What are some good psychological horror movies Sup Forums...

What are some good psychological horror movies Sup Forums? none of that gore/blood/jumpscare/little girls with pale faces and dark long hair/ cursed dolls shit, that crap aint scaring me...
I need something like "the peacock" (if no one has seen it, its about a guy who has double personalties). Also good example if looking at games would be silent hill franchise, trying to scare players with atmosphere and ambience...
Anything Sup Forums?

The Mothman Prophecies (movie)
The Condemned series (games)

already finished both of the condemned games, first one was really good, second was meh... I will look into The Mothman Prophecies though, thanks

You wanna see Begotten, son

The bunny Game

Event Horizon?

You have to go back pre 2000's to get what you want. You'd probably be better off skipping fake movies and view interviews of serial killers and people who survived real encounters with disturbing people. You need something a bit more authentic than what hollywood can deliver.

tried it last year XD forced myself to watch about minutes of it, was interesting at first, but it was hard to keep focus since there is no dialogue, or clear visuals to indicate of what is going on. Just went with the spoilers to see what is portrayed in it since i couldn't figure it out myself

well, the bunny game looks....interesting, not sure if i say this in a sarcastic way or honestly :D And the martyrs, watched it last week until 15 minutes in i saw that there is some kind of creature which is probably the main source of horror in the movie i thought, i was like nah.....its one of those...

not really into anything "in space" related if you know what iam saying

ur probably right, i do enjoy creepy stories and everything with psychology of killers related


Rosemary's Baby (1968)


>everything with psychology of killers related
Silence of the Lambs
I Saw The Devil

how is that psychological horror idiot
at least suggest Oldboy by Wook.

wrong one

The first Condemned is a very underrated game.

>Silence of the Lambs
>I Saw The Devil
wow, very nice list, saved to a notepad to check all of these out

Yes but only 2 of those movies took things from real life killers. Zodiac was about the zodiac killer and sotl had a mixture of many famous killers combined into 1 character. Dr. Lector was based on an actual person also.

Clinical 2017
Hide And Seek 2005
Killer Toon 2013 (fucking this)
Shutter Island 2010

Go back and watch Martyrs again. Give it time as it is most definitely not what you think it is. Watch it until the end; you need to see everything to judge it fairly.

user who suggested Martyrs here.
Defo, it's not what it seems at all.

Eden Lake (2008)
The Devide (2011)
Dédales (2003)
Funny Games U.S. (2007)

Not really horror movies (except for Eden Lake) but they mindfucked me. Most memorable movies in my collection.