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Miscellaneous #7516
Follow this ig account pinapple_train1
This could be our last chance
Dubs decides my steam profile name for a while
Is it any coincidence Trump pardons an albino turkey? What are the chances for any mammal becoming albino again?
I am the one true user. Post a wish. Dubs come true. Trips mean that the opposite of your wish happens. Wish wisely
Rate this slut, Sup Forums
Dubs get more
If you're not letting people know about why Net Neutrality is important...
How do you get rid of emotional pain ?
Newer Celeb thread
Thicc/Chubby/BBW Thread
Hey guys! Do you want to pay your cable company an extra fee for the right to reach Netflix...
ITT: Women that disgust you......but you can't stop fapping to them
Am I the only mother fucker whos not into the whole tattoo thing?
Can someone explain the vape high vs the joint high for me? Been smoking joints since I started two months ago...
What is this. I think it's skin cancer, can you confirm or deny?
Pussy, ass, mouth?
Roll tits to see my trips :3
M-master...I haven't been milked in weeks. My tits have grown so much since you bred me...
Sorry but I am not buying this shit...
How does Sup Forums feel about net neutrality
Roll dubs. Get tits of the girl I've been cumming in for the past month. Fap. Profit
Trips leaves Sup Forums forever. This time you can't come back
Pics shouldnt share, pics saved thread
Collage Thread! The dirtier/most embarrassing the better
How much do you think the Sup Forums package will cost under Trump's new ISP-controlled internet?
Walking into your bedroom and see this, WDYD?
Fb/IG / WWYD Thread continued
Rate my fresh piece
Swim instructor wait/loli thread
Would you let me wreck your gf?
This is my favorite JAV idol. Want to see more?
Pls send dickpics, the whore loves it
Wwyd thread
Mentally ill AMA, schizophrenic OCD diagnosed 11
ITT Most overrated artists/bands of all time:
Tonight should be exciting for me. I just recently got prescribed 1mg clonazepam...
If you drink, but you don't smoke
Just thinking
PA thread 570 bitches
Anyone caught using the word Soyboy unironically will be banned
Operation: FCC OFF
Creepthread 3: Revenge of the Creeps
What browser do you use Sup Forums
Post your perfect pussies
Sup Sup Forumstards
Sup Forums i fucked up because I grew tired of Sup Forums & ventured over to redditt...
Odds = fap
Pussy, ass or mouth? Why?
I bought this fleshlight today
She's a friend if mine and I think she wants to have sex. Problem is she is kind of fat...
WWYD thread continued. Do her
Dubs has to drink a glass of water
This girl is a pain slut. She makes videos of her "master" beating her and sells them...
Face it user, traps are gay and you know it. Stop denying it you faggot
Is youtube making the screen blank for anyone else because you have an adblock on? Is it just certain channels...
Because of the way my soul is and my genetics and my upbringing I was driven to insanity trying to figure out why...
Would you fuck her Sup Forums? be honest
It came from interstellar space and scientist have never seen any thing shaped like it
Cuckolding thread, cucks post your gf's for dominant bulls to say what they would do
Hey Sup Forums
Feels thread
Trips decides what I do with spray painted bread
10/10 albums thread. Go
Odds he raped the shit out of her?
Sup Forums without a g/fur thread is not a place I wanna be
New Celeb Thread
Hey Sup Forums, heres a controversial topic:
Asshole: The Movie
Secrets / Vent / Advice thread
The Power Of BBC
Dick rate thread
Post god tier albums #2
Trap Thread!
Pics you shouldn't share thread cont
NJ Girls
I've put this cunt through the wash like 5 times! What do
Why are you people not freaking out over this net neutrality autism that's about to go down
When should I kill myself ?
Hey Sup Forums! I'm a new Dungeons and Dragons DM and need some ideas for a campaign and/or quests...
Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it
Start rolling boys
Hit me up with your lewdest of lolis and as many of them as you can
Nude teacher thread. Post sauce, info, on/off
How is hanging yourself like you see online even possible...
ITT: We Recast the avengers
New fb/ig/wwyd thread
Creepthread 2
Get Rekt
Is this possible Sup Forums
Alright fags, i need help. I know this aint /o/ but i need some solid opinions from a lot of different people...
Who wants to see more of Liz?
White "men" are obsolete
Post the last image you've seen
Trips or double dubs names my scattergun
How do i heat up this frozen soup in a plastic tub faster than over a pot of boiling water? i don't have a microwave
A kid I know pretty well might shoot up my school tomorrow
If you checked your keyboard you must post in this thread
Continuing from the last thread that just got pruned
Anyone know who she is or got any more pics of her? Been trying to look for her since someone posted her on a thread
I need more naked Eminem Pictures
New celeb plz
Anyone down for a tiny tits thread?
Enkidu's loli voice acting thread
Has my gf got the body to do a stag nite strip as her friend will have to pull out this weekend...
Good evening, user
Hey Sup Forums help a broke college girl out? paypal is
[email protected]
square cash is $madiejuana
Asian thread?
New fb/ig/wwyd thread
Underrated drug thread
Hey we should probably come up with a plan to kill ajit pai
Hey Sup Forumsros I'm here to share my chubby girl if you don't like her let the thread die guys but if you've seen her...
Why do Muslims want to kill us?
All memes and jokes aside, we elected the greatest American president of the 21st century
IF you could fuck just 1, which would you choose?
Thoughts on nipple piercings?
Chubby girls thread cont
Bra and panty thread stolen/collection/family/gf/etc
How many of you are like me and mostly lurk whilst occasionally (and i mean very fucking rarely) post anything
What should i put on my pizza pic related choose from those 3 toppings only
Left or right?
This is the degenerate who molested me when I was 6, say something mean about him
Any medfags lurking please help
-pedo-friendly alternatives to Sup Forums-
I have a problem. I'm way too smart for my age, and everyone around me is intellectually inferior
Where i live weapons are illegal but criminality is high anyway...
How did you fuck up so bad?
Roll a 64 or a 39 and you get to choose which bitch titties I post
Is this rape? I'll spare you the greentext and just tell you the basics
So why aren't you out there serving your country? you a coward or something?
Rate my friend. a dub, a nude
Post ideal gfs
Have you seen my log?
I have a polygraph for my job, how fucked am I /b?
Who wants more of her?
ITT: God-tier sandwiches
Trips decide my new skyrim character
Pics you shouldn't share thread
I'm dating a 35 year old stripper. Looks like pic related
Ok, so this woman texted some guy to kill himself. He chose to do it of his own free will. How is his death her fault...
34. Brit. Crazy alcoholic about to go into detox. I have stories. Ask away
Why don't you own a gun?
Fb/ig/wwyd thread
Let's get a faces of Sup Forums thread going fam
It's Tiger Tits Tuesday!
Deutscherfaden Nacht Edition
Slutty dresses
I'm scared bros
FUN FACT: Did you know that BLACK sperm is the most potent sperm in the world?
New loli swim instructor waiting thread
Celeb thread
What the fuck happened to her?! She was a queen!
Saved pics you want more of
Say how do u stolen her photos
Anglo-American love thread
This post again? fuck off
All Time Favorite Porn WebM or Gif ↴
Michigan girls
Nude game continued
Top, Middle, Bottom?
This frog ruined Sup Forums
OP please continue dumping this beautiful female
Post comfy games
Pics you saved and want moar of
Prove you're an oldfag
What made Sup Forums so vital back in the day?
Cont from earlier I guess
Do I look alright with makeup on? I'm 19 Male from California
Dumping random amateur photoshoot I took
Choose a weapon faggots its the end of the world
The FCC is voting very soon to kill Net Neutrality on Dec.14. Whether you're right or left...
