It's over folks

The EU has voted for triggering Article 7, which means sanctioning Hungary, reviewing it's laws and possibly suspending its right to vote in the EU.

About fucking time.

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Why? Because you don't want to accept rapefugees?

>Recent developments in Hungary have led to a serious deterioration in the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights which is testing the EU’s ability to defend its founding values, MEPs say.

Because you locked up a bunch of illegals so they won't go on a raping spree while the authorities review their cases?

Because Orban is a racist homphobic dictator who oppsresses minorities and commits war crimes against refugees and Sinti and Roma

Good luck, Hungary. I wish you future without Orbán's repressive regime. You deserve freedom.

Nah, they can only call for the triggering, all the members states have to approve if I'm not entirely mistaken.

Not at all. That's pretty much the one thing all Hungarians agree on, that we're better off without migrants. Even though if we had accepted them they'd just flee to Germoney - the same happened in Lithuania and Poortugal and a bunch of other EU countries, so who gives a crap anyway.

But the Fidesz is extremely corrupt, constantly stealing EU money, trampling on civil rights and democracy itself like Putin or Caucescu 2.0.

Thank you user

>oppsresses minorities and commits war crimes against refugees and Sinti and Roma
I don't see the problem.

If the asylym seekers don't have a residence permit why should they let them walk freely outside. I've never understood that

about time.

No because they want to close the Soros schools.

Poor Soros.

He's a murderer and a fascist. An enemy of the free world.

If you had half the balls of him you wouldn't have a migrant problem.

god americans are SO FUCKING DUMB god DAMNIT
if you didn't bomb syria there wouldn't be a migrant crysis in the first place you fucking retarded oil pirates

Germany invited them in the first place, let them take them all. This is not Hungary's problem. Plus there's always risk of terrorists disguising themselves as refugees.

>EU thinks our government won't veto it

If having balls means being an authoritarian oppressor then I'm glad I don't have any.

Hmmm...really makes one think

I wish

EU is becoming a big bully.

Ah, yes, Poland. Who needs enemies when we have friends like you people?

Sorry that happened to you
Now that Hungary is being sanctioned and the rest of Romania is a corrupt shithole, it's Transylvania's time to shine
Hopefully this will accelerate our inevitable independence

And that's why you're being replaced by foreigners.

I hate the guy but come on. No need to make stuff up.

Gee nice economic union.

Silence peon, now get back in line before the EU army invades you

this is not about the refugees, its about civil rights and the slow and steady takeover of the state over everything

fidesz paints everything foreign founded (that is not controlled by them) as an enemy, from civic support from norway to CEU and foreign owned television

this is the main topic of their public speech so there can be no discussion about the poor state this country is in

i guess the EU got enough of "STOP BRUSSEL" while benefiting from it economically

It wasn't an economic union when you joined.

we are for the EU army you dumb oilnigger

Aren't you the lads paying money to EU and accepting their legislation despite not even having a say in their decisions? Are you the guys having to beg Brussels for permission to control your borders temporarily despite not being an EU member?

You're basically a vassal by now.

Yes, you can thank labour for pushing through EU economic policy despite the population voting no to membership back in 1994

so same shit like here
no wonder orban is bff with vucic

The EU is neo USSR

Holy fuck they must poison the water in continental europe. Europeans cheering on the destruction of their people, culture and nation for meaningless abstract concepts that their masters force upon them like "muh integration, muh unity, muh solidarity." And for what? Who knows, they are brainwashed. Good riddance to europe, good riddance to europeans.

>Hungary has to approve sanctions against Hungary
But even without Hungary Poland will always vote against sanctions because they are the same regime

>56% white
when in a glass house etc. etc.

This is what retards actually believe.

>for meaningless abstract concepts that their masters force upon them like "muh integration, muh unity, muh solidarity."
You convinced me. Let's all revert back to having clans and beat up anyone foreign.

Can someone explain what the fuck happened

Are you people literally unable to stop being obssesed with refugees for a second?

>muh George Soros neoliberal Jewery university
I would gas him first if I were Hitler.

dude Orbán is gypsy himself, he doesnt opress anyone he doesnt give fuck about anyone but about money and power

Poland will be next hopefully

no, seriously, what did the Hungarian government do now?

