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International #756
Please love the Netherlands
So power...of...."superior"
/hell/ θρεντ για συναυνανίζοντες
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Post traditional houses from your region
1. your happy country
Australians will defend this
This is a Pole's worst enemy
Why are people so stupid as to move to Germany when other countries are objectively better?
Why has the Netherlands not been hit yet?
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
One shot at life
Tfw Poland is turning into one of the most devastating countries on the Earth with the new stealth tanks aka "Polish...
Why does the MENA hate Qatar now?
What is this called in your country?
1.ya country
/fr/ - le fil de la francophonie
/cum/ RNH Edition
If you're not in the blue, you're not white
Why is America so small
/balt/ + /ausnz/
How many times do you often see the retarded people per day?
What do you think the following expression conveys: "There's a clown in the drawer"
Without using Google, name one historical Portugese person
Normies just casually fuck dozens of girls when they travel to another country
/ibe/ + /ita/ - Peninsulae Populusque Unitas
“We just went to Boston not too long ago,” Rhodes said, “and it was run by Sup Forums kids who put the rally on...
Mfw. Czech Republic is a Western European cunt
Armenians aren't Arabs told me Sup Forums
Voy a España este verano. ¿Tiene viajo alguna recomendaciones para mí?
You wake up in Hong Kong
Lets tier the woman's appearance
Daily reminder that Italy is innovative as Turkey
/ex-ussr/ general
This kills the Qatar
Kurva anyátok
Why is Poland so underrated?
Your country
What language are you learning?
Yurt thread
1. Ur cunt
Name a more perfect country
Why Americans love to go war but always get their ass kicked?
What do you americans think about ilegals?
Apparently nazi/alt-right is now a legitimate American high school subculture like emos and hipsters were...
Apologize Kr*uts!
Is there a cuter international couple?
How come americans have a very strong B.O.?
Why are you all non-native english speakers so good at speaking english?
I'm a japanese student who's studying at uni in england. AMA lads
When I go travelling in Europe this summer, should I put a leaf on my pack such as in pic related?
Do you agree?
Why, Britain? Why didn't you bin that knife when you had the chance?
Post in this thread if your country has never been successfully invaded
I have goosebumps
Mexico elections
You will never live here and speak the language fluently
Capitalist blocks are worse than commie blocks
Why do they have to play a role of breakwater for other south Americans?
Asian Languages Rankings
Americans shit in the shower
What explains the Russian's exceptional love of cats?
Western beta asianmasculinity/aznidentity Asian men are the most insane loser beta retards and cowards in the whole...
Why do americans have such a stable economy?
/sino/ - 中文
Is this map accurate?
Please ban korea ip
Why isn't the Southern Cone considered First World?
It's a white guy says Asians have small dicks episode
1. Your country
Why do America start broadcasting south park series on Youtube live all of a sudden ?
Is it true that Nips are Siscons?
Do you care what foreigners think of your country, good or bad?
Democracy is shit
I'm a white superior aryan with blue eyes and blond hair
Greek Colonies Thread - I am Greek
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Why are germans so hell bent on destroying europe/the world time and time again?
Why are chinese girls so brutal?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
After all the ridicule in the international stage these last months...
Did this board make you more nationalist?
What region of your cunt is most likely to start a civil war?
Canada General
Who's in the wrong here?
Post resoults of your famous countrymen
Muslims move to Mexico
Is your country safe from Islam terrorism?
What does Sup Forums know about Aruba?
How do we save white people from the sun?
His country doesn't have latin heritage and culture
Is this considered slow internet in your cunt?
Since Islam promises 72 virgins in paradise, can i decide them to be living 2D lolis...
WE WUZ countries
Culture Pals - /cp/
Not a single hometown thread
How safe is your cunt for tourists?
Why do americans always say america is larger than yurop?
/ita/ il filo
Know Chinese
Quebec should secede from Canada
/BRiD GmbH ehemals deutsch/
Why do muslims in europe want Sharia law?
Where did it go so wrong for Louis Cachet?
Waiting room
Is Sup Forums the worst of all boards?
What does a Quebecois sound like to a Frenchman?
ITT post improved versions of your flag
Top 10 most dangerous cities in Europe
An average Finnish woman
Is it true american women go crazy over foreigners?
