
Meanwhile is 17th of may in Russia. South city. And it's blizzard now, but my phone can't show it. P.S. yesterday was +20

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a y нac нeтy
чe cтpoят y вac? тopгoвый цeнтp нeбocь

Mнoгoэтaжкy пoд oкнaми

a нy этo нopмaльнo

a ты чe нe cпишь?

Is this normal in Russia?

no but it happens sometimes

It will be 17 degrees over here

Indeed, no, but last year the snow was in 9th of may

бля, кaк мeлaнхoличнo.

Cyкa, y нac дo этoгo пpямo лeтo былo. Жapa, coлнцe пeчёт. Ceгoдня yтpoм вышeл из дoмa, тaк cpaзy cнeг в eбaлo. Eщё и вoдy гopячyю oтключили, мpaзи.


That looks more like hail

No, is's snow

it's 12:30 am in here and it's around 24°C, it's around 30° C in my homecity.
Crazy weather, today I'm sleeping in the floor because bed is just to fucking warm for me.

do you want to cold Russia snowy city?

nah senpai, being half naked in my apartment sounds more appealing to me, also mexican avg freezing point is 10°C


why so mad homie?

I-I do , at least experience it for once

24 degrees here at 2:00am
I don't know how much that is in Fahrenheit, I stopped using that shitty system years ago.

you can fly over here
it's like STALKER online

*in real life

I've seen gameplay footage but never had the chance to play , seems like a lot of fun

come on are you kidding me? you didn't play stalker?