I just got a new cat and he doesn't like it when I rub his belly. What should I do? all my other cats love belly rubs
For You Disgusting Lib-tard Millennial Faggots
Even more IG/FB
Someone make these pictures with high resolution please?
Let's have a loli-spread thread on bread
Lets start a ass/doggystyle thread
Ylyl thread???? im bored
The last person to post on this thread wins the internet
Waifu thread
Chancoin is the next big cryptocurrency. It is the almalgamation of all the ICO scams...
Virginia girls
More pics toy should/shouldn't share, ones saved from/b/... part 3
Any idea who this is?
Milf thread
Any anons wanna fap to my ex wife Chelsea? She was cheating on me out whole marriage...
Ok so here me out, fags. i met this girl on omegle like 3 years ago and we’ve been twitter buddies ever since...
Didn't this nigger say he would return? So where the fuck is he?
You faggots keep bitching about muh guns so why don't you actually do something about it since that's pretty much the...
Hotdog thread?
UK sluts thread
'm sure there is people here who's experiencing it. I'm mainly interested in transgender male to female...
Just started putting dildos in my ass. where does one go from here?
I come from the outside, With one simple question for you 4channers
Do you guys shave your dick ? How often ? What does your gf think ? Feel like it's a pain in the ass...
Cock and cum tribute thread
Guys, serious question here ! Why is there no philosphy board ? Or is there an alternative...
Celeb thread
Sup Forums, I'm drunk, which anime should I watch?
More IG/FB fun
Friend just got sold this "mdma", he gonna die?
Some cute chick sent me a snap for no reason
Who wants to punch this kid into the face so fucking much?
ITT: Cats with a human penis
Kikk da?
Anyone down for an Asian amateur nude/hc thread? Holler
Tribute thread to one of the greatest men ever to live
Ylyl OC edition
Can I convince any of you to jack off to my cousin Victoria...
IG/FB cont
Net Neutrality is ending. We must fight the good fight...
Make 3 wishes Sup Forums
My family keeps guilt tripping me into going to thanksgiving which will require me to drive 7 hours across the state...
Royal Rumble, only DUBS can eliminate a contestant
I want to be preggo-cucked
So my "girlfriend" has cheated on me. Not best pleased. Confronted her today and she's done it before...
Poland girl
He's got some Ass Jazz just for you
S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again
New nude game, old one got pruned
Name my Male Nord Skyrim character
Ylyl thread
I just lost my virginity to a one night stand(18 years old). When I left...
Can fat girls be cute?
Jacking off in my cousins panties, what're you all doing? Pic related, it's her
Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it
Sup Forums is responsible for Trump. Is Sup Forums happy they killed the internet?
I love steak fags
Sup Forums... we need to do something about this whole net neutrality thing. This piece of shit, this Ajaja Pie nigger...
Celeb Thread Fap
New creepthread, other one was deleted
How long do you think this'll take to heal? Also should I be fine without stitches?
Death metal thread
I always grab my left titty when I masturbate. Just holding it, and I don't know why...
This is a ship-shipping ship, shipping shipping ships
New nude game
That kid thread. I'll start
One of the girls in the picture sucked my cock, while the other one got drunk with me...
Feet you want to smell
What are you doing on Sup Forums ?
Best gaming desktops for under $1000?
New thread Boxxy/Catie
Post gf memes
Wwyd to this slut?
ITT: Post an image
Really? No creampie thread? What a shame!
Trips leaves Sup Forums forever
No FB fap thread?
Are you happy with your penis size?
Need advice Sup Forums
More pics toy should/shouldn't share, ones saved from/b/... part II
Best way to last longer? Literally anything goes lads
Trap thread
French thread
So, one of my close friends invited me to come smoke with him and some other friends this Saturday...
Are you a Brittney White fan?
My asexual girlfriend doesn't crave sex like I do...
