Will she break up with him.
Will she break up with him
Will I be successful?
Will she be my girlfriend?
Rerollin the reroll
Will I fuck her?
Will She break up with him for me?
Will we fuck tomorrow?
Should i ask her out?
Is she the one?
Is she falling for me?
Tell me
Should I make a move?
Will we fuck?
Should I keep doing what I'm doing?
should i hit on her?
Does she want me?
Will ck and cr have a three way with me?
Will we be together?
Should I sleep?
Is she going to eventually be my girlfriend?
Rerollin Rollin Rollin
Will we bone?
I love my gf?:3
Is she going to be my girlfriend?
Will we bone?
Finger my self
Does this shit work?
Im gonna to be famous?
Will what I'm doing and thinking of work?
Will I fuck her tomorrow?
Can I do this in time?
Will everything be alright in the world.
Will it happen
should i countinue?
She still resents me
will she break up w/ michael?
Should I go on a date with M?
asking again
should i save my money? ??
will she contact me?
lol fuck this site
Should I stay with J?
Should I try and pursue K?
Will she love me again?
Will I get a girlfriend until the end of this year?
Can i achieve my endgoal if i try hard enough?
Will she give me a chance ?
Will he fall for me?
Magic 8-Ball, do you reliably account for the future?
Will she marry me?
will i commit suicide in the near future?
should i buy a fleshlight?
Do you doubt your own capacity to predict the future, Magic 8-Ball?
Hey, I'm here for you. No need to stress about impressing a crush.
Is it Crystal Ball?
Do you have a crush on Crystal Ball?
told ya. double doubt it.
Alright, are you discontented with your family life, Magic 8-Ball?
Should I do it
Final question. Does she love me to the point of marrying me?
Rest assured, Magic 8-Ball, we believe in you.
Will I win the lottery while my ticket's still valid?
Fap or sleep
Holy fuck! Trips!!
Dubs go ham too tho
Will her and I be a romantic couple?
Will I get the superpowers I want before this year ends?
No. She'll just cheat and take a giant black cock up her ass while he is paying the bills
Am i getting better or worse?
is what I'm thinking of gonna happen?
Will my waifu come to life and fall in love with me before this year ends?
NO YOU DUMB FUCKING BITCH. NOBODY FUCKING WANTS THAT TOO HAPPEN. YOU SHOULD GO buy her a fine idea of what to do next time you hang out. do fun shit. let loose. profit.
Is she starting to look at me more in terms of a relarionship?
Will I physically transform into a beautiful woman right this very moment.
Does she like me?
*Asking again*
I will be famous. - Lil Cold
Will I become corrupted with my superpowers?
Will I be turned into a bimbo slut right now at this moment?
>I will be famous. - Lil Cold
because I never give up.
Dubs confirm, TOGTFO
Will she break up him?
Will Sarah Jane Hyland confess her love for me before the end of this month?
Will she break up with him?
>>I will be famous. - Lil Cold
>because I never give up.
and make dank shit. no is not an answer.
You wouldn't answer my question yesterday you fuck, so I'm asking again.
Will I get caught?
Will he become a cock hungry whore within the next hour?
Quads. Winrar.
told ya Sup Forums never give up.
Well that's no good.
Can I control and warp reality to my desires?
>>>I will be famous. - Lil Cold
>>because I never give up.
>and make dank shit. no is not an answer.
x4 most likely. it's game time baby.
dropping album within 6 months Sup Forums
you're coming up with me anons.
Quads checked
Pledge crowned
I lay in bed every night dreaming that I can do that. I'm not very happy.
Yes. What do you desire and maybe I can guide you?
If I lose weight will I get slots to slob on my knob