
2.what do you think about your siblings?

1. Paragraph
2. don't think much about them, but this is a thread with potential so necro-bump

My friend and I dated siblings, fortunately my ex had a piercing and her sister didn't so we never fucked the wrong sibling.

I only have step-siblings, and I'm pretty sure they don't quite like me.

Personally, big fan of incest

1: dumb and fat with low ambition
2: selfish hypocrite
me: autistic
3: selfish, bad attitude, might be a coalburner
4: dumb, pushover

Why don't you fuck them? How has porn not degenerated you to the point that you are craving your step sisters pussy?

1. Canada.

2. Absolute wastes of flesh who should be purged for the betterment humanity.

Wall of blog text incoming.

My older half-brother has wasted his life. He's a "DJ" and a "musician". What that means is he makes shitty synth music on his laptop and plays it back over garbage speakers he got from Bureau En Gros. He's lived in a few different countries, where he overstays his welcome sleeping on his girlfriend's couch, and works illegally, under the table, until he's deported.

My little sister is a listless leech. It's not entirely her fault, but you can only blame "shitty parenting" for so long. She's about to graduate university with a degree in English, which she barely passed. My parents paid for her entire schooling, along with all her bills, food, partying, and a townhouse in downtown Ottawa. She's never worked a day in her life, and the entirety of her life plans are "move to the country, buy a truck". Thankfully she's started dating some mid-thirties schmuck who doesn't even have a licence and is still a general labourer, so maybe he'll fund that life for her.

And if my brother-in-law counts...where to begin. He's literally a fedora-wearing neckbeard manlet that wears all black (complete with trenchcoat) despite living in the middle of Arizona...with my in-laws. He's nearly thirty and never had a job, and can't even be bothered to help with basic housework, let alone the RAISING OF HIS CHILD.

Honestly these people are all scum, and I have no idea how they don't wake up every day wanting to blow their brains out.

That's not to say that I'm perfect. I smoke, drink, gamble, and have a low-paying job. But I also haven't had anywhere near the support they did. I was kicked out at 16, my family racked up debt under my name...but at least I have my shit under control. I have my ow place, I'm happily married, and I have a plan for my life.

My relatives all need to fuck off and die, though.

Your brother and sister sound like alright people. I see no reason for you to hate them.

>My older half-brother is a "DJ" and a "musician"
>My little sister is a listless leech

btw the brother-in-law is who's partner?

I really, really want to fuck my half-sister

I have two younger siblings, brother and sister.

My brother is the reverse me. Every single choice i make, he will do the opposite. We look nearly identical, in face and body, but my hair is dark brown to his mousy blonde. We rarely spend time with each other, but when meet up its like looking at alternate version of me, who made different choices in life. I live in the country helping on our dads farm, he parties in the city and works as a uber driver.

My little sister is hard for me to read, because she arrived just after I left highschool. I knowy brother treats her like shit when he sees her, maybe out of jealousy, but I try to be a good brother too her. Shes started up highschool last year and her friends thought i was her dad because i was the one driving her home.

I dunno. I love my siblings because I feel like when I'm old and grey, they'l be the last few people to care for me.

17/18 years older?

i thought being 11 years older than my sister was alot

Have one younger brother who hasn't gotton a job for 7-8 months after his graduation. Idk what to do with it

1. Burger King
2. I have 6 siblings and 3 of them should have been aborted.

One is ok, he's almost just like me since he's my twin.
The other decided to be a hedonist normie. I feel like I lost him, he is trying too hard to be something he isn't... He is in the army and make tons of monies

>So we never fucked the wrong sibling
That's what you think.

Are you best friends with your twin? Does he browse Sup Forums?

Oops, wasn't supposed to answer you but OP...

I have one brother. I almost never think about him.

Yes, he is my best friend. He browses the same boards as me, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /his/

2.brother is ex druggie, now pretty good and dedicated father with a steady job.
Sister is a workaholic who works in 40hour shifts and doesn´t come home even for chrismas.
Brother is brotier and sister is a cunt.