So Sup Forumsros I found the set of this girl I go to school with on here. I still talk to her...
WWYD- brutal rape edition
Rest in peep
Scat thread!
Feeling up for a roll?
Mal Malloy should get gangbanged by big black cocks. Just look at this ass. I want to see it so badly
Chubby girlsss thread
What do you do to compensate for the fact that you did not have experiences like this growing up?
This is how my ideal husband looks like. Your thoughts?
Last two digits is how many days of nofap you do
Can we get a NUDE GAME?
Reminder that Logposter is a 30+ year old fatass with terrible photoshop skills...
Name one youtuber funnier than my boi rice
Is everything you do a compensation for the fact that you did not have experiences like this growing up?
Last night GIGA NIGGA fell after a terrifying rampage. Broken by proxy quads, he harboured a deep and sadistic rage...
Kik thread: post em boys
What should I fap to? pref sissy or trap stuff
I got banned for 3 weeks for posting this girls nudes and facebook!! You suck Sup Forums...
Just Share your secrets, This Is a safe Place
ITT trips decides what rumor to spread about violinist Lindsey Stirling
Faces you want to cum on pt 2
What's your opinion of MILF-on-Loli?
Spray my face daddy!
I had a weird experience on the weekend...
Dump your favorite knockout/rekt videos/webms
Sup Sup Forumsros
Hey Sup Forumsros
Poland fat pussy
Webm thread
What can be used with vaginal mucus?
Last 2 digits - your pajeet name. Roll
Talking to a recruiter Monday (Navy) can any military fags give me any advice on the Asvab? Nervous but confident
Seriously /b ive been apart of this shit for a while and i like some of the improvements the Sup Forums community has...
Why are JEWISH girls so perfect?
Another day in the life of a gynaecologist:
Rekt/gore thread folks let's see what we've got. Need new material
Welp, I'm broke af Sup Forums...
What are some good psychological horror movies Sup Forums...
Feet/foot thread
Celeb Thread (Ready Set Go)
Dubs decide what I tell him
So ive been MIA from computers in awhile and TPB is dead so whats a good reliable site i can download from?
ITT: We confess our worst crimes
ITT: We rate each other's dicks as suckable or not suckable
Im dying of cancer
Twink thread? We need more of these
Why does Sup Forums hate Reddit?
Sup Forums, if you could snap your fingers and have every woman on earth conform to one fetish, what would it be?
I hate this world, please tell me a reason to live :/
Is there anything more beautiful than seeing white women take BBC?
Latin american hispanic girls, the best of both worlds
More pics you should/shouldn't share... pics saved from Sup Forums ect
Are the TrumpFuckers really going to let the Ajit Pai FCC get away with this??...
Would you?
Ask an orphan anything. I have 1 hour
Tell me a good movie I haven't seen yet
Your age:
Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it
So Sup Forums do you like diapers?
Would you legalize eating women, cannibalism? It would be permitted only eating girls...
Be me
How old does this girl look?
Hey steal these photos of a friend's girlfriend...
ITT: Sup Forums writes a rap song (1 verse per post)
How do i get myself motivated?
Dubs get more
Hi Sup Forums, how's it going?
ITT: your first time on Sup Forums
Is america still a white nation?
Dick rate thread
Set she took for ex
More gifs like this. :)
ITT: First cartton chick you fapped to, Pt 2
Femanon here, I'm bored, rate my butt
I want to start smoking weed Sup Forums
Hey b/Ros, i have always wanted to start a thread that gets more than 100 replies...
Ever been abducted by aliens or had any encounter?
God tier albums
Explain to me how 9/11 could not have been an inside job
Rate me
DB links. Get sharing
More of her? 5ft0inch, loves to suck cock. A bit nympho
Love me
He doesnt carry
Still Waiting
Soundcloud thread, post originals and give constructive criticism
What is this Sup Forums?! it's starting to spread to the other foot
Still waiting for swim user until someone posts proof he did the dinosaur
Send me your best reaction jpgs
Let's discuss the best compact carry weapon
Celeb thread
Well faggots I'm setting a date, thinking I'm gonna an hero on the 14th next year before I start work again...
