Yesterday I was watching the video of Milo being interviewed in DePaul University and I saw the six or seven BLM protesters disrupting the event, threatening violence and so on.
But I also saw some 80 Trump supporters doing nothing besides letting it happen.
Why is this? Is it because they would be immediately arrested and expelled from University? Or is it because they, like the left, are cowards who count on the governments to do their dirty deeds for them?
I am asking this because this would be UNTHINKABLE in my country, a dozen of protesters disrupting an even held by a hundred nationalists.
Because in the US we have these federal "Hate Crime" laws. Basically if you are white and try to do anything, and I mean anything, against black people, it's a hate crime. If you try to stop the BLM movement then guess what? Hate crime.
Henry Turner
We refuse to come down to their level.
BLM and its ilk attract the dregs of society in one way or another.
Jace Sanders
Its cowardice, these people are just as faggy as leftists none willing to fight for liberty. I wouldnt stand for it
Gavin Robinson
the organizers spent a lot of time getting them to sit down and not do anything. I'm 100% sure they were expecting the visit from the niggers and wanted to be able to show on national press how terrible those people are. If the conservatives jumped the stage and caused a fight, they would have lost the message.
Gabriel Moore
This was covered on Based Bill O'Reilly. Too bad they blurred out "faggot" on the screen for Milo Yiannopoulos-Breitbart, Dangerous Faggot
Carson Bailey
But that's the way to do it. Senseless violence that will get backlash against you is bad. When it is your voice what they fear it makes them shit their pants, because others realise that they can't defend their own ideas. Thus, they get weaker.
Jacob Campbell
Her fist is obviously in the foreground and doesnt touch him, but god I swear her IQ is 70-75 ffs
Camden Lee
This son.
Samuel Adams
It's called the PR war m8.
In America, disregarding Sup Forums most people are moderates in so far that they even care about politics beyond oh hey, another presidential election.
That said, we need them to side with us, as they are a majority within the country. If they see the BLM and other assorted leftist protester groups as the bullies, they'll be more sympathetic to the right.
We start provoking, on the other hand, and we confirm the labels already somewhat placed in people's minds: we are hateful bigots gleefully resorting to terrorist tactics to win.
If that were to happen outright, well, goodbye any semblance of credence to right ideals - they'll have the full support of the government and people to suppress them.
Anthony Lee
You make it sound like conservatives are the cause of all of it: >they were talking! Would you believe me? >spreading lies for sure >talking is so arrogant in 2016. >clearly these racists are provoking us with their existence >it's their fault if we beat them.
Jayden Lopez
Also, I live in Chicago, and I've been seeing people in our age group now posting about Milo and that incident and the broader trend of the alt-right.
General conclusion?
>Why are protesters expected to take an "intellectual" approach to vitriol and hate speech? How do you reason with someone who questions your humanity?
And people agreed with it. No one sides with Milo, no one sees him as the victim, but rather an ignorant perpetrator of oppression.
So those whistles and other ridiculous tactics used? Fine, because it was "WARRANTED".
Juan Martin
Because, let's be honest it makes BLM look worse that way, it makes milo and crew look like civilised people who don't resort to violence, and it make BLM look like terrorists.
Luis Wright
I was there. Once BLM got on stage we all started telling them to fuck off. They did not. Campus Republicans assured us Security and the CPD had been called and that the college republicans were told "Anybody on stage besides Milo and the event hosts will be arrested, anybody being outrageous or uncalm in the audience will also be arrested."
So we thought the police were going to do their jobs, but they showed up late and then didn't arrest anybody (except fucking journalists, of course). So we got fucked over.
Now, that said, I was impressed at the level of immaturity in people attending the event, very boyish. Lots of people who need to lift. It was mostly just very lame. The way BLM protested made me, personally, not feel righteously angry, or passionate to fight back - it just made me bored.
I think that's the biggest difference between politics now and in, say, the 60s. Protests back then were a big deal because they were one of the only ways to get non-establishment information and themes to the public. Now we have the internet. Milo left and started periscope and writing on facebook immediately after his counter protest was blocked by Campus security.
Also, no I don't want to fight black people, did you see what they did to Papa Zim?
Matthew Williams
If any member of the audience, anyone at all, would have tried anything against those fucking SJW's on stage, they would have been pulled out faster than you could say "Reverse racism isn't real".
I watched the entire fucking stream, and it was horrifying. Watching the audience and security stand idly by against their wills so that some nigger can preach about how "racist" everyone is. Fuck the left.
