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International #751
Why do Americans chant in the mart?
/ita/ - il filo
Has it ever worked?
Americans have something called "open casket funerals" where the deceased lies in an open coffin in somebody's home for...
Do you love Russia?
Tell me about ghost stories from your country or any supernatural encounters
Baldige Nachtschicht, noch /deutsch/
ITT we rank our countries in these aspects:
Sooner or later they all get redpilled
What is wrong with all the countries shaded in green?
Cyprus belongs to the Turks
What are American like in your country?
/ibe/ = /esp/ + /luso/
What are Muslims like in your country?
Tfw 3 years left till india becomes superpower
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
/Hamburg/ ehem. /deutsch/
Nuke this shithole of a city
Kurva anyátok
/balt/ + リヴォニア
Do you love Estonia?
Is your country independent?
Sverigetråden . Kvällsupplagan
/luso/ fio lusofono
Daily reminder that the roman empire was destroyed by the Turks
Which country is worse at English?
How does this make you feel?
All Europeans except Germans are pussies
Be brit
Is It Odd For Me, As A Non-American, To Feel "Patriotic" Towards The United States?
What's your first name Sup Forums?
Is there a site that explains why some countries have different requirements to other countries?
Align yourself, Sup Forums
Why don't every language adopt their own alphabet, based on their different phonemes?
My Finnish boy
Just wait Eur*pe,we will come
My ancestor :)
What is happening to white males?
Arranged Marriages
Success breeds jealousy
Tfw just realised that practicing Catholic white girls don't exist anymore
Ah yes the European Union
If you could exterminate all people from your neighbour country, which one would it be?
/asean/ thread
/sag/ - South Asia General
ITT: Sup Forums in 1928
Would you do this brazilian woman?
/fr/ - Le francofil
Be me, self loathing Jew
/MENA/ - Greatest leader edition
Tfw won in life lottery by being born in Europe
What is England, to you?
Just a daily reminder
/FUC/ Fuck China
Hungary isn't so hungry anymore
Sverigetråden - Tisdagssupplagan
Ita - il filo
Boobs or ass?
Will sanctioning Poland and Hungary finally solve migrant problem? This is the only thing that can fix this situation...
Mediterranean men with blue eyes and med facial structure are the true master race
OK, Sweden has gone too far
1. you're cunt
Japan thinks any woman above 25 is expired goods
Why don't yuros have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?
Which countries that hate each other irl you wish got along very well?
Was Da Vinci and Michelangelo "white" according to Sup Forums logic?
What other boards do you browse besides Sup Forums?
Italians arent whi-
/lat/ - hilo latino
Why does the 8 year old look like a shitskin?
/v4/ + friends
Ask a suicidal girl anything
Edition de la joie d'être Français, en vers et contre tous
Be spanish/sudaca
What is your opinion on this country?
Russians are friendly as fuck despite what popular opinion claims
We receive qt mestizas From Nuevas Tierras (New World)
Your country
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
/deutsch/-nie zu späte Ausgabe
/deutsch/ Kleinpimmelversager Ausgabe
EYES OF Sup Forums
I am of the opinion that if Europeans never colonized the Americas the natives would have become elves by now
Ask a fed up Tunisian anything
Why are poles so based?
Why do all hate the Anglo race? We just want peace
Post your body, Sup Forums. No need face
Define Shitskin
You will never be as patriotic as your country as Americans are
These are the most used names in Albania
If you can be other races
Trump finally overcame his antisemitism
The world memes about Polish women, but they're overrated
Can I pass as a local in your cunt?
Omg the concert is gonna be so much fun. Tomorrow's so gonna be the best day of my life
Ask a korean anything
Why did flags become uglier and more stylized as time went on?
No offense, but if your language doesn't have any letters besides ones existing in English alphabet...
Why is Scandinavia the best place in the world?
What's your country's experience with internal (i.e. non-international) terrorism?
Thanks again for taking me to the concert mum. this has been the best birthday eve-
Tfw no foreign bf to show off with
You wake up in Poland
I'm so glad I'm Norwegian and not a filthy yuro peon
What has Islam offered your country?
The perfect map of Europe
Tfw 13°C
Muslims are colonising Britain
Culture Pals /cp/ gen19
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Most Western European countries will be more than 20% Muslim within a few decades
Friendly reminder
Why is nip so ugly?
Post the most popular name for births in your country
Finns are not genetically Europeans
Why isn't Spain liked here?
What ethnicity are you?
France hate thread
/cum/ - cum
Where can I live that looks like this?
What country has the saddest history in evropa?
Ask me anything i'm in a lecture and bored af
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1857
We post countries with no musical taste
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What's the most important naval battle in your nations history?
Kurva anyátok
1.3 billion
Tfw no cute brit gf
Narcos and ISIS go to war
Why is this state known by most people around the world? It's not relevant domestically...
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Banter Mexico
Your Cunt
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
How do we make these countries more muslim?
My ancestor :)
ITT we bantz on our own cunt
Be Brit
Remember when the Middle East was under Ottoman control and was stable?
