Is it any coincidence Trump pardons an albino turkey? What are the chances for any mammal becoming albino again?

Is it any coincidence Trump pardons an albino turkey? What are the chances for any mammal becoming albino again?

Ya, laugh all you want but this is obviously a fucking nod to white supremist.

I would march each and every one of us into a gas chamber if i could. This world is done, stop caring.

Would Trump pardon this turkey?

Pick one

Tell me more about these mammalian turkeys.

Yeah and the prpphecy of the great white buffalo is dfinitely a nod toward tge natives' desire to be invaded and slowly killed off if not assimilated into puritan culture.

They are part bird, part mammal, part pig.

he dindu nuffin

he dindu stuffin

You think you are so smart? I’ll have you know I fought in Iraq during Kuwait.

Not only this but my grandpa fought the Chinese WWII. I am from a long line of warriors, and my next fight is taking on racist.

Beware, I am the OP and I am a defender of the defenseless. You guys think you can shame me from my own post?

Hahahaha hahahaha, think again.

That's what mass produced turkeys look like.


All details of every White House ceremonies are managed. There are no accidents except when he goes off script. And that is usually worse.

A white turkey was chosen not by accident.

Your a mass produced turkey

I hear the people in Turkey are praising Allah that Trump pardoned them.

You saw a white turkey when you saw the pic? Cause I just saw a normal turkey, but if you wanna see his race that's fine.

All turkeys in US meat production are white you imbeciles.


It must suck to have Trump in ur head 24/7 liberals. lol Wow,even if there were nothing to bitch about libs would always find something!


any one else wonder what melanias tits look like?

So what?


Chickens too, people don’t like speckled poultry

