
Why this cuck bastard speaks in english ? He's the président of France

autistic FN voter detected

How does it feel knowing you're the cancer killing france ? We should throw fire at you to prevent your kind from spreading

French is an awful dieing language.
Macron is smart and he realizes this.

Can you summarize? he isn't starting strong. Playing heavily on the empathy card, when he should be saying "we're gonna tariff the fuckers"

Mais ferme ta gueule sale gros fils de pute.

subhuman filth jump off your building

En plus je ne vote même pas FN, sale bouffon. Ton cerveau n'a pas les outils nécessaires pour comprendre des informations basiques. Soumis de merde.
Le mec est content que son président parle en anglais, que t'es con, mon pauvre.

wow I mean wow
I can't believe some people speak another language, get with the times people.

Ah, I see the french finally gave up on the last shred of disgusting, backwards patriotic pride they had and finally joined the liberal train. Goon on you, fellow world citizen.

who let this faggot speak publicly in english? its fucking terrible, that accent is sooooo bad, do all frenchmen sound like they enjoy 7 dicks in their ass ?

I could swear there's a slight facial expression resembling a grin when he says "make our planet great again"

He is a Rothschild banker, he has no country, just interests.

Shouldn't it be dying

This is what real leadership looks like, he crushed Donny's tiny hands.

he studied at 2 grandes écoles and worked for rothschilds, he had other things to care about than perfect his accent like some linguist major

ok so let him speak in French. If English was my mother tongue i would be insulted by this butchering of language

if the anglos were bothered by it let them speak first, a slovak doesn't need to talk on their behalf

He wrote his thesis in philosophy on German idealism. I'm pretty sure he had to deal with primary sources and can speak some decent German, too, but refrains from doing it due to current political reasons

> a slovak doesn't need to talk on their behalf

And im not doing so, Mahmoud.

This guy just instinctively repulses me, there is nothing good about this man

You get used to it, I really don't care any more. The only thing that's funny is that French people are notorious for throwing a fit if you don't speak French with pitch perfect elocution

Macron just another Soros puppet, the whole nation of France works as a department of a foreign bank

Oh my god, and then that final line...
>make our planet great again

I need to wash my ears

Know your place, commie

>proud English is the lingua franca
>pissed off when non-anglos butcher their language

makes sense

Trump pulling out of paris is 10% republican base politics and 90% the senile fucker not liking the windmills near his golf course in scotland

And an extra 100% undoing 6 years of the Kenyan's painstaking negotiations. All his grovelling was for naught.

H-He's sort of hot.

yeah but hes american lmao

Lol what a litteral cuck.

You think he jerks off to Merkel? Women her age tend to be his type.

Should feel good since Paris is full of niggers.

We would destroy what little economy France has left.

Lol what a cuck.

God his accent and his serious look make me horny. I want to fuck him

>he wrote
>in english