Anthony Brown
Except people have run over the same protesters and it's fine with the police. Not every offense against a minority is a hate crime. The organizers asked that they respect the protest before it started.
Luke Hill
The Left wants to provoke a violent reaction from the Right. Trump supporters (and mainly other republicans and conservatives) already know that the media is on the Left's side, so they must take calculated actions and try to operate within the law as much as they can. If the Right decided to react to all these protests, it would only be used to validate the Left's agenda and their caricature of the Right. The media will spin it to make it seem like it was the Right's fault for the violence that broke out. The best way for the Right to deal with Leftists is to simply use the law. Right now, it is the Left who is violent. It is the Left that is being seen as intolerant. Any violent outbreak from the Right would only serve to hurt our cause.
Sure it might feel good to beat up a lefty, but that's nigger behavior, and in today's society it will probably be filmed and posted to Youtube titled "racist right winger attacks minority". As long as there is law and order, the Right should not act violently.
Always keep in mind, that you represent the Right when you go out and talk about politics in public whether you like it or not. If you proceed to make an ass out of yourself, then you've also made an ass out of the Right.
Logan Morales
On CNN, they were making the BLM protestors look like the victims.
Ryder Myers
Not only did BLM show their true trashy selves with their threats of violence and retarded nigger dance, but DePaul is going to pay a very heavy financial price for encouraging this delinquent leftist bs in the form of reduced enrollment next fall.
Elijah Turner
I can see they don't teach english or critical thinking down under
Jackson Butler
They were waiting on security because they thought that the security they paid for would do something about it, but the university told the security to stand down. Oh well they should sue the university now.
Dylan Bennett
Good lordy, context on vid?
John Nguyen
If they would have done something the security would have them arrested for hate crimes.
Josiah Perez
>Is it because they would be immediately arrested and expelled from University?
Due Process is dead at universities.
Jack Peterson
Milo plays the victim. Don't trust anyone that plays the victim.
Owen Jenkins
Are you shitting me? They danced?
This lack of self-awareness has me reeling
Adam Fisher
>implying he didnt enjoy it
Ryder Allen
>Why is this? Is it because they would be immediately arrested and expelled from University?
Bro, they are outnumbered as shit at these universities, they would get in shit if they tried to do anything. People will naturally push back against the left when they figure out being right wing or sharing views with racists doesn't mean you are a racist.
Tyler Ortiz
another victory for BLM
fuck whitey
Christopher Stewart
>not chimping out >"victim"
Carson Murphy
Colonel Sanders was white. Just saying.
Carter Miller
They couldn't do anything without being arrested. The law seems to exist in this country primarily to protect the criminals (the nigger in this case) who are not bound by it.
Charles Perry
Whites are instinctively cowardly. They will always cede to blacks in any social conflict. They cant even make eye contact with blacks most of the time. It's almost comical to watch, honestly.
James Phillips
>Sure it might feel good to beat up a lefty, but that's nigger behavior Except you righties are looking forward for the day when you will be able to do so behind closed doors.
Landon Miller
when does it start on the official video?
Josiah Gray
If a precious oppressed minority gets damaged in the name of Trump, he takes a hit.
America is fucked, black life is valued more than white. In fact anything brown, queer, disabled etc is valued more than a straight white male
>Act >BLM and leftist media spin the story in their favor
>Don't act >Everyone see's how "great" BLM really is
They can disrupt us, they can assault us, we shall fight back with non-violence.
Landon Morales
>Because in the US we have these federal "Hate Crime" laws. Basically if you are white and try to do anything, and I mean anything, against black people, it's a hate crime. If you try to stop the BLM movement then guess what? Hate crime.
Exactly like the South Park episode where Cartman attacked Token.
Hunter Wright
Timid Tim! Speak Strong, Young Man!
Brody Harris
Wait till Trump gets elected then it's our turn.
Aaron Robinson
user is giving you the wrong info. They have to prove it was because the person was one race or another. If you are recorded screaming NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER while beating up some nigger, then yeah hate crime. Same if a nigger is caught screaming CRACKER CRACKER CRACKER while beating up their white superiors.
If you just beat up a nigger and there's no way to blame it on 'hate' for another race as the cause of the assault, you're good to go...well, within normal assault and battery anyway.
Colton Nelson
The pendulum is absolutely screaming to the right, it's so sudden and glorious I absolutely love it. I couldn't have asked for more.
