These boots are the way to attract women in South America

These boots are the way to attract women in South America.

Let that sink in for a moment. The guys that wear them and the women that find it sexy.

Phwoar, who wouldn't?

México is north america

Mexico is in North America


This cage is the way to attract women in Scandinavia.

Let that sink in for a moment. The guys that wear them and the women that find it sexy.

Mexico is North America

México is North America.

México is in North America.

Would wear

North America is Mexico

>regional flag is a literal homo flag


Mexico is in Asia

It's the same thing.

Everything below USA's southern border is Mexico.

>closer to our nz pals

ItS ThE sAmE ThINg

EvEryThInG bElOW UsAs sOuTheRn BoRdER iS MeXicO

Mexico is in USA

buen post

You have to go back

These horns are the way to attract women in New guinea.
Let that sink in for a moment. The guys that wear them and the women that find it sexy.

Is chu gonna make me Harry Potter, o qué???

RacEmIxInG wAs A MiStAkE

WeNa NiDDo