Was Da Vinci and Michelangelo "white" according to Sup Forums logic?

Was Da Vinci and Michelangelo "white" according to Sup Forums logic?
If you didn't know who these men were, would consider them to be non white "shitskins"?

Sup Forums logic is broken, give up.

Well, they were italians therefore they belonged to the mediterranean race.


white can't do anything, just working robot goyims
west civilization is built by med people
all "white" people achievements were actually from azkenashi jews (einstein, von neumann, lagrange ecc ecc)

white are a docile people, but lack imagination and creativity, this is were we brown masterrace come in and excel at

They were tuscans so dinarid or even atlantomeds

Yes they were
If they weren't then neither were any French people ever, make your choice

italians wuz whites an shiet
then they got raped by turks and arabs and now they ain't whites

Well Sup Forums and Sup Forums told me only Blonde haired/blue eyed Northern Europeans are white

well then i'm not white, great, please stop making me pay taxes for holocaust reparations then

>Sup Forums logic

Turks in Italy? Lmfao we beated them at Lepanto

Arabs were only in our deep south

So their continent ''America'' (and so their country) is named after a non white? Cool american logic

darker shades of skin are white when they have achieved something, or had an Empire.

which is fucking retarded since it'd imply a scenario where other white people "allow" us to be white because of achievements

while in reality non-northerners are the vast majority of white people and always have been so

in fact i'd say that arguably northerners are the non-whites alien peoples

>archetypal Renaissance artists and polymaths
How can they not be? They are literally a credit to all whites historically

Italy is ok in my book.
But British people should be exiled of this globe.

I hope one day we can all give credit to individuals alone instead of taking credit for sharing common traits


that would be the end of per capita countries such as norway or sweden

why the fuck would great people be wh*te

>But British people should be exiled of this globe.
Spoken like a true non white

according to Sup Forums logic no one is white

they are shitalians, therefore non white