Landon Howard
Because it's exactly what they want. They'll spin it "rasis evil Trump supporters attack innocent, god fearing BLM activists while having polite discussion with homosexual baby killing conservative"
David Murphy
The BLM people are unhinged and it would've been bad to escalate the situation.
Luis Thomas
because they don't believe what they stand for with any conviction (like the BLM people do). They are just there for selfies and entertainment, it is now cool to be anti-political correctness, so people are doing it to try and fit in. Most of the people in the crowd are well off middle class kids with guaranteed jobs out of college.
James Wood
You need to sort out your inner nigger.
While I believe in the language of violence in appropriate context, there is no strategic value in engaging these protestors violently. You cede moral high ground, invite Law Enforcement scrutiny, provide the enemy with effective propaganda, make no inroads to turning the wobblers to your side and do little in the way of striking an actual blow to collateral.
You're an agent provocateur or worse, you're being sincere. In either case, lurk more.
Ian Diaz
Jose Ward
>had to check flag and erase post.
Levi Miller
In your particular filter bubble, maybe. Everyone I know that saw that video (most of which don't even know what a milo is) thinks it's a bunch of rabid, immature pissbabies throwing a temper tantrum.
Which is true, as it turns out.
Isaac Clark
Everybody saw how big stupid they were acting. Then at the end the bitch was like "BYE. BYE. BYE. BYE. BYE. BYE. BYE. BYE." Like wtf how childish can you get? That's how you know they don't know wtf they're doing. Just tryna get attention.
Dylan Mitchell
I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a strong desire to physically put these mongoloids in their place. Not because of politics, but because of the outrageousness of the act - not even Trump fails at basic decorum this bad.
Basically, in the old west, this would have gotten you shot, and that's before we take skin color into account.
Jordan Sanders
anyone know what happened to those /k/fags who shot some BLM protesters that one time?
Noah Bennett
They were trusting the security paid by Milo. Security ended up protecting the niggers assaulting and blocked whites who tried to stop it.
So progressive!
Jose White
You see the White Liberal like the plantation owner sees black people as children that have to be fed,clothed and housed, taken care of. Even though atheist they like black clergy, because like children they need something to beleive in like Santa Claus. BLM, Civil Rights leaders ect... buy into this blue pill.
Lincoln Lee
In a world without laws yes I would love to beat the shit out of lefties.
However, we live in a country of laws so I must follow the law according to how it was written, and honor the bill of rights and constitution. Beating up lefties for their viewpoints is no different than vice versa.
James James
Normal white people dont want to get arrested or expelled. We have jobs and careers to worry about.
Sebastian Hernandez
This was the most infuriating thing about the video.
People paid for the event. People paid for security to be ready for a situation like this, and security literally just stood on the side and let the niggers fuck up the event. I won't be surprised if the DePaul police are hit with a lawsuit. Quite possibly the most pathetic display of police force I've ever witnessed.
Josiah Jones
>Same if a nigger is caught screaming CRACKER CRACKER CRACKER while beating up their white superiors.
I've been here far too long to believe that.
Have you read "White Girl Bleed Alot"?
Tyler Miller
Why is being racist a bad thing?
Adam Hughes
It'll save you time and possibly your life, but it might cost you money. Niggers.
Matthew Ross
Connor Parker
You dont need to resort to violence to put a nigger in place. I would have jumped on the stage and told the nigger to leave. My actions would have at least triggered security to move. Not sit there like some beta male faggot. That isnt your inner nigger thats your willingness to sacrifice for something bigger than yourself. I wont let niggers set the pace
Robert Perry
Shut up shitstirrer.
As I told you before, it's because we are rational people who don't chimp out.
Nicholas Rivera
>I paid good money to watch police brutality and I didn't get it! Fuck you DePaul!
Joseph Jenkins
Running over someone who is in the street and not in a cross walk is legal as long as you didn't have bad intentions. Can't have a hate crime when no crimes are committed.
With enough Trump supporters though, they might be able to shut down black lives matter without even touching them. Just have to rotate out who the niggers are punching until the niggers hands get tired. Maybe that could start a movement with the general public.
Hunter Mitchell
ITT Cucks
Milo is a cuck. White nationalists in America are cucks.
This is the degeneracy and weakness that results from a generation of brainwashed people watching Cuck Entertainment shows like Game of Cucks. No balls whatsoever.
