Hey Sup Forums /an/ isn't talking got a small issue need some advice. I got fruit fly infestation in my hermit crab tank. I made a make shift fly trap with that pill bottle with apple cider vinegar with a drop of dish soap. But the little fuckers aren't biting, I even tried sucking the fuckers with a vacuum cleaner but they keep coming. So what should I do?
Hey Sup Forums /an/ isn't talking got a small issue need some advice...
Relocate the crab and clean the tank. We both know you dont want to do that cause its a pain in the ass. Its the only way you lazy fuck.
Crabs don't live in soil you dumbass, the flys lay their eggs in the moist soil, get sand you fucking retard
Its coconut fiber you cunt.
Any other tips before this thread goes 404 ?
Do you have the apple cider vinegar and dish soap in that sealed pill bottle? Might want to open that so they can fall inside... Just hang it from the inside of the cage so your hermit crab doesnt tip it over. Not sure they like apple cider vinegar.
Yeah its in the pill bottle I've made fruit fly homemade traps before its suppose to be like crack to them but for some reason they aren't biting. As for hanging it over the cage...the might work, I did put a hole in the top of the pill bottle...maybe it doesn't have enough room. Idk.
Would throwing a frog in there cause any harm?
I rather not then that just means another mouth to feed.