He's jelous because they got what he never did. It's called sibling jelousy.

Don't think too much about them, I think most of them are alright as far as I can remember from Christmas. Younger bother is still being a shit but that's nothing new.

So he could potentially be reading this thread right now?

Your bro sounds like he has an awesome ;ife. You are a jealous faggot.

1 older sister. She used to be a huge wannabee popular kid, but she got way better once she went to college and came back. Now she's gone full weeb. We get along well, go to parties and shit together. She bought me my first pipe as an 18th birthday present.

I have one half sister who I've only met in person around the time our dad died over ten years ago. Haven't talked much with her since.

I also apparently have a half sister somewhere from when my mom was raped as a teenager but it's a family secret. No idea how they kept it a secret while she was preggers. She gave it up for adoption. She's finally told a few very close friends about it but before then only her parents, and later my dad and I knew.

So while I technically have siblings I consider myself an only child. But I really wish I had actual siblings growing up. It was lonely.

1. US
2. Lol little cunt to the core. Grew up absolutely spoiled but recently developed a lazy eye in addition to being a social justice warrior and being morbidly obese

Pic related, shop a google eye on her and that's her

1. Filo pastry
2. I have 4 sisters
We're all pretty close in age, I guess we get along pretty well

No he is surely sleeping. I'm the only one stupid enough to stay awake until 6:30. He might read that today if the thread is still up though...

desu I don't much care for them. They're really snoopy sometimes for reasons that are not apparent to me.

are you more autistic than him?

who has had more gfs?

who has had more sex partners?

who's smarter?

who's better looking?

who's more athletic/fit?

who's taller?

who's richer?

>are you more autistic than him?
Definitely, he told me many time that I'm a fucking autist.
>who has had more gfs?
>who has had more sex partners?
Both 0
>who's smarter?
I don't know
>who's better looking?
He. More hunter eyes, smaller lips, better chin, his nose doesn't look like it has been broken contrary to mine (even though it never did), etc... overall better
We are "false twins" (I don't know if this term exist in english) so we're not completely similar physically
>who's more athletic/fit?
>who's taller?
Same height iirc
>who's richer?
We're both broke

The term you're looking for is fraternal twins

>false twins (I'm not sure if this term exists in English)
It does exist in concept, but we call them "fraternal twins" here, as opposed to "indentical twins"

I have 5 siblings

2 younger brothers, 2 younger sisters and 1 older sister

I'm alright with my brothers and younger sisters, but my older sister is an absolute dumb whore

don't hate her, but can't stand her

1. Green, white and orange.
2. They're absolute shit. Older brother is a prissy leftie cunt who lies about everything for no reason and gets irrationally angry when you call him out on it. They're always the most pointless fucking lies too, like he told his gf he was colourblind for no reason and she believed him for months afterward.
Little sister is just a typical bitchy teenage girl. She screams, she breaks things, she makes our mother cry, the usual.

I have one older sister, she's been the one and only love of my life and she knows that. For me love is a strong word which means that I'd literally die for someone, I wouldn't die for my mom or any of my ex gfs, but god I'll endure all suffering just so my sister never gets a scratch on her.
We're very alike, we lose concentration very quickly, we just go on with the flow and never go against it, we enjoy silent moments and we both love watching horror movies, we started dating at the same time eventho she's 3 years older than me, we learnt how to drive together, we started going to the gym together, we started playing the piano together, we learn how to dance together, etc.
I'm very attractive but my sister blows me away and makes me look like an inbred when I'm next to her. She's currently studying dentistry and she's a sorta popular makeup/lifestyle blogger on instagram.
Just as a lewd extra, my first kiss was with her when I was 8 years old, we've also seen each other naked so many times already because my family is very liberal about nudity and no I've never thought about fucking my sister.