Are edibles really that much stronger than usual smoking? Should I try brownies/cookies?

Are edibles really that much stronger than usual smoking? Should I try brownies/cookies?

Not a damn difference, and anyone who says so is full of shit. I’ve been growing for 7 years and I live in a legal city. Weed, is weed. And there’s a cap on your high.

Agree with If you really want to get knocked on your ass, take a tolerance break for four weeks. Then take a dab or crumble hit. Sky high.

The advantage to edibles is they last longer.

If you're somewhat new to weed, then yeah they'll Fuck you up. As already stated if you have a Tolerance it won't be that much different from smoking only it will last longer

I agree with these guys

It's a different type of high that lasts about 3 times as long

You should try a couple grams of shrooms, let them kick in for a couple hours, then smoke weed. I got so high so fast I passed out; I saw myself breastfeeding and being lifted into car seats. It was a wild ride.

Thats a lie

Gonna be honest, out of let's say.. 4 different times ive tried edibles, only gotten mildly high from one of them. Everyone else seems to get fucked up on them though.

Guess some people love em, some people don't feel em.

thank god you said it
everybody that thinks he can get "more and more stoned" is just more and more deprived of oxygen and has not eaten for hours

No lies here. I hadn't smoked in several months, did shrooms, made a shitty decision and smoked weed while I was tripping. I'm bipolar, so maybe that has something to do with it.

I will say the shrooms by themselves were one of the best physical experiences of my life.

Making kief brownies tomorrow so I can be real high for thanksgiving


Only done it once before but I just added it directly to the batter. It was about 6 grams of kief though. It worked just fine.

I dont think its that much harder, but it lasts longer and feels really differen. I love it!

can someone give me a (You) please? i need to test something

here, have a (You)

Six grams of kief? How big is your grinder?I guess man

You should try dissolving the kief in butter/oil before you add it to the batter. You'll be more satisfied.

Nah imo they suck and don't even get me that high and on top of it all it takes about 40 minutes to kick in. I'd rather just smoke for instant gratification. Only benefit of edibles is they don't smell like weed. (Only a little bit of a smell but goes away after u eat it)

drug general niggers

Only one gram was mine...grower gave me some from his trim for free. I do have a pretty big grinder though ha

Cool I will try that I don't have as much kief this time so that will help thanks


I've made brownies a couple of times, pretty good shit! The last time I had edibles we made some kinda hazel cookies, tasted like shit and had 0 effect. Might've been caused by them being slightly burned, but we ate the entire batch in one sitting and barely felt anything.

No one is deprived on oxygen when eating brownies. You're mixing up your pet peeves

IF you're not a daily stoner who has since lost all enjoyment from weed without realizing it then you can enjoy a good brownie. It digests slowly, you eat a lot of weed compared to how much you would smoke *depending on where you get it from it could be loaded with THC*.. it's a good option.

I don't dismiss all claims of happiness from a pot brownie as placebo

The fact that many people don't know the potency (milligram dosage) of their treats and wind up dosing way too high on accident perpetuates this myth. Homemade treats are less predictable than clinical edibles.

Also the fact that the noob is usually disappointed when he does not receive gratification in minutes, and shocked when the high won't stop climbing when it finally does.

No problem man. There are some great cannibutter recipes online, I recommend brownies because they don't get as hot when you cook them. Dissolving kief in butter/oil is going to activate the THC and CBD, no need to blast it in the oven on high again.

they're pretty tasty. made space cakes with half an ounce of bud and was relatively stoned but i prefer joints in all honesty.

I think OP meant he's exasperated with people saying they don't plateau when they smoke a shit ton of weed at once OR eat an edible on an empty stomach.

Idk a difference in high either. Other than one takes longer to hit, and you don't have ti deal with the smoke etx

>Growing for 7 years
>Only 7 years old
Under age and reported

Top kek

nobody was talking about enjoyment.

It´s just a scientific fact that you can only get to a certain level of stonedness.
Because you only have a certain amount of cannabinoid receptors.
Your brain can not accept more THC than "all receptors are full".