Italian cucks strike again

Holly shit one doctor from Northern Italy Saïd hé will stop healing thé people from his City who don't want to welcome thé rapefugees... Beside he is one of the idiots who welcome thé invasion by collaborating with the illegals.

Now the faggot is complaining that the people hate him.

it's just your typical provincial bullshit
nothing to see really

he's right honestly mas'allah

Fuck off leftard troll, IRL you wouldn't even dare to say that kind of shit

IRL you wouldn't dare oppose us kuffar, keep complaining on Sup Forums ins'allah

doesn't that go against the meme oath they have to take?

Isn't that just an American thing?

Isn't there any kind of punishment for saying something like this? He is a doctor and as far as i know, he has an oath to help every human regardless of everything.

why do you even care about shit that goes up in italy?

IRL I enlisted on the army like most people in my familly, IRL your kind suck m'y dick


>Italian muslim

Not credible, Emilio

I heard that at and I couldn't belive it was true so I checked and find out lefturds are really moronic.

I also wanted to see what the italian anons think of it

cool story jabroni

by Allah and Muhammad (pbuh), you will see the truth

Business idea: shoot their boats before they land, and ban the NGOs collaborating with smugglers from your country.

Don't know about others but the Royal Navy has been destroying their boats (before leaving shore) for a long time now. Its much easier for the smugglers to get a new one though than it is to confirm a boat is for smuggling

Thïs ïs nòt Sup Forums, fùck òff

Kys lefturd, this isn't Tumblr so you are nothing, I Can post the fuck I want

Ťhįś īş ñőţ /poł/, fůčķ õff

Kys muzzie scum, stop samefaging

So how is believing in a imaginary friend and following a warmongering pedophile suiting you.

how is your head suiting you on your shoulders? Good I hope

what the fuck is that image


>Muzzie scum immediatly threathening with a beheaded.
Why doesnt this surprise me from a subhuman.

your hour is soon

K, cant you Go fuck italian sheep or something, instead of shitposting.

be prepared