Girls you wanna see take this... anyone like the idea of a girl taking a horse or jerking a horse to completion...
Is lolicon acceptable?
Question to polish twats
Brutal/Rape/Degrade WWYD Thread
Tribute/Cocking thread
The internet is about to get cucked HARD by this faggot. Discuss
I propose a we create a distinction between cuckolds who actually want to watch their women have sex with other men and...
I just recused this little guy from my breakroom at work...
What the fuck is wrong with indians and indian men...
Post your GF pics and I tribute
MGS thread
Antifa Far Left member from Germany here.Ask me anything
Girlfriend has been acting really shady. I suspect that she is cheating on me
Asian mature thread
Wives/gf in bra and panties pt.2
Dubs decides which celeb gets her nudes leaked next
Ok guys, I don't know why but this shit is funny as fuck..Lets do one
I have a SHA-1 code that I want to decrypt, but I've heard it's impossible to do so...
Post girls, and anons will say what kind of porn she should star in. Bonus for giving a pornstar name
User, are white females more attractive than females of other races?
Where da /mil/ fags at?
Sup Forums i fucked up majorly. big fucking time, okay
This fucking thread again: Ask a 34 year old kissless virgin anything
ITT Sexual stories from our childhood
Fb / ig thread
ITT: What Trump has done to MAGA for you
Going to smoke hash for the first time tommorow
Are edibles really that much stronger than usual smoking? Should I try brownies/cookies?
Feet thread
Nigger son steals from Chinese store
Faces you want to cum on
Are we seriously going to let this turd kill net neutrality over Thanksgiving?
Sissy thread
San Andreas appreciation
Can we please mass report this stupid chink so he'll get the fuck off YouTube...
Let's roll
Rekt thread
Looking for this motherless user - anonemail9000
Trips decides which celebrity/musician dies next
How many people have you fucked, oraled, touched, anything sexual?
Dubs decide my IGN
Girlfriend went off her birth control months ago without ever telling me...
Brother posted that nude Brooke shields photo in a thread to prove a point that nudity doesn't equate to sex and got...
Why are you depressed, Sup Forums?
Amateur ass thread continued
Anybody got nudes of this slut? Her name's Richelle. She's from Missouri
Based feet thread
How do you feel about girls calling you daddy?
What shoes do you wear Sup Forums?
His loaf, your throat. Any questions?
What do you think its the most badass type of weapon
Ask a gainer questions?!?!?
Are Niggers people?
Guise, im a paranoid fuck and suspect my gf of cheating...
Stop right there
Do you read b?
Ching Chong's nation. Ling ling long ping ping pong!
Anybody be cheated on and stay with your wife/gf...
The other girls must be jealous of the girl wearing sunglasses. She has so much more ass
Any deer hunters on Sup Forums?
What's her name
Celeb thread
New Celeb Thread
Finish the sentence. Taylor Swift is
QT Asians thread
Why is she such a goddess? What makes her so much better than other celebs? What's her secret?
Wife/gf in bra or panties thread
Horse cock!
Girls that are asking for it
Wouldn't you want a wife like this, /b?
Hey Sup Forums I found this kid's Discord server. He is 11 years old an loves Roblox...
Anyone have the video?
Why do not you love Russia so much? It is a beautiful country with good, kind people
Dear Sup Forums...
Google search "<your name> the hedgehog" and post the image result here
Roll for a spot Sup Forumsois
S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again
Hello medfags of Sup Forums
Fb/ig fap thread
First cartoon chick you masturbated to
Hey Sup Forums /an/ isn't talking got a small issue need some advice...
Pics you shouldn’t share
Are you aroused by women gaining weight?
