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International #755
/éire/ + /celt/ = /gael/
Where do you get burgers in your country?
Why do hate Queen Elizabeth II?
Where do people in your country go to on vacation?
This is what the average Turkish boy looks like
What does your country excel in in comparison with its neighboards?
Can we get a better name for my country pls? this one sucks
When will Puerto Rico become the 51st state?
Have no natural ally
Sverigetråden - Ebbaupplagan
Why don't the French like Americans?
/BRiD GmbH ehemals deutsch/
You wake up on a beach full of Germans
/ita/ - il filo
/luso/ - Fio lusophono
Post a sentence that will trigger anyone from your country
What's the best way to get a Finnish gf?
People in Latin America (except maybe Mexico and some others) think the Americas are a single continent called...
Other nordics (who cares about denmark though) are worried about finnish drinking culture
Words like 'hell' and 'damn' is unironically consider swearing in USA
What's with Turkish girls and love for big asian cock?
How do Firetrucks in your country look like?
Is it worth tanning to stop being a pale skinned freak or will I be called a shitskin?
Culture Pals /cp/
How is this look called in your country...?
/ibe/ - hilo peninsuloide
You have 10 seconds to act as French as possible
Why is this country still allowed to exist?
Death of Firefox and the rise of Chrome
/éire/ = /gael/
Why did Ingvar and Kirsten deserted the rune alphabet?
Edycja smyrania cipki
There's only 35 million naturally blonde people left in the world
I'm coming to King's College London next year
Post cool flags
/isr/ - 'I'm a Political Realist' Edition
If you had to live in am*rica, what state would you choose?
Some pajeet on indiachan is boating about getting a polish gf. Literally all other pajeets are assblasted
Self hating nationals
Why catholic countries in general are less developed and successful than protestant ones?
What is your country's national food?
Worst diaspora in your cunt
Vleugel van Baudet editie
Red surge edition
Tänään on perjantai
What do you call the urethral orifice in your country?
Was it Autism?
Ask a missionary who spent 18 months in Estonia anything
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Sverigetråden - kvagg lund
Ireland elects first gay leader, son of immigrant
Why do Muslims hate freedom?
Ireland has elected its first gay premier after the ruling Fine Gael party elected new leader Leo Varadkar
White people will eat this
/polska/ aka /rzeczpospolita/
What is your fucking problem with the EU?
Kurva anyátok
Why Polish women are such racemixing whores
What are the top three countries you'd consider living in that are not your own?
Which European country likes black guys the most?
Is this the promised land?
Damn, those Koreans really are good and discussing controversial topics
Have they ever actually done anything wrong? It doesn't seem like they've ever violently conquered anything...
Great culture
Who are worse, American blacks or Roma gypsys?
Has America been made great again?
/schlau/ ehemals /deutsch/
TFW living in a shithole
Make me laugh
How is this called in your country?
Are the people from your cunt afraid of showing their patriotism??
/éire/ - /eire/
How do you say "fuck off" in your country?
Serbia, Thank you racism
Believe England is a respectable nation with respectable people
Tfw I'll be worshipped by women like a God in germany and sweden
Epic moments in European history thread?
Jesus Christ, I thought you guys were memeing
You wake up in America
Post 'must read' books you recommend
This is what the average German girl looks like
/ita/ - il filo
/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/
/ex-yu/ bilde izdanje
/BRiD GmbH ehemals deutsch/
1. Your country
There are 30% female posters here
Is liking traps gay Sup Forums?
Have you ever worked part time job?
You're bnot white if you don't have European heritage
Are slanted eye ugly? what to do about this
Is france really white?
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
Why do Argentinians think of themselves as white?
Common misconceptions on Sup Forums
He WILL nationalize your gf
UK election debate, question on terrorist attacks and manchester
Who is Mona? There shall be no other MENA qt that browses Sup Forums frequently. Ms. Mona from Egypt...
/v4/ + friends
A band of ugly midget muslims have actively controlled a city in the Philippines for the last two weeks
/fr/ - Le francofil maquereau
Do you drink tea of coffee?