Tfw not born in a country where you get blown up at concerts
/cum/ - cum general
South America
Need Help From Someone Fluent In Japanese
What are music concerts like in your country?
There are gays right here RIGHT NOW who unironically believe western garbage (read: women) can compete with Jap girls
A-are you okay Britanons?
/luso/ fio lusofono
Tfw nobody likes us
Wake up
/cum/ - cum general
Be from third world shithole
Is your country bilingual?
/meddler stunden/ auch /nachtschicht/ sonst /deutsch/
/ita/ + /flag/ - il filo
What's your opinion on Puerto Rico?
Try to banter Norway
/fr/ - le francofil
Sorry, I don't get American veteran system?
Let's see how this works
Fuck you France
Is politics weird in your country?
What is your opinion on this country?
South Cone isn't ita-
Is middle eastern television the pinnacle of entertainment?
Half of my country doesn't know what 9/11 or the holocaust is
Don't race mix because your children will look ug- Wow
Who are the worst tourists on the planet Sup Forums
Don't race mix because your children will look ug-
1.Your native language
This tiny rainy shitty island nation populated by inbreds and chavs conquered 1/3rd of the world
Who are the most ignorant posters on this board?
Can we all agree on this one?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ - /lihtshit animetard spammer/
/balt/ - /eesti/
How the fuck do you elect this guy to lead your countfy?
Where is life better, Russia or Brazil?
The streets are often poorly illuminated...
Which country has the greatest philosophers?
Yellow or green, Sup Forums?
How much does internet access cost in your country?
Why do Americans dress like little kids?
El Ukrainiano goes to Mexico
An ideal world
I've heard that in many parts of the US, beef is about as cheap as pork. Is this true?
Just name 1 country for each continent
What happen in 1945?
Would you racemix with a colombian girl?
1.Your native language
Science confirms it, we are Greek
Are fat people common in your country?
/tr/ erdogana triat
Kurva anyátok
Scientist predicted what europe would look like is the future and it is beautiful
Climate comparisons between North America and Eurasia
Is life really great in Norway?
How do you say Kiev in your language?
In a perfect world
How compatible is Russian with Devanagari alphabet?
Why did the British kill 1 million innocent Irish people?
/fr/ - le francofil
Why are countries like Bulgaria, Greece and Poland not well respected in the EU?
/cum/ Canada US Mexico
Culture Pals /cp/ - gen18
Tfw you sleep a minimum of 12 hours a day
/ita/ - il filo
Where is she now?
It's really that great being a Jew?
This is what the average amerindian girl looks like
Language learning methods
Why did Sweden steal our "escort hockey winners with fighter jets" meme?
Is Trump everything you hoped him to be Ameriburgers?
This is what the average turkish girl looks like
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
New York or Paris
Why are mexicans so horrible fathers?
/lang/ - Language Learning thread
Portugal is whi-
European """women"""
/brit/ + /everybodyelse/
ITT: Say something nice about Sweden
/MENA/ + Tunisia
Nordics eat this shit
/sino/ - Chinese Thread
What the heck Brasil?!?!?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What country would you go to if you had to go to East Europe?
/ex-ussr/ general
What's your excuse to be failed in very easy mode of life?
Dear Albanians
What really is the difference between western and Asian women? Like in this photo you can definitely tell them apart...
Do finns really drink this?
Do you have to avoid the military recruitment in your country? How do you do this?
Which language should I learn Sup Forums? Russian seems more useful but learning a new alphabet seems a pain in the ass...
Hilo latino /lat/
Sverigetråden - Världsmästarupplagan
Where were you when the European Union forced Sweden and Denmark to leave?
Can you name other typical American hobbies except BBQ-sauces, cowboy hats and being rawhide?
If your people are the first to land on a new habitable planet
Why are Latin men so much more alpha?
1) Why are Europeans that tall? The average height of Russian men is 176 cm, you look like giants compared to us
China deals with spies by catching and killing 20 CIA informants/operatives within China
Third worlders that hate your countries, what's the only thing you like and feel pride from your countries?
Post the most russian picture you got
Post comfy drone videos of your city/town
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
Do you think the EU will reform, or actually has any desire to?
Which cunt has the worst accent?
Is it true that if you call a nigger nigger in Eastern Europe you risk nothing ?
What do Asians think of the fall of Europeans?
Post autistic memes in your language
"TENNO HEIKA BANZAI" *charges into enemy fire and dies*
I am sad about missing out on teen sex, even though will still be 19 for 6 months nothing will happen...
France cucked England
Your countries capital
Which flag makes you instantly hide the thread if any?
Be mexican
When will Japan accept more immigrants to save their declining population and economy...
Green tea is better than coffee
How do you deal with yellow fever? how do I stop wanting a jap to breed with????
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Vikang vs Khan
/brit/ more like /shit/
Which do you prefer Moscow or Paris?
Russian niggers
Countries you're irrationally afraid of?
/ex-ussr/ general
Do you support China as the next superpower?
So... What country in Europe has the best win/loss ratio of wars...
/éire/ - /eire/
/hell/ - νήμα Ελλήνων
What is your country's signature food item?