How do you deal with your gf having a buff ex? This is the second time it happens
Degrading fat girls really turns me on. anyone have any stories?
What to name a trap page?
Found out Google has been using a picture of my vehicle on its captcha, can I sue?
I moved to a new house and I just fount a tree with this fruit. Can you please help me to indentify it...
Realistically what are my chances of getting laid when I'm skinny and 5'9 tall
I made another "roll for bitch" picture and figured I'd share it with you guys/
Chubby, fat, bbw
G'morning user
Looking for more of her
Festival/rave type pokesluts bread
Anons, I wanna surf secure and anonymous, I want a fast browser without ads
Roll dubs
What the fuck is wrong with indians and indian men...
Some chubby bitch at work won't stop talking about this new diet she's doing. She calls it Keto
Does anyone remember what the name of that woman holding her sons cock in her hand was? Stangl something
I want to star a new life anywhere as a fucktoy for men
Why aren't you losing weight?
Hey b
Have you ever bought riot balls for a paintball gun either for target practice or to keep stupid fucking wild animals...
Does anyone have a list of hex codes 000000 to FFFFFF?
Why does everyone wanna call each other faggots? It’s the pissiest insult I’ve ever heard
This is so beautiful
Hi everyone, im a transgender (MtF) in stealth, not planning to come out, and will commit suicide March 2018...
Anyone know other methods to grab vids from sites?
Hi Sup Forums, I'm going to kill myself within the next 3 months or so
Medifags I need help, I’m feel like I never really hit puberty...
Amateur dump, get in here
Is anyone here actually smart? can you solve this american math question?
"user, can you help us study???"
About to cum in my sisters morning protein shake
I get terrible razor burn on my neck and nothing seems to work...
Would you make love to this guy?
Norwegian cuties, go
Dubs gets nudes
God tier anime?
Would you suck a girls dick?
Red heads?
What’s the most hilarious gif you ever laughed on? This one gets me every fucking time
Will do tributes in 10/15 minutes as long as they're nudes, the chick is hot and has big tits
Like my wife's back dimples? Make her your morning fap
Does anyone have a list of hex codes 000000 to FFFFFF?
Wwyd hardcore rape/gangbang edition
Why is she smiling?
Trips 4 nudes
This thread is about orgasms so good it makes the girl go full retard. Post 'em if you have 'em :)
Is my sister considered a milf? Pic related
Celeb thread
I've groped women on the street, parks, parking lots. How bad am I Sup Forums?
How much did you cry when Lil ”God of rap” peep died?
Femanon of Sup Forums, do you like bondage?
So is trump in some secret incestual relationship with his daughter?
Walk into your bedroom
Why do Liberals defend Islam and Muslims so much when Islam is literal OPPOSITE of Liberalism on every social issue
Left or right ?
Became a tranny because trying to hook up with women failed
Image search your birthday in DDMMYY format and the first image of a female is yourself in an alternate universe...
How many hours should you sleep to feel rested?
So some fat piece of shit tried to rape a female friend of mine. I got him fired from his job...
Come fap to my girl
Ye old butterface thread
You have 10 seconds to prove you're not an Ameridump
Should you fuck fat chicks if you're not attracted to them but just desperate?
College sluts thread
Be me
Lets get some on / off pics going
Best Emma celeb thread
Does anyone have a list of hex codes 000000 to FFFFFF?
Do you believe pretty girls with schizophrenia and other mental diseases exist or they all are just "le quirky autistic...
Best cartoons ever
Uggh.. can't believe I'm about to ask Sup Forums for this
Fap to my mom?
Loli thread?
Last night Andy enjoyed a hearty meal of extra cheesy lasagna, a whole loaf of garlic bread...
I challenge you faggots to get me banned on Twitch...
Can someone please explain to me how you can murder a man, by sending him text messages from miles away?
Do you like my cock?
