Mexico, Indiana edition
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
i haven't masturbated in three days maybe that's why I'm so moody lmao
*reports another german post*
God damn it you beat me to it. Next one is mine, bud.
Fuck Schumer and fuck jewish people
nth for where can i find a mexican gf like yuya
shitdick is a meme. You don't have to wash out your asshole if you eat right
>she still fakes her stupid fucking voice
If you're white and STILL live in the US in the year of 2017 you are a nazi.
Give the land back to the native people (Africans)
you also don't have to wash out your asshole if you aren't a sodomite
Its not.
Go ahead and try pleasuring your asshole right now and see the results.
*jiggles boobies*
im back from training you guys
i love to lick a girl's asshole
Reminder to do at least one visit to /wsr/ to see if you can help our redditor citizens.
Welcome back Calgary
they're still training you
The Bbc
pretty sure I've see something like this somewhere in this series of threads but I cant quite remember when, why, who, or where.
thanks conway
what did you do today?
i got my confined space ticket
safety is srs bsns for 3 bucks over min wage
can't imagine why someone would do such a gimmick
*judges you*
fucking virgos
>what did you do today?
Applied for more jobs. Bought a night stand
What is a space ticket
Do you like not having a gf?
3 bucks over minimum wage is pretty good for starting off
Really hope all of you have been fasting for Ramadan
Which of the deadly sins do you believe you suffer from most, Pride, Avarice, Lust, Wrath, Gluttony, Envy, or Sloth(Not laziness, it refers to spiritual sloth)?
I think mine is pride
confined space, for working inside tanks and shit with awkward access and potential for life threatening atmospheres
used to make double min wage, or at least like 20 bucks an hour
oh well shoudl be lots of hours and ot
I have eaten bacon 2 of the last 3 days
>muslims aren't allowed to think about sex or fapping all day
>post this image during Ramadan
>all muslims who look at it go to hell
Day enhanced
Delivering some Muslims iftar desu. Already know the tip is going to be 0.00 because I'm a dirty kuffar
all of them
its only 7pm and im already drunk
congrats to me
I hold so many grudges, but I am right to do so.
Ummmn no I'm taking about BIG BLACK DICK
please see your nearest imam and ask for forgiveness and guidance
That makes sense. How many more days of training do you have?
/cum/ is an atheist catholic radical stoic general
it better fucking be sunny tomorrow...
cop out answer
tomorrow is my last day, we do a physical demands test(aka are you not fat) and some other minor shit
*fasts because Im a neet and have to wait for my tendie shipment from the bitch who lives with me*
oh well
Do you like camping?
Good luck
i want tendies
post cara
could go for some bk tendies with onion rings
*assists you in yours quests for 10 d's"
cum = piece of shit mierda
asshole hurts rn buds
>just got off work
>super exhausted, feel like napping for a couple of hours
>2 quizzes, a research report, and a research dicussion report all due by 11:59pm tonight
>4 hours and 44 minutes remaining
>haven't started any
I'm fucked
literal autism
i want to hurt a girls ass (lovingly)
bit sore from last night bud
This but unironically
Ach und guck mal her eine große Schwuchtel hast du heute deinen Arsch gefickt du Züpfilutscher?
bit gay
How many of these have you committed recently?
>Practicing magic or sorcery
> carnal union between an unmarried man and an unmarried woman
wew, that was close
Catholicucks btfo
me and my gf
>Defrauding a worker of a just wage
oy vey the goyim are on to us
Come to San Diego friend :)
pretty sure homosexual acts aren't kosher either
doggo wan the fishe
Does it at least make sense lol my German is hella rusty
if u fall dow u jus gotta dust yo self and keep movin
this is adorable
Jesus died for my sins
simply REEKS of flyover ITT
so disgusting
Her facial expressions are GOLD!
i'm about to do at least two more sins: drink and masturbate.
*watches you masturbate*
i dislike it less than the company of the women whom i've dated
i'd rather some of the women who turned me down tho ;_;
put your trip back on ryan
*watches you masturbate*
how is that disgusting
im not doing it specifically so you can't filter me without filtering canada
like ryan
hate people who bully ryan
simple as
>Drug Usage
>Endangerment of human life
>Extreme anger
>Failing One's Duty to Attend Mass
>Practicing magic or sorcery
>Unjust prices
This is like the last few days lol
did you know??
oh well
any leafs have something worth hearing give me a phone call