Mfw Americans call their father 'sir'
Post memri memes
1. Your country's minorities you hate and want to remove
1. Country
/fr/ - le fil de la francophonie
Handsome Sup Forumsernational men
USA economy is 15 time better than russian, but population is more than 2 times only
Your country
Summoning a south african
Portuguese or Brazilian fags, how the fuck is this letter pronounced?
What are these known as in your country?
/Cavemen/ ehemals /deutsch/
/ibe/ - Populusque Iberianum
Map of terrorist attacks in Europe
1) ur cunt 2) your opinion on
Why are eastern european subhumans so butthurt nationalistic and jealous?
What's it like to live under terrorism?
They just built one of heae in my town. What can euros tell me about it? Is it true it's for poor people?
New uniforms for Slovenian police to roll out in the next 5 years
International Thank Mexico Day
*destroys your thread*
Why do Scandinavians claim to be pure when they are a mongrel race of 3+ components?
Post your keyboard
Ywn speak a second language
Among the people currently in power, which country leader do you think demonstrates the highest level of intelligence...
Reminder that this is the kind of people you are talking to when you reply to a burger flag
Check out muh heritage
Today is the 28th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. What are your thoughts of it?
What do you feel proud of in your country?
Sverigetråden – Malmöupplagan
Handwriting Thread
Would your country take American refugees?
Tell me about black girls in your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Pick one
1. You're cunt
What does your country give to the rest of the world that you're proud of?
What is your PATHETIC excuse for your country NOT being entirely blue?
Anglos remember you deserve it all, for what you did in Dresden
Which nation has committed arguably the worst war crimes yet has the most vocal amount of people who deny them?
Post your view from window
Worthless sad excuse for a "country"
This will cure your yellow fever
/sag/ - South Asia General
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Why can't nipposters speak English?
I wonder what is your country's general opinion on the Polish ?
What do you not like about your language?
Pick one
/hamburg/ - nachher wieder /deutsch/
Tfw too irrelevant to get muzzie terrorist attacks
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico*
Post your face when you were Polish
Redpill on Russia
Korean hate american
Traditional dress
Ok, 44% is pretty bad, but hot damn, what's your excuse Wetsern Europe?
Italians, how true is this?
Tfw just found i have italian blood
Relevant cunts
Why is Japan so autistic?
/brit/ tolerance edition
German-Russian friendship Thread
/fr/ - le fil français
The great debate
/v4/ + /friends/
/ita/ - il filo
Rangeban gook
/v4/ + /friends/
Always thought in the back of my head that the "shorter than 179 cm is a manlet" was a meme even though I've always...
Not filled to the brim with mudslimes
Multiculturalism only works when it's Central/East Asians and whites who live together...
Cheating husband
ITT: Countries that have never won a war
Your county is going to war, Sup Forums...
Wake up
Is this the most Americanized countries outside North America?
Internet Regulation
Do White People Like to be misunderstood as Americans? Don't you like it...
Which country's people do you choose if you have to go camp with other country's people?
Culture Pals /cp/
How can we define his ethnic?
Americans are asleep
Hey, int
Be south Korean
How can we make MENA countries more accepting of traps?
Wake up
If you had to live in r*ssia, what region would you choose?
/deutsch/ - homonationalistische Sonntagsausgabe
I understand nowdays Japanese women care only about their husband's paycheck
Years of rapes and killings
Your country
I hired an Ukrainian to paint my room XD
/fug/ - Finno-Ugric general
Meanwhile in Moscow
Why are spics so short?
Chimer Edition
Dear Russians
Is this guy seriously or just trolling?
If you're not blue, you're not white. :)
How are you holding up Sup Forums?
What makes women living there so gorgeous?
Can we all agree on this map?
/lat/ - hilo latino
Are Asian humans ? Why don't we launch nuclear bombs on them, it's not like if they weren't many
/sino/ -中文- Chinese Thread
Arabs, if you thought it was a good idea making up a new religion...
How is he viewed in your cunt?
Kurva anyátok
You wake up in China
1 hour left and I could buy my booze in the supermarket. It's closed now
This is /ourguy/. This is the guy we need Muslim barbarians to worship. How do we make him famous?
Honest question europoor's would you rather have mexican's over muslims?