No trap thread? Wrong
MMF threesome, how many of you tried it, how many dumped their girl because if it?
Am I pretty?
Anyone know what her snap is?
ITT: We wait for swim user to come back
Rate my cock thread
No roulette thread? Time to roll phaggots. Post your favorites
Hey Sup Forums im a 300 lbs femanon and im only 17. I feel like shit constantly and I think I should just kms. thoughts...
Is this just the most beta thing a human being can do?
Does anyone want to see more of her?
Hey Sup Forums I'm a guy that acts gay on cam sites to make my money, AMA
Celeb Thread Redux
Lmao dear drump supporters. you are the fucking sheep to the herd. to your president clown...
I finally lost my virginity at the age 18 by having sex with an Asian "Massager" it may have not been the best sex but...
Girls You Would Rape Thread (WWYD)
Family fap thread?
Pls tell me how to cure my gender dysphoria
Fb/ig fap thread continued again
Nudes you've received/sent
Why is black men fucking white women the most viewed porn in america (mostly by white men)?
Exposed bitches thread
Arizona Thread
Red leader standing by
How come gay men aren't turned on by sissy boys?
Swear yourself to the way of the wizard and see where your fate takes you. No rerolls
WWYD thread
Post girls with glasses nude
Let's get a wholesome thread going, friends
39 decides
10/10 asian thread
Which phone do you have, and are you satisfied with it ?
Hey Sup Forums
ITT: Shit that's fucked you up beyond repair
Mary R34 Thread
Great amature ass thread
Anybody else have straight up crazy ass girlfriends here?
Don't you dare post in this thread
Share spicy secrets if you got 'em, anons!
Do you like Hispanic girl's butts?
Hey Sup Forums its 3:11 AM at brigantine beach NJ...
Walk into your bedroom
Pictures you shouldn't share
Fuck me harder daddy, make me your cumslut
Lol dont let balls touchy, hehe
I'm guarding a fucking Vans at 3am
Dubs get tits
Hello Sup Forums what are you doing?
There is
Let's go nibbas
Discuss the current corporate overthrow of the U.S. government
FB/IG Continued
Celeb Thread
Hi Sup Forums let's get a voice thread going
What is this?
Stuck at my mailbox in the rain, ama
Odds fap, evens sleep
My grandpas a freemason, my grandma was explaining this to me the other day
Seeing as how diamond is the hardest known metal...
thank you so much for spoiling me on my 14th birthday, user! What was the last suprise you had for me...
KYS if yoU don't use this. (inb4 shill)
Faces of Sup Forums thread?
Hey can you guys watch my plate. I g2g do some errands. Thanks <3
Which is better?
Give me snaps and I'll ATTEMPT to fetch some wins
What proof is there that racism is wrong?
Will she break up with him
Help me get laid b
California girls thread
Hey Sup Forums what's this? Will it get me high? or can I sell it?
What's the best McDonald's food to eat while high
Pictures you shouldn't share
Hey Sup Forums. What should I name our new cat?
Why doesn't anybody like me. am i ugly?
Fb/ig fap cont
Last girl you fapped to
Why was this ever even up for debate?
It seems that American college girls are wearing more revealing bikinis every-year. Every Spring Break since 2014...
Fucked up dicks!
White people hate thread. Blacks only
Be me
Why the fuck is Sup Forums just a porn board now
Boy, I can't wait to get fucked by my ISP
Anyone here ever go to a strip club and fuck one of the strippers? Is it worth it or a waste of time...
Amateur BJ thread
Random image thread
It seems like all races hate niggers and yet there hasn't been a mass genocide...
Should i stop collecting loose pubes or nah?
Waifu thread
America is white
Sup guys, what kind of pizza do you like? Trying to settle an argument
C e l e b thread
Swim Sensei thread continues
I'm a cuckold, my wife cheats on me regularly and loves humiliating me...
MILF thread. Join the party!
