Lol The Economist did a study on how much time people waste by race. The results may SHOCK YOU

lol The Economist did a study on how much time people waste by race. The results may SHOCK YOU.

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Actually the part that surprised me is that hispanics are more lazy than blacks. I would have thought it would be the other way around.


Source it, PLZ!!

Full article:

They are going to get so much shit for this.

I'm surprised they actually got to do a study.

Just finalized the read, its pretty Interesting :) Im Latino and I would say its sort of accurate but does depends if Chicano does falls under the Latino Category...

Based on diaries and not actual observation. Study is significantly flawed. It shows that Hispanics are either more lazy or more honest.

Am Asian, can confirm. I probably waste 6-7% of my time at work.

But I also work 10-12 hour days. So total time working is higher than my white colleagues who leave precisely at 5pm. 7% of 10 hours is 42 mins, which means I have 9.3 hours minimum of solid work per day compared to 7.5 hours for my white colleagues.

We are looking at a few percentage points here, really minor difference and is probably not significant, especially considering thier methods.

Seen this pattern on my workplace, the Percentage of Procrastination should be a factor too



Doesn't seem like a very rigorous study
they should delineate races precisely

Eh, depends on the job. I work as an engineer in automotive design. There's no time to procrastinate because when design issues crop up thousands of cars are leaving the plant per day.

If you procrastinate, you get your ass fired. Hence why I work long hours. Got shit to do and it can't wait.

Filthy roundeyes are lazy!

Is that why paco takes 6 hrs to mow my lawn?

6.5 vs 8% a difference less the margin of error.

That and because a black guy stole your lawnmower.

Yes they are, and they're too busy getting their personalized license plates to realize why they get let go first while I'm put in line for promotion.

They see me wasting time at work, but they don't see me putting in the necessary hours because they're already packing up to leave at 4:30pm while I'm there till any hour necessary, putting the company and our customers first.

They're packing up at 4:30 because they're heading over to your house to fuck your neglected wife.

Must suck to not have anything worth living for.

How nice for the company to have have found such a willing chump.

I was surprised by Hispanics coming out on top, until I realized that it's not just Texas Mexicans. Some of those fucks from other areas are lazy as shit

My white wife is too busy taking care of my daughter. Besides, why would she want to fuck some loser who's getting let go next week vs me who's getting paid ludicrous sums of money and can give her literally whatever she wants?

I bet that's not how it works. Here's how it works. You do all the work, and they white guys who have better time management skills and aren't insufferable asswipes get the promotion.

And that's why you're still at the bottom. You think dedication to your work and craft is being a chump.

I'm well compensated for my dedication thank you. I daily drive sports cars and live in a nice house. I have a doting white wife who blows me anytime I want, and a young daughter who's doing better than her white peers at private school.

Why the hell wouldn't I be dedicated when the company has invested just as much into me as I have them? I don't even feel like I work for a living. I'm in automotive design and engineering. I eat shit and sleep my hobby and get paid very well.

There isn't a single white person ranking higher than me numb nuts. I manage the white guys, and everyone above me is Japanese.