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threadly reminder

totally expected this to be /tr/ when i saw romnian linking

aзъ cъмъ бългapинъ




>sve je to srbija

Serb women were made for Greek cock

ohoho wait till you hear about the ex-lover sperm DNA theory

fuck serbitches gayreeks and monkeydonians mate


Don't you sometimes wish you had more Serbs remaining in your country, so that you could purge them again?

>Fyrom birth rate: 1.52
>1/3 Muslim
>Shkupi, the town of a thousand mosques

welp im sold on the no hymen do diamond, thanks for that pic, now i can't ever marry a non-virgin

Do serb women have dicks?

>Genocide jews
>They ask me for a synagogue later


probably, how else would they be fucking Albanians in the ass so much?

i just don't browse Sup Forums dude

based albanians have been practicing this ever since. just get an albo girl from your nearby village, easy as that

why are moldovans so talented?


did someone say


Jews are the brownmans ally,
you know what to do

Russian genes.

if telegony in humans were actually the case, it'd be a good thing

>get your wife to have sex with a male model once
>get her pregnant
>you get a stud son with 49% of your genes

find one flaw

>'''your''' son

Serb /eu4/ bro, try this for the lulz


and post results


watching it

forget the whole unit and consider it in terms of genes. you have like 3-4 kids who have almost half of your genes and they all look like models and propagate your genes even more

what if they only get the recessive genes from chad

Damn, why do serbs get cucked by their women so much

rate my jewish method
>go to greece to buy stuff
>take back the 23% tax
>when going back in albania i hide stuff so i dont pay the albanian tax
>everything is basically 23% off

or fyromonkeys


>Sup Forumsddit can't even recognize our brand of shitposting
truly, they've lost touch


this particular guy you're quoting is a hardcore Sup Forumstard. emphasis on tard

troll him

>inb4 fyrombey goes over and tells them where we come from

>Russian genes.
slav yes. But ew, russian no. What is wrong with you?

who of you mudslimes fell for the THICC meme

i knew it

>Bulgaria will go extinct in 100 years


Russians are purest slavs, are you baiting?

there are two of them now

>Fyrom will go extinct in 10 years

Kujt i kujtohet kjo?
Fillon te 0:50

>Russians are purest slavs
lol, even bulgarians that are 90% turk are more slav than russians.

Russians are vikings

>No administrative

Well, no wonder your Italy is fucking shit.

>Russians are vikings
Yes, the famed Golden Horde vikings of Mongolia.

love this guy's cheese. good song too

>Majority of first-graders in Bulgaria are non-Bulgarian

>petrit lulo
my nigga
i thought i was the only one provinciali enough who listened to him

at least our non-bulgarians go to school

and what are they?

That's not true, tho, it's the serbofyromite grasping at straws, faced with the coming end of his """"country"""".

This is no reason to be joyful.

Mostly these



But it is. Fyrom is an affront to history.

>tfw no irl frends

go outside then

Does he own a dairy store in Greece or sth?

Ka plot te rinj qe e degjojne akoma, rastesisht e degjova ne radio dhe mu kujtua


but i dont feel that comfortable and im too ugly my strandards are high

here we go again

it's near midnight and /balk/ has turned into


Bullshit, 75% are.
Different than you.


I'm not happy. You forgot access to Muddyterranean.

would you fuck

The cancer is almost reaching self sustaining mass

Go through the black sea.

No I am not gay.

and why the fuck did u give vidin to s*rbshits

anyway, why does s*rbia even exist

i am not pleased


>Kosovo and Shkupi
>not Albania
Yeah, shit map.

That actually is a mistake,my bad.


nigger youre in fucking albania

>gypsy delusions

transnistria preveils

hs friends were fake
uni classmates are too cold to do anything outside uni
im too shy to take the first step


i'll do it next time :p

I object

still no Constantinopole. Tipic romanesc, se ineaca ca tiganu la mal

tiganca-i ma-ta futu-ti neamu ma-tii de slav

Bulgarians should simply admit that while communism was economically weak it did not brought about their demographic suicide and cultural collapse i.e. communism should have been kept with economic reforms.

you know.. so long as we have good relations with greece, i am okay with that

I don't think we want half of Istanbul.

what is there to complain about?

>did not bring*

>uni classmates are too cold to do anything outside uni
Invite them

>Ottomans conquer Constantinople and turn red
>They now have a permanent claim on every single province in my country


sa e ca koken ti
folu te tflasin

lmao.. g*mmunism didn't harm the demographics only because no one was allowed to leave, only to cause a demographic suicide when the regime collapsed

way to go g*mmunists

when a bunch of people are locked in a toilet for 45 years and the cleaning lady lets them out, do you blame the cleaning lady that they wanted to get out?

Idk where to start

got turked.
Also what mod is this?

couldn't help

>demographic suicide
This is KLETA MAJKA BALGARIA bullshit, we are no different than Romania or Serbia.