Pics you shouldn't share
Sup Sup Forums fags. bet u cant post a cuter puppers. also cute animal thread?
Trips gets all I got, I’ll go away at 6.30 u got 15 mins
What brought you guys to Sup Forums?
FB fap cont
Only trips removes the censor
Fuck it, I'm drunk. I'll share her. Roll dubs
Connecticut sluts!!!!
Only trips removes the censor
Wakeup... you find out you became pic-related. What do you do?
I love Isabelle!
Anyone that has experienced sleep paralysis will tell you that it's the most terrifying and intense feeling of pure...
Help Sup Forums pleeeease!!!
Ok guys, here's the thing
Where do you guys get your hookers?
Deer thread
Anyone a fan?
Dubs get nothing
Recommend me shows based off –my- preferences (the list), preferably new ones I haven’t heard of:
Comfy thread
Help me. There's a mother son incest green text about a son who tells his mom he likes her cleavage...
Fb/ig fap cont
Rate my cock and cock thread plz
Porn webms
Looking for OP, also ASIAN thread
New Fat whores, chubby sluts, thick fucktoys thread v4
What's better, regular rape or gang rape?
Trips for tits
Lick a dick thread
Wwyd replies get replies
Ask anything to a Venezuelan male
Round-earthers: prove that the earth is actually a sphere hanging from nothing...
Ohio sluts
So for the past few months I've been dressing up as a girl and letting men fuck me...
Try not to fall in love
Trips leaves Sup Forums forever
Sub Sup Forumstards, i just took this whole tab of lsd in the last 4-3 hours and nothing has happened...
Alright fags, I've been waiting for another gay childhood experiences thread but haven't seen one in a while
Just got prescribed Xanax. How will I feel on 0.5mg?
Any user doctors in the house that can help me with my recent numbness in my pinky and now my ring finger?
Ive got 5s,7.5s,and 10 mg norcos and Tylenol 3s with tequila and beer to wash them down
Someone please stop me and tell me how wrong it is for me to cum to my sister. I love it..pic related
Pics saved and want moar
No ylyl thread. Bonus for Kevin Spacey memes
What's got y'all mad today Sup Forumsros? Let's get together and vent a little bit
New fb/ig fap
College sluts thread
I'm dying. The circumstances are unnecessary. But someone should know this
Reaction image thread
Hey /b, my coworker and I get to name a strain of Staphylococcus aureus!
Rekt/Gore thread anyone?
Even if race mixing doesnt make necessarily make you retarded
Hello, INB4 your "Not Your Personal Army" comments, I come to the B boards asking for advice, out of desperation...
10 dollars PayPal to anyone who tributes a clothed pic of my little sister. Will post her nudes
Describe your life in one picture
Lol The Economist did a study on how much time people waste by race. The results may SHOCK YOU
ITT: We badly describe vidya and guess what they are
Fb/ig foot thread. post feet of girls you know
Loli bread
Pictures you shouldn't share
Homophobes on suicide watch? What will the conservatives say now?
Trips names this planet I found in Space Engine
What's the meanest thing you've ever done to a girl?
I've cut myself bcs i was angry what should i do now? Pic related
Take me back to the early 2000s
Hi my name is OP and I told a guy that I would make him this thread...
Fb/ig fap thread
Ask a black guy anything
Poorfags get in here
Anyone ever fap to their sister? what's it like?
Why doesn't anybody like me. am i ugly?
Name my band
Why do African-Americans commit such a large amount of crime per capita?
Are you a man, or just a pussy?
In the pile of shit that b became i just want to ask
Group Nudes Thread
Memes and jokes aside, why are poor white people so damn stupid?
Exes and girls ive fucked part 2. Pick a number, get dubs, get a pic. Only one of each girl...
Hi Sup Forums, this is my first time posting in a year and 11 months...
For only 13, she's got some big
What the fuck is wrong with hollywood people Sup Forums?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...