I can say I found The ultimate RP definite answer to why Goyim hate the Jews:
You wake up in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Architecture thread, post nice houses and shit from your city/country
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
Why does this "country" exists?
Tfw see Poles trying hard to explain how different they and Germans are when in reality they all look exactly the same
ITT America, land of the free™
/slav/ /cлaв/
Why is Denmark such a terrible country?
Americans are asleep
/deutsch/ Mietfragenausgabe
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is your country a fat country?
1. Thy reproductive organs of the female variety
Japan :
Have you ever notice non-whites only cares when a white is racist?
/ex-ussr/ general
>australia is 18 hours ahead of the US
Go to Iran to experience traditional Persian culture
Finnish girls
Macron is the white Obama
Good vs bad guy countries
When a Japanese user replies to you
Just a quick reminder
Europoors will never know the feel of owning 2 cars
New Peace Index
Your reaction when the country above you invades your country
How are interactions between Finland and Russia these days?
What do you think of poo peeland?
Foreigners please cum to russia
Aboriginals inhabited this land for 50 000 years and did not invent a single food that was worth keeping...
When was the last time you lived up to your countrys stereotype?
This is what an average Australian would look like in 200 years, how does this make you feel?
His language needs diacritics above the letters
Canada literally sold half of a major city to China
Post ITT if you support Ukraine!
How can a middle eastern girl obtain a qt white bf?
The 47th president of the united states
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
"Hi, I'm Fatima, I'm the new exchange student!"
This arouses the Swedish man
Kurva anyátok
I have a few words to american people : Make our planet great again
/asean/ thread
Lets talk about wh*te people """""""""""""""""""food"""""""""""""""""""""
Invaded us three times
English speakers how long did it take you to attain fluency in German. Any tips are greatly appreciated
Trump is a real leader. Paris is all about global wealth equalization in preparation for a one world government...
Argentina, a country with good people
As we enter our 150th year we are still a young nation, very much in the formative stages...
Order & progress
Entering Poland
/mena/ = /me/ + niggers
Do you like smoothies? I do
Culture Pals - /cp/
Why haven't you started learning Spanish?
What's your honest opinion on french people
Prove that Islam is wrong about arranged marriage
Today is Italy's Republic Day
Yanks left the paris climate pact. They are quite literally traitors to the world
Sverigetråden - Mysig nattupplaga
Favorite Slavic Country?
Fuck Australia
My ancestor :)
Do you call your father 'father' or 'dad'?
/éire/ /eire/
Is chile a better version of argentina, and btw the best country to live in south america ?
Why do Americans get bullied on here so much?
British "people", everyone
Is rape an epidemic in your country?
I GOT A JOB !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is your cunt homogeneous or diverse? Which one is better?
Friend brings cheese back from Europe
What did women mean by this?
Post the most aesthetic country flag
Question here:
White genocide continues in this world
/fr/ - Le francofil esthétique
What's it like in Oz?
This question is more suited for Sup Forums...
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Whats her name Sup Forums
Why does Finnish use the Nordic cross?
American soldiers
See Germanboy crying in the library because I made him fail a class
/ita/ - il filo
There are female(female) posters on this board
Why do europeans love this guy so much?
These boots are the way to attract women in South America
You have 3 seconds to name a country
Tfw there would be no migrant crisis if it wasn't for us constantly destroying the middle east
Why do euros hate him so much?
Sverigetråden - Flashback upplaga
Post your country's keyboard
His city doesn't have BRTs
1. Your cuntry?
Europeans fear small talk
Name at least one famous polack
Daily reminder that this is rightfully italian clay and there's nothing yu can do about it
The indigenous women of Finland/Scandinavia/NE Europe are so fugging QT3.14159 AF
The Rhine is the only true natural border between France and Germany
Greece is better than poland
/carib/: Vybz is still in jail edition
30°C outside and Trump is pulling out of the Paris agreement
Guess the country thread
Why does ISIS keep targeting hispanic and latinos?
/slav/ thread
It's June which means summer is finally here!