Attack/banter a brit
Polish are colonising Britain
Americans are smart and beautiful people
Why these countries always pretend to be white and not shitholes?
Hello Spen
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Kurva anyátok
Another day wasted on Sup Forums
How does this picture make you feel?
Russia, pls, are you even trying?
Marking undergrad assignments
Have your kid here! please!
Do you know that Russia is the most cat loving country in the world? 60% of Russians have at least one cat
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Brasil redemption thread
What do you guys think about Cuba
German Homour
1. Your cunt
This is accurate
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I'm done living in this corrupt shithole
ITT: Post your country's greatest leader
Paris is the best
What's the largest company in your cunt by revenue?
Why are Chinese such horrible tourists?
Parents bought burgers, two cakes and lots of icecream
We wuz germans and shiet
Why are Mexican men so impotent?
Sverigetråden - Nattlig 2dupplaga
Post girls with flags or elements resembling a country's one
Tfw my dad abandoned my family
Post your NEET habitat
/luso/ fio lusofono
/v4/ + friends
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
/ita/ - il filo
Is Bavaria Austrian Clay?
What did he mean by this?
Hilo latino
What the fuck France
Where would you want to move?
How come these cunts stayed out of World War I?
Why are Capital Cities located near the oceans
I have a Brit GF who wants me to move to the UK. Should I move there or stay here?
/fr/ - Le Francofil musclé
Tfw it's impossible to get a drivers license here
What cunt/ethnicity has the best [spoiler]boy[/spoiler]feet? pic related, my welsh feet
Be japanese tourist in BC
Why are african girls so beautiful?
Be a jap salaryman
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
ITT post ideal borders
Culture Pals /cp/ - gen17
What do you know about people from Mediterranean islands ?
You will never speak fluent japanese
If you could have any Sup Forums waifu who would it be?
What is your country's great military victory?
How do British tourists behave in your country?
Europe: Central > West > South > North > East
Do you love lebanon, user?
We give a new and real name to the USA
Insult Greece
This is the king of Thailand and his prostitute
Any Portubos willing to do some translation work? Willing to pay
You wake up in Brasilia
Your country
USA #1
Is it doable?
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Thoughts ?
Sverigetråden - Hockeyupplagan
What does /int thinks of separatist movements like catalonian, scottish, quebec etc?
/BRiD GmbH ehemals und nie wieder deutsch/
Eure ausgabe
Do vampires exist in your cunt?
How come Swedish men and Italian girls get along so well and make such cute couples?
Why do Georgians set up white supremacist restaurants for Russian hackers in the US? What the fuck is their problem?
How come certain Germans look Mediterranean in appearance like ballack and hummels? Did Romans mix with the Germans...
You know what to do
Your thoughts about the new leader of the world?
Have you noticed that natives of South America are similar to Japanese?
If you aren't Greek, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, or Irish you aren't white!
Post cool maps
There are cute german boys on Sup Forums :3
Vietnamese are NOT jungle Asians
What is the most beautiful language in your opinion?
What do people think about this place?
1.century 2.Do you love to wear whore clothes?
ITT: We summon Iceland
Your country
/Hamburg/ ehem. /deutsch/
Most dumb posters
They truly are black angels
Tfw just realised that practicing Catholic white girls don't exist anymore
World: we need a delicious food that is relatively cheap and that is loved by everyone
/fr/ - le fil de la Vraie France
Why are Canadian zoos so unsafe?
I'll just leave this here
I am gay for France
ITT: Sup Forums in 1956
Got banned from Sup Forums, so i'll start a new thread in Sup Forums
If you were the president of your country, what would you do for it? in terms of economics...
Why does russian justice don't exist in Russia ?
Your country
There's a strong correlation between being from a poor country and being homophobic...
/ausnz/ + /balt/
What did she mean by this?
Canadians will club that
How do Americans behave in your country?
Sverigetråden - Söndagsupplagan
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
/extraflags/ and /flag/
How come Bruges and Ghent are so popular with Spanish tourists? Literally half of the tourists we recieve are Spanish...
Why did America used to treat the Irish worse than blacks?
What do you the world view this country?
Tonal languages
His language can't build words like this
People of Chile
What is her problem?
What is your opinion on this country?
Ask me anything about culture, history or economy of Eastern Europe
Reminder that France isn't mediterranean
Why is Latin America so violent?
What's this called in your country?
Be australian
Sunday homo assembly threda!
Why are brown eyes considered undesirable in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
How do you imagine the typical frenchman?
What's your favorite Euro cunt?
What would happen to your country's leader if he/she went jogging alone with no security in some random place?
Does you country have traditional folk songs?
/luso/- Fio Lusófono
Wake up
/sag/ - South Asia General
Success breeds jealousy
/sino/ - Chinese Thread
An ideal world
Respect for China
/latin/ general thread
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Were there really black people in 18th-19th century France?
/lang/ - Language Learning thread
Tfw my immigration application was rejected
Why do some portuguese speakers pronounce the "r" as frenchs?
If you could have been born in another country, which would it be and why?
Can you name 5 croatian cities?
Le white man scapegoat
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...