White "people" rape, steal, enslave and kill millions of people across the world in the name of "colonization"

>white "people" rape, steal, enslave and kill millions of people across the world in the name of "colonization"
>then white "people" get super asshurt when a few Mexicans or muslims move into their countries


Other urls found in this thread:


>white people are a hivemind

you sound like Sup Forums talking about Jews 2bh

Damn Satan

>when white people complain about Mexican immigrants

Whites make justifications for their actions. Whites are okay with slavery and genocide.

We won lol




White people killed jesus

>Whites are okay with slavery and genocide.
Nah, we're not okay with slavery. Look what it did to America after all the slaves were freed. We're better off just exterminating undesirables, the Germans had the right idea.

>w-w-wh-wh-what ab-ab-about da AYRABS?!?!

Why would you side with the people that unequivocally lost? Culture taken, women taken, men made slaves, resources taken. All easily done, yet you still think you're on the right side?

Yessum, it was so terrible how whites came and built railroads, schools, eradicated infectious diseases, outlawed child marriage, slavery, etc.

>let arabs conquer and rape europe
>nuke the shit out of europe and the middle east
There. Killed two subhumans with one stone.



If not our medicine ane science monkey like you would not exist

As a white person myself I believe in free movement of peoples, it's good for the economy.

>rape, steal, enslave and kill millions of people
What people?


>Raping, stealing, and enslaving
I only wish I was allowed to have such a good time in my life.

Then you know what to do

my country hasn't colonized anyone

last time we raped and enslaved, the victims were white

unlike the whites
those people are inferior in every possible way