and culturally?
This is the future of the white race. And it's beautiful
Go to Indiachan
Are they anglos?
Why didn't France fall so low like UK did?
/deutsch/-nie zu späte Ausgabe
How is Donald Trump viewed in your country?
What country the most beautiful girls, Sup Forums?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Americans will defend this
This is a list of fallen in WW1 citizens of my neighbourhood(there's some in each part/district of the city) back from...
ITT: Sup Forums in 1996
/balt/ lads and the mates from /ausnz/
/o/ on Sup Forums
How do feminist in Britain view this issue?
Why do Europeans worship a dead kike and not their ancestors?
What is this called in your native language?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
/ITA/ - il filo
I know it's early in the morning over there so I'm taking a chance asking this now but, can you live off 26...
/v4/ + friends
Post your traditional soft drinks
20% of the world's population lives here
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
How you like me now, RUSSIA?
Tfw you live in modern day Sodom and Gomorrah
You're required to go to war to defend a country that isn't your own
Do you like The Bahamas and Bahamian people?
You wake up in Santiago
Hilo latino
Why do the Japs have such a boner for American folk music?
/brit/: Basically Really Interesting Threads
Beijing 1991
Kurva anyátok
Mom came home without panties again and fell asleep on the couch
Culture Pals /cp/ General
Hispanic "men"
You're cunt
Congratulations, Miss USA 2017! You represent the USA!
One shot at life
How much for a haircut where you live?
Post your surname popularity
A fucking wall
/cum/ Canadia Estados Unidos Mejico
Who was your cunt's best leader of the 20th/21st century?
WTF, I hate France now
Thank India
Canada and Mexico are now mortal enemies, who do you support?
Why do tonal languages sound so bad ?
New World countries don't have identity or cult-
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...