Just go here and read you dumb macaco

That's rude, Alexander. Thanks for the link, though

J-just banter

> trampling on civil rights and democracy itself

We have the same cancer man, Orban said he will stop EU from taking any actions against Polish governmant as well. Misfortunes walk in pairs.

>1444 all over again

>recent developments led to a serious deterioration of democracy
>to fix this we will take away power from hungary's elected representatives


name one party that hadnt stolen money
since regime
do you think the next party wont steal at least that much

So let me see if I got this right
>Orbán always showed comtempt towards the EU since he was elected
>refugee crisis came in and he closed the borders (not necessarily a bad thing to do, although I don't know the legal basis for doing that), sparking more tensions with the EU
>He shuts down a "leftist" uni because it was pro immigration (as much as I dislike leftists, bad move)
>he then starts another slander campaign against the EU
>EU finally gets sick of getting shit on and fights back, trying to sanction the country


good thing

He did mostly the same kind of fuckery PiS recently pulled in Poland (seized the courts, fucked with the contitution, downgraded some laws to literal communist standards etc) but he also took it a couple of steps further.
>changed the voting system in a way that makes it pretty much impossible for him to lose the upcoming elections
>he and his cronies got hold of most of the media in Hungary, both private and public. Opposition gets shut down step by step (recently some liberal newspaper was forced to close shop for "undisclosed reasons")
>forced their only internationally renowned university to shut down because muh Soros
>runs an active campagin against the EU called "Stop Brussels" despite draining a ton of money from it
>openly admires how Putin and Erdogan run their countries
>made Hungary lag economically compared to their Eastern EU peers, even fucking Romania does better nowadays
Considering how other wanna be authoritarian states like Poland can block whatever EU has in store for Orban I think two-speed Europe is the only way to go forward for the rest of EU now

i'm so fucking jelly


first line
>The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 28 member states that are located primarily in Europe.
>political and economic union

>He shuts down a "leftist" uni because it was pro immigration (as much as I dislike leftists, bad move)
He shut down George Soros uni because Soros is a filthy backstabing Kike who literally stooped so low to colaborate with the Germans during WW2 agaiat his own folk to save his skin

Elige uno

>supporting hostile foreign actions against your own country
people like you used to be employed as a town square decorations

Be careful not to get your peepee burned... you sick sick man.

You don't have EU parlamentary elections in Spain?

hope spain is next

Anarchism is the only answer. Join the glorious revolution, brother.

i want out of EU too tbqhwyl

>bomb the shit out of everyone and commit regime change
>use ocean as buffer
>become Hispanic in the mean time

Spain is not the EU

Furthermore, Spain doesn't deserve elections, a government, or a people. We might as well dissolve into the Atlantic.

is there any hope left for unkari?

the people you democratically elected decided that.

The choice you had was simple:

1) join the EU and get a vote
2) join the EU and dont get a vote

you chose the latter, you chose poorly.

You never had a choice of joining the EU in the first place. The only nations outside the EU are shitholes like Ukraine.


that would be the most possibly bad option
anarchy would be a huge regress back to prehistoric times

cant say im saddened

>tfw soon hun refugees incoming here
>i will bully them mercilessly

tables have turned

Oh, be scared, your country is sandwich between two bungler states :P

youll be overrun janosik
it will be squatopluk all over again

>the EU stands for equality

>wanna join our trading bloc?
>and if we can just determine all your govt policies and overrule your courts and stuff that'd be cool too yeah?
>oh yeah it's a political union as well dude
>but wait, you didn't

I'm opposed to the EU on principle but I don't see why you should get to pick and choose which parts of it you like. If Hungary doesn't want to obey the dictates from on high then they're free to leave.

Extremely dishonest argument. That dimension was added after Rome and Lisbon. Before then there was no one unified voice in the EEC (which I should add is the "Union" that Britain voted to join).

>free to leave
And then the EU will make an example of you because they don't want anyone else to leave on peaceful terms, like a bitter teen who's just got broken up with.

now we have 500 000 hun-slovak hybrids, we have many spies you cant win

But this is actually a good thing for Fidesz.
The procedure will drag on for months, if not years, so they can keep saying Brussel is attacking us, they want to force illegal immigrants on us (because on of the issue this procedure is being started is the treatment of refugees), which will probably mean another Fidesz victory in next year's election.

