>banter an American
>he brings up that his country could invade mine
Banter an American
Other urls found in this thread:
Honestly, if I were American I would do the same
we are all aware that displaying dominance is taboo in "canadian" society
Threatening to do something over the Internet that you have no power in doing. Very dominant dude.
>banter a Canadian
>he starts CRYING
If we invaded anyone the rest of the world would try to kill everyone that even looked American.
>banded a Canadian
>he apologizes
Could USA invade a lot of Western countries etc? I thought our economies were too intertwined etc. So wars between Western countries can't happen in the current climate. (That plus nukes).
As long as nukes are around and don't all suddenly disappear by the anti-nuke fairy the whole world should be safe minus countries without them. Not sure about Canada.
>its much more alpha to engage through intellectual debate!
>banter China
>Myriad of American, european and australian flags leap to its defence.
The US led global trade system would break down and send everyone into a depression.
Didn't even hint at that. Do you have brain damage?
We're coming for your maple syrup, son.
I merely hop tbqh
>bantz brasil
>we think senpai noticed me
Is that why Trump hasn't told China to fuck off yet? (That plus he is a living meme, but besides that)? It will collapse the global trade?
>the state of american banter
>mfw a Canadian tries to copy Europeans when they banter Americans
Well why wouldn't we? China is #1, after all.
I just wanted to fit in.
>someone not from Uk, Ire, Aus, NZ tries to engage in banter.
>gets absolutely ruined every time.
I've seen this episode before.
It's bad for business and we rely on global trade for our security
Damn, how relevant is this video today? Are we still so unintegrated etc? Sounds like this was made under Obama,
Join us and he will never bring it up again.
I wouldn't even mind 2bh
>banter a greek
>he asks why
>I say sorry
>we hug each other
god you're such a fucking faggot posting that stupid fucking image
I bet you're a fucking fatass loser VIRGIN BITCH
Ignore all Zeihan shills
Militarily, America is absolutely ridiculous. We spend more than the 2nd through 13th biggest spending military nations combined, and our fleet of aircraft carriers dwarfs everyone elses by an order of magnitude (at least). I honestly don't get why it has to be that much bigger than everyone elses.
t. McSheamus O'Donovan
>I honestly don't get why it has to be that much bigger than everyone elses.
It's there to protect global trade because when the Europeans did it piecemeal we had a big fuckoff war every 20 years
>banter a chicano
>he insists that he is 100% pure iberian
So Russian-Canadian brotherhood confirmed? Very good. Next time they will mess with you we will get you Alaska as a birthday present.
We are the world's superpower so pretty much all the other countries lean on us. I remember when Trump wanted to back out of the defense agreements (NATO?) etc. people got mad at him because Europe needs us to defend them. HUH? It makes no sense why we waste so much money on this stuff meanwhile Europeans are using their tax monies on welfare for themselves. It sucks and I hate it so bad.
And we get blamed and yelled at if we don't fix other countries the right way, and blamed and yelled at if we ignore them. Like "FIX YOURSELVES YOU SHITS"
The internet is a mess of different ideas and thoughts but ultimately it makes no difference who is right and who is wrong. Internet fights and opinions don't change anything except get incompetent memes elected. In general I try to just BEE myself and let the world go to shit all on its own.
>price of a barrel of oil (159L) ≈ 50$
>price of a barrel of mapple syrup (159L) ≈ 400$
m8, mapple syrup is worth a hell fucking lot
you should have brought freedom to Canada instead of Irak
It's cheaper to trade for it
Ah yes, the famous 'American banter'.
Just stop, it's painful at this point.
Why is Canada not as rich as Dubai and all them?
We have our own sugar maple trees. My uncle makes maple syrup.
Delete this
they should invent cars running on mapplesyrup engines
we strictly regulate the amount of maple syrup we can sell, as to keep the price high
if we sold maple syrup unregulated, I doubt it would even be enough to cover the costs of extraction, refining, and distribution
wouldn't be that bad of an idea to move there then, people like you would fit perfectly
>be in the vicinity of a Canadian
>he's mumbling about how much he hates white people and loves reddit
Yeah, superpower which will give back Alaska in few decades.
And eventually will be raped by China.
>And eventually will be raped by China.
Stop this meme, China isn't interested global hegemony
obama was literally 6 months ago
They're interested in Pacific hegemony like the Japs were. Face it, Chang. Your psyops have no effect here.
>hegemony in their surrounding waters = global hegemony
Learn to read
I gotta get Trump on this right away.
Just try it, see what happens
shale oil was the good guy after all, huh?
>Muricunts have tried and failed to invade Canada on two occasions
>Still keep saying how they could totes do it but they just don't want to
What do they mean by this?
Acting like a nigger is 禁物 in the modern world.
These gowd damn Leafs are pussys!!
fuck you for burning the white house
we could have made canada great
Made Canada black*
The eternal chinger, part of an intinationale clique
Two retards hugging it out.
Made Canada White*
(see: Hispanic)
You know we do that to avoid responsibility not to be respectful.
You know Trevor from GTA V? he's Canadian. And they were not fucking around... sadly... I know of at least 2 'Trevors' and they scare the living shit out of me.
Send your invasions. We'll 'I'm sorry' it up as we bang your beavers and we'll send the crazies on you. Good luck and I'm sorry. I really am ;P
Hmm.. WAIT!! I'm sorry!! just don't nuke us kay?
Excuse me sir, but I am from North Africa and therefore white
>Get into argument with /r/The_Donald white boi from Sup Forums and present him with facts.