You make it sound like conservatives are the cause of all of it:
>they were talking! Would you believe me?
>spreading lies for sure
>talking is so arrogant in 2016.
>clearly these racists are provoking us with their existence
>it's their fault if we beat them.
Can you guys explain something to me?
Also, I live in Chicago, and I've been seeing people in our age group now posting about Milo and that incident and the broader trend of the alt-right.
General conclusion?
>Why are protesters expected to take an "intellectual" approach to vitriol and hate speech? How do you reason with someone who questions your humanity?
And people agreed with it. No one sides with Milo, no one sees him as the victim, but rather an ignorant perpetrator of oppression.
So those whistles and other ridiculous tactics used? Fine, because it was "WARRANTED".
Because, let's be honest it makes BLM look worse that way, it makes milo and crew look like civilised people who don't resort to violence, and it make BLM look like terrorists.
I was there. Once BLM got on stage we all started telling them to fuck off. They did not. Campus Republicans assured us Security and the CPD had been called and that the college republicans were told "Anybody on stage besides Milo and the event hosts will be arrested, anybody being outrageous or uncalm in the audience will also be arrested."
So we thought the police were going to do their jobs, but they showed up late and then didn't arrest anybody (except fucking journalists, of course). So we got fucked over.
Now, that said, I was impressed at the level of immaturity in people attending the event, very boyish. Lots of people who need to lift. It was mostly just very lame. The way BLM protested made me, personally, not feel righteously angry, or passionate to fight back - it just made me bored.
I think that's the biggest difference between politics now and in, say, the 60s. Protests back then were a big deal because they were one of the only ways to get non-establishment information and themes to the public. Now we have the internet. Milo left and started periscope and writing on facebook immediately after his counter protest was blocked by Campus security.
Also, no I don't want to fight black people, did you see what they did to Papa Zim?
If any member of the audience, anyone at all, would have tried anything against those fucking SJW's on stage, they would have been pulled out faster than you could say "Reverse racism isn't real".
I watched the entire fucking stream, and it was horrifying. Watching the audience and security stand idly by against their wills so that some nigger can preach about how "racist" everyone is. Fuck the left.
Except people have run over the same protesters and it's fine with the police. Not every offense against a minority is a hate crime. The organizers asked that they respect the protest before it started.
The Left wants to provoke a violent reaction from the Right.
Trump supporters (and mainly other republicans and conservatives) already know that the media is on the Left's side, so they must take calculated actions and try to operate within the law as much as they can.
If the Right decided to react to all these protests, it would only be used to validate the Left's agenda and their caricature of the Right. The media will spin it to make it seem like it was the Right's fault for the violence that broke out.
The best way for the Right to deal with Leftists is to simply use the law. Right now, it is the Left who is violent. It is the Left that is being seen as intolerant. Any violent outbreak from the Right would only serve to hurt our cause.
Sure it might feel good to beat up a lefty, but that's nigger behavior, and in today's society it will probably be filmed and posted to Youtube titled "racist right winger attacks minority". As long as there is law and order, the Right should not act violently.
Always keep in mind, that you represent the Right when you go out and talk about politics in public whether you like it or not. If you proceed to make an ass out of yourself, then you've also made an ass out of the Right.
On CNN, they were making the BLM protestors look like the victims.
Not only did BLM show their true trashy selves with their threats of violence and retarded nigger dance, but DePaul is going to pay a very heavy financial price for encouraging this delinquent leftist bs in the form of reduced enrollment next fall.
I can see they don't teach english or critical thinking down under