What is the South Brazil of your country?
What is Arizona like, Amerilads?
He's not watching Spanish series
/éire/ - /eire/ - /nico/
Daily reminder that not even Hitler used an atomic bomb
/MENA/ Hashemite kingdom edition
Is USA an evil state? It waged and is waging wars all over the world and has troops deployed everywhere...
How do you call these of your language???
International Friendship/Kindness Thread
Life is shit and i hate myself
Am I the only Mongolian who knows Sup Forums?
/isr/ /ישר/
Toilet paper in Mexico
Culture Pals /cp/ gen25
Why don't Americans get banter?
What the fuck is Sup Forums's obsession with black males fucking girls?
Is your country partially responsible for the birth of ISIS?
I don't give a fuck what kind of autistic nazi fetish you fags on here have...
Why the fuck does this exist?
How can white men even compete?
/fr/ - le fil /fr/
The 'American Question'
Are you excited for the upcoming federalized European megastate?
/ita/ il filo
How does it feel to know that your country is the supreme master of this Earth...
Any Danes here? How good of school is KEA in Copenhagen?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Ask a German what you want to know about Germany
How far do you think we are from a one world nation?
How prevalent are white supremacist terrorists in your country?
Kurva anyátok
How do people in muslim countries feel about femdom?
I always knew I was shit at geography, but holy fuck...
Thank you for creating western civilization
Tfw my chilean visa got rejected
2017 World Peace Index
I've just watched this movie and I'm still schocked
How common are Mena men white woman relationships in the west...
Greece then:
Rate the cuisines of countries you visited
Tfw no Taco Bell in my country
Biggest terrorist country in the world
Average Japanese school girls
American education
How I can escape from this poverty?
/asean/ "Cute, not lewd gf" edition
Be American
Finish the sentence:
How do I learn Greek
Trumps America
Wut iz SPEN???
I wish I was American
Post the periodic table in your language
We should nuke you all tbqh, this world has no hope left
/Eng/ - English general
Why are Canada, UK and US all influential to pop-culture. But not Australia and New Zealand?
Sverigetråden - slayyyupplagan
I have curry fever
Thank you for over a million mostly young women Ukraine
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
/fug/ - Finno-Ugric / Uralic
Hi. I am a 30 years old Turkish mechanical engineer. I want to live in Sweden. What do you suggest?
You must choose one, where you're going to live your whole life
I fucking hate myself just fucking kill me
What happened?
1. cunt
Why are people so profoundly unable to have nuanced opinions on climate change?
Norway and Britan pulls togerther to make the worlds longest sub sea high voltage cable between our cunts in order to...
/ibe/ - Fio ibérico
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1861
I marked best Poland for you Sup Forums
Mum is watching her Turkish soap again
1. you're country
Why does Finnish sound a bit like icelandic and old english?
Why can't wh*te people cook real food?
/Ständestaat Österreich/ ehemals /deutsch/
Literally nothing good came from here
Top Mexican porn searches
Tfw obese
Finally an Indian MSM picked up Sup Forums and Sup Forums rant
Why is everyone on this board leftist/antifa supporters? If you are one...
300 Greeks vs 2 million Iranians
Are Chinese people the Jews of south east Asia?
What is the point of masculine and feminine for everything in the world in Latin based languages...
Post your countries candy and explain it
Post ancient architectures from ur cunt
Japanese thread/日本語スレッド
Sup Forums night time comedy hour
Can you read loli hentai in your country?
Ancestry thread
/fr/ - Le Francofil Québécois et francophone
What went wrong?
Least favourite language?
Kurva anyátok
Ask a Mexican anything
What is the most common name in your country?
What's the poorest area of your country, Sup Forums?
Why cant Americans admit when theyre wrong? I dont just mean about trump, i mean in general...
/luso/ fio lusofono
What do you think of Australian tourists?
/v4/ + friends
These are the European "men" who mock Americans for carrying guns for self defense
What's your opinion on the atomic bombs dropped on Japan?