So I was watching a bunch of American cooking videos on youtube and they seem to always cook their meat like this
What do white people role play as in your country?
Are the differences between Quebec French and French French more significant than the difference between American...
London attack thread
Do you like Portugal?
Do Spanish-speaking nations feel any special kinship towards one another...
/éire/ - /eire/
Ask a drunk icelander anything
Didn't sleep from 10 am of the day before yesterday and now it's 5am and i couldn't sleep am i gonna die??
Is Germany benefiting from EU?
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
Tell me about aboriginal Australian cuisine, Sup Forums...
Is this what your average baltic qt looks like?
Why are latinos so racist?
Paint the World Thread
Is it true south americans lose their virginity to their cousins ?
Do Europeans really get triggered by complimentary bread at American restaurants?
A friendly reminder to all that Latin America will become the final place on Earth where European culture survives
Has this place ever been in the news in your country?
Apologize thread
/nachtschicht/ sonst /deutsch/
31st May: 85 dead and 400 injured in Kabul
You must move to an English-speaking country. If you already live in one, you must move to a different one...
Well, Sup Forums? Are YOU European?
Tfw your country unironcally uses WW I technology
Be me
When will Japan accept more immigrants to help their birth rate and economy?
Would you racemix with a colombian girl?
Tfw smartest country in the world
Why so low populated?
Sverigetråden - Världen brinnerupplagan
What is the worst terrorist atrocity committed in your country?
/balt/plus the /ausnz/
American Banter Folder
Things that annoy you
Who here lives in a city?
What is the purpose of this board again?
Russians are a natural born racist
Opinions on yellow people?
/fr/ - Le fil des rares personnes qui pratiquent le français
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Have any of you Aussies ever come in contact with an Eastern Brown or Death Adder?
/mag/ - Muslim attacks general
Have you dealt with the fact that your parents will someday die Sup Forums?
Italians, Spaniards, Greeks, apologize
Legs Thread
Nigga Word
I'm a slav, but I'm whiter than you
/sag/ - South Asia General
Countries you hated only after Sup Forums
Why do islamist terrorists almost never attack USA ? It's rare unlike in Europe
Can we ban america for just 1 day
When wil americans ever learn?
Be Yuropoor
The city of London
your country
Listen to argentine music on youtube
Sup Forums swears and insults
I fucking hate how asians fake their looks with makeup so hard
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
/polska/ + /balt/
Which country is consider the boss here?
Why white people in South Africa surrendered without fighting?
This is Nouakchott, the capital of Mauritania and one of the fastest-growing cities in Africa...
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Can some Pajeets or Mohammeds fill Mr in on the whole Kashmir thing?
/balt/ /ausnz/
/luso/ - fio lusofono
Europoor History Lesson
American elections destroyed Sup Forums
/urban/ - High Demand Edition
ITT: Sup Forums in 1969
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1862
Tunisian man (born and raised) AMA
You cunt
Diversity = White Genocide
I want to go to the UK
1. Your cunt
/völkisch/ ehemals /deutsch/
Brits will defend this
Criminals of Sup Forums
Colonizes half of the world
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do any greeks or italians have a problem with this map?
Ethnicity test
Russian femanon (born and raised) AMA
Why did the Anglo-Saxons end up ruling the world?
/ita/ - il filo
Should Czech Republic adopt the euro?
Switzerland makes the best chocola-
1. your cunt
ITT:Post shit
Portuguese femanon (born and raised) AMA
Culture Pals /cp/
Which country do you hate the most?
East Mediterranean/West Arabia/Middle Middle East general
Is it safe to travel to Turkey for Russian tourists in 2017?
Why have there never been black geniuses like Einstein, Newton, Tesla, Da Vinci etc...?
Were the American 50's the pinnacle of Western civilization?
*destroys the planet*
Post the most elitist cunts of your country
/fr/ - le fil /fr/ qui en a raiment marre d'écrire des trucs dans cette case que personne ne lit
Would you like sometimes to live in Paris?
Serious question
Great Patriotic War
When and why the hell not?
What the fuck happens there???
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
China 2020
I was born in the wrong country
How to fuck a german cutie?
When was the golden age of your country?
/balt/ AND /ausnz/
ITT: Great things Russia has given us
Pronunciation of your countries' name
1.Your country
At what point in history did evolution reverse in your cunt?
