The only """good""" idea edition
Other urls found in this thread:
*fiestas in spanish*
good waste of a 1st
thread theme
Join the discord fegs
tfw no gf
>homosexual autism
No thanks we have enough here
das not cara
i can b ur gf
>He has never recorded himself having sex with a woman and uploaded it on the Internet
fucking official theme of the thread
if you disagree well you are a FAG
Does sharing it through an app count?
Do you guys realize that "cum" is also a slang term for semen and as such could result in several unnecessary dirty jokes in this thread?
I wonder what the founders of this general were thinking
why do people tape themselves having the sex
new thread theme ((official))
>Go to wal-mart
>3 girls sitting down in an aisle
>Cart past them
>One of them asks if I have a girlfriend
>Say no
>Asks if she can be my girlfriend
>Tell her no and continue on past them
What the fuck did they mean by this
Blackmail/fap material for later
eating oreos, AMA
Speaking from experience, if you said yes they were probably going to just laugh at you. If you got flustered they would've also just laughed at you. You pretty much did the best thing possible.
I'm gonna save this even though I hate capitalism.
That's rude
Milk or no milk?
ever try anal?
>I hate capitalism.
Should've raped them my dude
literally please kys self
all out of milk, unfortunately
girls poop from there, you sick fuck
I was thinking that it was funny.
Some people want a record of the fact that they were at one time quite fuckable.
>girls poop
haha ok whatever virgin
Boobs or ass
Ive grown up with a sister. I know these things
breasts, of course
Tits > ass
If you like ass you're probably gay
>tfw white but have a niggers taste
Girls don't poop. The fuck's a matter with you?
tits are unironically severly overrated tbqh
What if you prefer ass but only like the small, tight, petite, white ones?
*You sent a dog in the space that got burnt before it reached outer space and you lied for years and told your population that it died peacefully when oxygen ran out
>tits are unironically severly overrated tbqh
You're enlightened
Then you are a true Irishman
at least give me my (you)
>that counts as a small ass
Pretty face+average body
Average face+sexy ass body
I'm not an ass-man but that is the perfect size. Not obese nigger-tier but not completely flat either. You guys have shit taste
then you probably suffer from homosexuality
It ain't THAT big
Pretty face every time
She is 10/10 cute
I'd be fine with either but I would pick face.
This is a 10/10 cute actually
Sexy body
I think like 9/10 girls have atttactive faces so it's not a worry
You seem rather fond of that qt
tekken 7 taking forever to dl
im so bored
I just wish I could lick her face
someone do my spanish homework for me
post your legs
>mfw sifting through the receipts of the expenses of the marketing guy we sent over to the U.S. (Boonville and LA, Cali I recall)
>he didn't even leave a tip even once
Hahahahahhahaha hahahhahahahhahahaha
Get fucked waiters.
(He's a nice guy though, didn't know about the tip thing is all).
Post some attractive mexicanas here
just do it cunt
Say that on tinder to someone
Is anyone here actually a general founder/around for the first thread?
He's a faggot
Not a founder but I've been here since the very first thread.
We used to have real female posters.
better to learn a language aneighboring country speaks than one only spoken in one part of canada or over in europe
Caraposter has been here for a long time
I was on Sup Forums before /cum/ was around but I just used to go to /brit/
Okay you do it then.
Beat him up
i am very drunk to be honest lads AMA
Post what you are drinking
Me on left
Not really lol
I'm not into Mexican women
What is your opinion on Diet Coke vs Coke Zero vs Cherry Coke Zero?
you're the tree stump?
>I'm not into Mexican women
>lives in Mexico
Sounds rough
>diet coke
have u ever try putting on girls clothes?
Diet Coke tastes better than Coke Zero
Prove me wrong fag
Eh. To be fair, I'm not really into American women.
Prime Sinaloa women of course.
>coke zero
Well there's this cute Mennonite girl I've been talking to