The worst immigrants in the world are probably Californians
Unironically being racist in 2017
Why do americans dress like slobs?
Que quisieron decir con esto??
I'd rather have North Korean refugees than Syrians
Why are the Japanese so superstitious?
Why do Americans need a weapon to feel safe?
Culture Pals - /cp/
How do I convert do Islam?
Banter an American
/ita/ - il filo
UNESCO’S 15 Most Beautifully Designed Cities In The World
1. your country
Anime is for retarded losers
Which (white) country has the most pale skinned/ dark haired girls, Sup Forums?
Australia is not full
Why do americans do this?
If your country isn't green you are irrelevant
College is the worst thing that ever happened to me
What I learned while visiting Sup Forums IS
Britain has invaded more than 90% of the world
Do South Koreans still consider North Koreans the same ethnic group as them...
Would you racemix with a colombian girl?
Tell me about Berbers?
International Love Thread
I love Japan
Eh? You've never seen a pair of breasts before? And you're HOW old?! J-Jeez! Ahahahah! W-Well, we'd better fix that...
1. Your country?
What is their fucking problem ?
/cum/ - Canmerico
Sverigetråden - Gustafssonupplagan
How do you take a profile pic ?
ITT: Sup Forums in 1964
UK Balkanisation
He uses a soft c in latin
/ex-ussr/ general
Eire éire
What type of porn do people watch in your cunt?
Is your town more beautiful than mine?
Will Germany, Australia or Japan ever legalize gay marriage? Why are they against it?
Spain ?
The US is being invaded by Mexicans...
If you're poor and you aren't a communist you're classcucked. Buy a gun and read Capital
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
1. your country
Why are they such rude arseholes on Sup Forums?
Asian friends Asian enemies
What are your thoughts on women in the military?
Damn, didn't know that modern Italians are actually descendants of Scandinavians... Why is this never taught?
Describe the Country of the last comment in tree short sentences
What makes Canadians cities different from USA cities?
ITT:Post your arch nemesis
Dad is a conservative who believes in masonic conspiracies
/flag/ irl flag edition
Tell me everything you know about Ireland, Dublin and Irish people
Does he understand what is happening around him?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francofil blanc
Can't they go a century without destroying europe?
Latina females are crazy about him
/ummah/ general: almost time to eat edition
How does it feel to be non-portuguese?
The three most right wing parties in the Netherlands are run by people who (lived in) Indonesia or have Indonesian...
Do you really need this money back?
Kurva anyátok
Why are the kuffar incapable of fasting?
How do you say covfefe in your language, Sup Forums?
Does it trigger you West European?
Why are americans so loud and rude yet act as if they're friend with everyone?
From my experience white Brazilian girls are more attractive than European whites, why is it so? What's in their water?
/ita/ - il filo
Looks like /ourgirl/ went private
I'm a nationalist
The great debate
Why couldn't Latin America be one country?
This board is crap
It's an "american thinks he's funny and witty" episode again
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Acquire nord gf
I thought Poland was white?
If you HAD TO sacrificy one of these cunts to save the world, then why would you choose Norway?
ITT: list people on Sup Forums that need to be permabanned
How does it feel to know that your country is the supreme master of this Earth...
Culture Pals /cp/
Nordic-Baltic 8
Your country
What level autism is he on?
The most famous Irish person is black
Most common surnames in Europe
Stop being non white
Just coming by to say that not all brazilians are white ok? i am black, thank you!
How islamic is Bosnia?
Are arabs self aware of how the rest of the world looks at them or do they think they're normal?
I'm thinking of moving to China (specifically Hong Kong), but the government's position on certain issues worries me
What would have happened if Italy was invaded by Soviet Union instead of shitty Englishmen?
Stop the holocaust of Russian posters on Sup Forums
Fucking romanians
Be poland
Press F to pay respects
Would you fap to Finnish girls?
Visit video about german gun laws
What is this called in your language?
/fr/ - le fil /fr/
This is food in america
Where do you guys can find the strenght to go trough univeristy and then work 8 or more hours a day doing a job you...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...