Colton Smith
that's it, i have had it with these niggers, give them 1 to the head and two in the chest the next time they pull shit like this
Noah Taylor
That shit is boring as fuck. I'd clap for anybody who started hitting anybody else.
Justin Perry
If you just let them nigout, it just brings people against them.
Blake Morris
Yep. They fucking danced their nigger dance. Twerking or whatever the fuck you do with your nigger hands.
Ryan Carter
Bullshit, Colonel Sanders is Black like Jesus!
Alexander Foster
He gets bent over an fuck bu niggers.
Gavin Murphy
It is all Part or DJ's plan. He's baiting liberals. All supporters there are already on their best behavior because being seen with a Trump hat at a University is already taboo. So he knows they will behave. Meanwhile the Chimpout is allowed to happen because He is exposing BLM's true colors.
Soon the moderate voter will see the violence and hate of social justice warriors and want to disassociate themselves. Shifting the narrative and winning the election.
Christopher Murphy
I am 100% behind Milos timid response and just insulting them, it provoked them more.
The reason? One act of any violence and we wouldn't be here today with even liberal shit holes writing about how appalling it was that the event was harassed like that. If you watch the videos out girls keep shrieking how they were man handled when it never happened. Milo and the crowd needed to keep their nose absolutely clean. Now look at the insane backlash, the back pedaling trying to accuse others of violence when it's on camera who the real violent animals are. This played out brilliantly. It's not been a full 24 hours and the backlash is intense and only getting worse. Emails are coming out and more videos. But! There is not one person there for the event or supporting Milo who can be pegged as doing anything violent or as raging as those retarded goons.
Carter Myers
If we responded with violence the media will blame us for silencing opinions.
We are just letting them show who they really are.
Elijah Morris
Haven't you ever heard not to look a wild animal in the eye? Or bare your teeth at them? Their territorial, chimplike behavior is easily triggered.
Dylan Richardson
At least he only spreads his hiv to the few niggers without it.
Connor Nguyen
It's kind of disgraceful that Milo is happy to ride Trump's coattails to fame, but when it comes to physically standing up for Trump he's happy to get publically cuckolded and impotently bitch about it afterwards on Twitter.
Jackson Wood
You won't see the right-wing resort to violence unless Trump loses the election.
Tyler Moore
>this infographic Don't get me wrong. Blacks are fucking stupid. But the 75 IQ for Chimps is weighed on the scale for children.
Matthew Lopez
Thanks Milo, well said.
Carson Adams
God damned right. We need to take every teaching of MLK and throw it right back in their fucking faces. Just let them beat the shit out of us to show who's really oppressed and who's really violent, racist and aggressive
James Powell
What did you expect him to do?
Owen Sanchez
What hate speech? I have never heard hate speech from Milo.
Logan Allen
Is there any kind of conversion rate that would paint a more accurate picture?
Gabriel Russell
Conservative ideas.
Actually, correction, non-liberal speech.
Adrian Parker
M8. That's a pretty rough go to give old stevie. Saved for upity Australians.
Matthew Evans
>We refuse to come down to their level. It's part of why we're losing, but anyone even remotely right of center is in a catch 22 where everything they do is evil.
>Senseless violence that will get backlash against you is bad. When it is your voice what they fear it makes them shit their pants, because others realise that they can't defend their own ideas. Thus, they get weaker.
Except for the fact that everyone agrees with the violence because they feel it's justified.
People are hanging Trump pinatas and smashing them/setting them on fire on college campuses and at various conventions. They're attacking pro-trump crowds, it'll escalate and people will be A-OK with that.
The real shit will be someone gets attacked, shoots the attacker, and watch the attacker become the victim, and the victim become a pariah.
Samuel Hall
I think the general estimate is at 40. Actually that does kind of suggest that a genius chimp might be smarter than some random nigger or abo.
Daniel Roberts
i love it when they do that. they get all excited, and they can't help but start shucking and jiving, jigging about like bairns. its cute, like that retard girl in the protestor vid.
Austin Davis
that guy should have just let those chicks have their fun
Jace Morgan
this. its a good propaganda victory
that jew fag knows what he is doing.
of course jews have a lot of experience in this sort of thing
Owen Campbell
Found the redditor.
Lurk more faggot.
Nathan Lee
Wanting to be accurate has nothing to do with reddit. Your picture is true though.
Sebastian Sanders
They know they hold the higher moral ground and don't want to lose it.