Should i convert to Sunni or to Shia Islam?

Should i convert to Sunni or to Shia Islam?

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Hare Krishna




Easy, Sunni is the majority.

for muh minority reason

Ibadis never had a terrorist organization

Either way you will end up before an execution squad.

you should kill yourself

Alevism or sufism so you can make sunnis or shias butthurt with your special snowflake islam-lite sect while giving little to nothing from your old christian life.

this if you are seriours look at this comparatif table between suni and ibadi

you should eat a bullet

best answre

I honestly don't understand why the two are still a thing. I thought it was a political thing over who should rule a caliphate that hasn't been relevant for like a thousand years. Anyways, Islam a shit so neither.

If you live in germany and become sunni youll end up as a wahabbi/salafi anyway because all converts seek a true change in life and going full durka is the logical endgoal if you take the quoran in the context of sunnitic revelation (mohammed was the last prophet no way we are wrong) serious as the shias have some leeway in regard to the interpretation and also can relie on saints and mohammeds blood descendants when it comes to guidance as the imam mahdi will still reveal himself in the future to give the final orders to the muslim.
Its basically the choice between protestant freechurch(sunnis) and catholicism(shia).

Sufism is not a sect, it's a way of thinking.

This societies current state will disgust you too much as a sunni who wants to be truly faithful as newly converted one and drive you to do a radical lifestyle of opposition is what im saying.

As a shia you might bear it more easily as the truth hasnt revealed itself yet fully to humanity allowing those errors to slip though without needing correction with the gun.

Doesn't matter, just kill yourself.


>unironically being an islamaphobe

every western convert picks sunni because they feel their lives are "meaningless" and then turns full ISIS, just pathetic

Sunni and follow Abd Al Wahhab's teachings!