left or right?
Left or right?
Right. Mommy is always wins. Victoria looks like Jared Leto in a push up bra. Her tits will always be inferior.
left. the one on the right looks like Susan Sarandon
White White WHITE skin looks weird on women for me
I understand why light skin is good but I like it in that pinkish light brown way
A lot of cuckoldry in this movie.
I think VJ did a good job, rest of the remake was really cringe and felt half assed
Left is a 10/10.
Right is a hag who uses push-up bras because she's old.
Left. I need that diversity lads
>it's a vjuice is a failure episode
me on the far right
Right is actually good at acting.
>it's always a vjuice is a failure episode
She doesn't fail at making my cock hard
>Tfw no Victoria tier qt gf
susan every time
CJ is generally cuter but Susan Sarandon in RHPS is 10/10
fucking this
she's trying to hard to be white
Far right.
Left because she's not a psycho feminist SJW yet
kek, vic tries way too hard
right 10/10 times
susan's milk tits are a godsend
the non spic
>people here are actually picking Justice
What is happening to the world?
Right, because I'm not a faggot
Left because right is a gross old bag still trying to look fuckable in her seventies
left if you are a mentally stunted pedo permanently attracted to girls who are or look 13 years old dooming yourself to a life of jerking of and sadness. right if you are normal
I think you're projecting your own mentality on others. V-Juice doesn't look even close to 13. I think you might be the pedo.
prime Susan (as shown here) is a fucking fox
she literally looks like a average 13 year old poor spic who doesnt eat a lot
You haven no idea how time works do you? Or what the original Rocky horror picture show is.
both at the same time but if that isn't an option then left
>the one on the right looks like Susan Sarandon
I honestly can't tell if this is a joke
pls b real
>being two years late
Fully clothed SuzieS does more for me.
Vjuice is white.
Did Sarandons tits get bigger?
so that's just the bra talking on the left I imagine
>bumpy nipples
hello virgin :^)
hello mister redddit
kill yourself
Literally who is that butterface beside Susan Sarandon?