Is this map accurate?

Is this map accurate?

Other urls found in this thread:

>costa rica


>European (Caucasoid)

lmaoing at Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, etc.
No btw.

Why would Malagasy be caucasoid? They are the result of mainland Africans and Austronesian settlers mixing.

Wrong. Still Australoid because most slanties went to Australia.


Are ethnic Malays living in Kalimantan or Sumatra physically different from the ones living in the Peninsula?


But the Brazil map includes a small part of São Paulo that clearly isn't white, only three southernmost states are.

none of brazil is, neither any "southern cone" country is


The average brazilian is: Native + White

looks pretty accurate to me

Why the "" at southern cone it is a cone shaped zone in the south you congolombian


>Somalians and Turks are the same

The word caucasoid immediately remined me of this woman


no, these arent even close to specific enough to be ethnicities. these are races, and really outdated terms for them at that. even Sup Forums's better at ethnography than this


No it's fucking retarded

You don't know a single fucking thing about the world. Kill yourself you inbred mouthhbreather


Large areas of South Africa are white/coloured

Jesus christ no.
Why do faggots who know shit about south america and the world in general keep spamming shitty maps like that?

Fucking trash stop believing everything you read on Sup Forums or other delusional boards.


Por qué le estan dando (yous) a este hilo de mierda creado por un CHICANO en lugar de postear música iberoamericana montón de degeneretes. Acá hay que ganar, no sólo jugar


no it is not
Georgia should be green
north Caucasus should be yellow
armenians are armenoid


literal trash

>european (white)



>finnmark og japan er same rase
kvifor er svalbardingar så jækla tette?

Do you actually believe that there are any Jews left in that province created by Stalin? All of them went to Israel, bro.

Also BASED Alan Ossetians.

ffs, they look like goblins

>svalbard and jan mayen


Congoids and Capoids are 2 different races and should both have their own color to represent them.

Some say Negritos and Pygmees are races too. Negritos are the first humans who left Africa and settled to Asia.

For India, it's complicated, the North is Caucasoid, the South is Dravidian, but is it a race ? There are also remnant of Australoids who passed by India on their road to Australia.

On the whole there are at least 5 races: Caucasoids, Mongolids, Congoids, Capoids and Australoids.

no, fuck off retarded burger

>For India, it's complicated, the North is Caucasoid, the South is Dravidian, but is it a race ? There are also remnant of Australoids who passed by India on their road to Australia.
I always found it funny that it was the Southern Australoid part of India that has the best HDI and GDP instead of the north

>I always found it funny that it was the Southern Australoid part of India that has the best HDI and GDP instead of the north

What's funny in it?

>not black
It's not accurate.