You're country
Tunisian femanon (born and raised) AMA
Why are there so many Spanish speaking countries
Is it true american education before college is really terrible? In France we often say americans are pretty dumb
Draw the poster above you in MSPaint
Stop it with the pakis and indians are similer meme
/isr/ it's scheming time
Why did Germans bred like rats ?
Post on a board with flags
/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/
Countries you unironically hate when shitposting about
1. your cunt
This is a kebab, or a greek
Post a picture of the best food in your country
How the hell did the Finns manage to stay out of the iron curtain? They were axis too right?
Why is the average iq of pakistan 84?
White girls are for brown men, brown girls are also for brown men. White men can have each other
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
Jordanian femanon (born and raised) AMA
/MENA/ + Tunisia
Why do japan/korea/china women all look like clones breh?
Poles help
The Trump administration has unveiled a new questionnaire for U.S...
Lost in a forest
My Finnish boy
/ex-ussr/ general
Should i convert to Sunni or to Shia Islam?
What are those for, once again? Seems like complete waste of time that brings absolutely zero meaning to sentence...
Tfw no Anzu gf
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Japan or Korea?
Why is EU such a heartless institution that hates people
Find a single flaw
Is Russian culture inferior?
Mom is watching turkish soaps again
Why are the Chinese so cruel?
The genitalia of the white woman swells in the presence of the Saharan cock...
1. you're country
Daily reminder Western Europeans started multiculturalism and globalism. Just see Native American map...
Tfw the Netherlands are literally called Low-country in French
Why did France surrender so quickly in WW2?
/Ramadan/ ehemals und nie wieder /deutsch/
/fug/ = /finno-ugric/
I'm a fucking loser LMAO, who the fuck is home alone on a Saturday!!?
Sup Forums
Ask any questions to Koreans
Sum up your country with one pic
America invented the skyscraper
How do you from this
How to destroy Ottomans in the 1400-1500?
Lel, Belgium is as large as a province of France
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
You are only allowed to post in this thread if your country participates in Paris climate agreement
Europe hook up map
How does this make you feel, British people?
Had one chance
The great powers of the 22nd century will be the German Caliphate and the Holy Chinese Empire...
This is Jordan Horner
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Will America still continue to be a first world country when over 50% of its population are ethnically second/third...
Post the average young couple in your country
/ita/ il filo
Poland is too small
Peru is a shitho-
Your country
Americans please explain why this is allowed
Comfy nature thread
Hey Americans
/v4/ + friends
What is your pathetic excuse for your country not being entirely blue in this picture?
If you're not blue, you're not white :)
We are literally living in the Last Days. This is Hell on Earth
ITT: post the most ukrainian picture u have on u're linux distro
Kurva anyátok
How is it take people find plastic korean space alien looking things sexier than a big tittie south east asian bitches?
Slav Tier List
Be half-white and half-Japanese
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tfw not icelandic
This is the coolest flag
My thread
What do you think of this gesture?
/cum/ + Paris climate agreement
Do you love Japan?
What does your desktop look like
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
Who's the most handsome president right now and why is it Enrique Peña Nieto?
Could I pass as a local in your country?
Why do balkan people hate each other so much?
Norway cutie contest 2017
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
What are Jews like in your country?
What's your most honest opinion about these countries?
Is it true that many Chinese believe that ancient Greece and Rome are made up stories so that the "west" can talk about...
Let's talk about wh*te people """"""""food""""""""
Why do people hate public transportation?
Why are japanese so racist?
/Hamburg/ ehem. /deutsch/ Keine Nachtschicht von Nöten
What if this continent was as cold as Canada? Severe weather, cold winters, lots of snow
Why are swedes soooooo fucking stupid?
How do I, a poor American Manlet get a Sicilian gf ?
Macron taunting Trump in a speech in English
We know ancient Iberians were not indo-europeans, so what the fuck they were? Basques/Aquitanian related...
Too antisocial to speak in my world of warcraft guild
China has arways been the center of human civirization. Western worrd may have storen that spot for a few hundred years...
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Why are normies still defending that weirdo of being a pedophile just because they like his music?
People that need to be genocided
/fr/ - Le fil essentiel à la survie de la francophonie ici
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...