>"""Liberal""" Democratic Party
>Centre-right to Right-wing
>Japanese nationalism
>National conservatism
>Social conservatism
If that's their liberal party, then how fucking right wing are the other political parties there?
>"""Liberal""" Democratic Party
>Centre-right to Right-wing
>Japanese nationalism
>National conservatism
>Social conservatism
If that's their liberal party, then how fucking right wing are the other political parties there?
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>Sup Forums tard
No i'm not
cause thats almost a random translation. technically, 自由 doesnt mean liberal but just "freedom".
"liberal" cant be translated into japanese well so people use it as a loan word in katakana.
Abe never seeks nationalism.
Abe cheared TPP, immigration, foreign workers, foreign capital.
Abe said sorry for Korean prostitutes but never cared Japanese prostitutes who were over 80% of prostitutes in Japanese army.
Abe only care USA and Korea.
Abe never works for Japanese.
Another translation could be Free Democratic Party as in Germany.
The Japanese name is just a relic from when two parties merged in the 1950s.
Abe went to shrine
to grandmother's house, he goes
and through the woods
and searching far and wide
Abe is Christian.
He went to Yasukuni shrine only once to show that he hated China but that didn't mean he cares Japanese.
He apologized for Korea and USA about WW2 but never cared Japanese prostitutes for Korea and USA.
I still don't think going to the shrine is a big deal
There are just 2 million dead Japs names written in it
so you are saying abe is a fraud?
Asians have a tendency to name things with big foreign words without reason.
We have the same. Our "Liberal-democratic Party" is more nationalistic than actual Russian nationalists.
>Abe is Christian.
He is a cuckservative (AKA neocon).
Does calling people neocons even make sense outside of the USA?
I direct you to Abe's first premiership 2006-2007.
He is successful because he is a fraud nationalist. He comes from the liberal side of the nationalist party, and is your standard neocon in foreign policy and social values.
What makes him different is the man that actually matters in Japan, Kuroda.
Abe's wife announces she is Christian. Many Abe's minister like Aso, Ishiba, Yamatani, are Christians.
Abe belongs to a cult called Unification Church, that is managed by Korean but the top may be Pope.
Abe is Christian or cult slave.
"""Christian""" you mean.
No actual Christian would go to a "shrine" like yasukuni, nor would give a damn about bullshit like ancestor worship, nor would put an earthly, human "emperor" and phony god before the real and only GOD and emperor of this world.
Holocoust of Asia by Japan.
Never forgive jap war criminal denial.
Japan must compensate.
Gunkan island.
Beginning in the 1930s and until the end of the Second World War, Korean conscripted civilians and Chinese prisoners of war were forced to work under very harsh conditions and brutal treatment at the Mitsubishi facility as forced laborers under Japanese wartime mobilization policies.[1][6][7][8] During this period, it is estimated that about 1,300 of those conscripted laborers died on the island due to various dangers, including underground accidents, exhaustion, and malnutrition.
Japan mast compensate and apologize for this!
Korea is makeing the movie how brutal and evil in gunkan island,.
We can study true history of war criminal of Japan by this movie
This is the true record of war criminal.
Pls enjoy the movie and support Korea. And blame Abe and nazis Japan.
Another propaganda
Don't lie zainichi and go kys bictch. They were equally treated and did the same job as the Japanese.
why do you keep coming to Sup Forums with this shit?
Hiro just gave you a second board to talk about politics.
Why do you come here?
The same party has been in power since '53.
Of course it's conservative, because that's what the people apparently want.
>still beliving that ideology matters in the world of business
ur a spic
>Abe belongs to a cult called Unification Church
source, pls?
No way he is a moonie
Made me laugh, thanks
Our liberal party is conservative, since it refers to economic liberalism
Abe pays the denbs
>Abe belongs to a cult called Unification Church
wtf? I thought Unification Church is Korean thing.
Too many evidences.
Tell me about the communist party in japan? Please? They seem based.
They try to equalize salary but almost all Japanese labor unions are slaves of capitalists, globalism shit.
Some city hall and Unemployed one cheer communist party.
Abe is hated by right-wing in Japan
This is real Abe
*it was just an illusion*
The LDP are the generic catchall right wing party in Japan--during most of the Cold War, they were funded by the CIA because they insisted without American support, Japan would fall to gommunism.
Yes, news media is not trusted in Japan
nothing. LDP has carries out everything, both sides' policy accordingly. for example, so-called Abenomic (increasing monetary base) is quite liberal policy.
No, this is real Abe.
you are typical zainichi-korean
Liberal Democratic Party of Japan is not Liberal
they are Satanic Radiation Party.
This is the best combination, honestly. Let the plebs have their nationalism, while the important economic policy is handled by competent politicians.
I hate Zainichi Abe supporters like Unification Church.