Perhaps so but that's just real life. So long as it's ruled by federalists they will always take the cack-handed blunt force approach hoping to beat their opponents into submission.

>1968: A customs union is completed by the six members of the EEC, removing all import duties between them.
>1973: The UK makes a third – and successful – application, this time under Conservative PM Edward Heath. Joining alongside Britain are Denmark and Ireland. Norway also applies, but it does not join, after a referendum on membership.
>5 June 1975: The UK holds a referendum to confirm its continuing membership of the EEC, following a renegotiation led by Labour PM Harold Wilson. The British people vote to stay in by 67% to 33%.

>1985: The Schengen Treaty is signed, creating a borderless zone across most of the member states. The UK doesn’t sign up.

>1992: The Maastricht Treaty is signed, creating the European Union – into which was the EC was rolled. It also sets the foundations for the single currency, and establishes cooperation in foreign and security policy.

>1997: The Amsterdam Treaty is signed, further developing security policy and starts the process of developing employment and social protection policies.

>2001: The Nice Treaty is signed, reforming the EU’s institutions and reinforcing cooperation in defence and judicial policy.

>2005: A move to create a constitution for the EU is abandoned, after being rejected by referendums in France and the Netherlands.

>2007: The Lisbon Treaty is signed, significantly extending the powers of the European Parliament and strengthening the European Council.

the political side of things didn't happen overnight, no one was duped into a bait and switch deal

>Customs union
OK lad
Go watch pro-EU ads from the 70s debates and tell me how many of them talk about free trade and how many talk about a US of E

Will the EU fall apart at last?

do you Sup Forums kids understand this isnt about the fugees or directives

its a concern of democratic rights, separation of power, transparency etc

we are becoming putinistan 2.0 behind the curtains

Do you have any news regarding the alleged violations of democratic rights he did in English, preferrably? Don't want to confront you, I'm legit curious

Actually one of the demands is to repeal a law about keeping migrants in transit zones.
You're right that it isn't the sole issue, and there is a serious degradation of the state and rights of people, but the question of immigrants is still there.

If the French and British didn't carve up the Middle East by throwing arbitrary lines on a map a century ago, these problems likely wouldn't exist in the first place, famalam.

They're brainlets. Everything has to be only about immigration in their tiny minds.

Nothing's going to happen. He'll just use this to whip up national sentiment that Hungary is being bullied by Brussels again and coast to another election victory. Poland will veto any sanctions and we'll do the same if Poland is threatened.

How did we come to this sad state of affairs? Surely the corrupt and incompetent opposition parties that ruled before him are to blame. As is the European People's Party which enabled our glorious leader to get away with it all this time. Then there is the threat of "it's either Orbán or Vona" as Jobbik grows to become the official opposition.

It isn't. But it is a great subject to use to control their supporters with. Typical populist behavior.

>literally stooped so low to colaborate with the Germans during WW2 agaiat his own folk to save his skin
That's a lie. He was 15 years old when WWII ended.

Btw, Orbán went to study at the University of Oxford on Soros' scholarship. He was still a fervent liberal in the early '90s.

trust me. I would rather live with no money/democracy than with...that.

Yes, let's
you're under 50% white.

I stand with Hungary

And Soros wasn't te devil in 2010 either.

thats a separate case and already at court
its the practices i mentioned in this postthey change the law as they please, because they havd 2/3 of the votes
they changed the constitution, they changed the high court, they put a fucking clown into the presidental chair who copied his entire dissertation (was forced to resign), lex ceu, lex mol, police raid on civil office who handles norwegian support money, says anyone foreign founded cannot be civil, only their party affiliated organisation (who they support with taxpayer money), skinheads blocking the office to hand in a petition about one of their shitty new laws
individuals getting so rich that old feudal lords would envy their wealth and land, all close to PM and his family, they fucking built an entire stadium next to his house and connected it with trains

its all legal but it all points to one direction, their word is the law, there is no discussion, no consesus

its fucking absurd and it goes against the ideas of freedom and equality

i cant speak about any of this in my office because ill be booted, without notice or reason (yet another law of their work)

its not cool, and it doesnt seem to get better
for the record i am not happy about this investigation because as usual, simple ppl will get the short end of the stick in case of any sanctions