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Television and Film #756
Television and Film
What are some of the best movies that take place in real time?
Hello darkness my old friend
You're still watching my show Dark Matter on the syfy channel user, right?
The Young Pope
/got/ general
The Witch
Damn, I want to fuck this bitch so hard in the ass I can't even watch the show
Finally watch Rocky
Nightclub scene in an action movie
Actually start watching his show because I have nothing to do
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
ATTN: Come one, come all! We are watching Are You Afraid of the Dark episodes, starting with the pilot...
Obi Wan Kenobi movie starring Ewan McGregor
Who will play her in the inevitable Lifetime biopic?
Mad Max Black and Chrome
A-user, why didn't you watch my show?
Surely we can all agree that Leslie Nielsen was one of the funniest actors alive
Westworld Thread General
Do i want to watch this?
Post favorite movie posters in this ITT
Keira Knightley vs Natalie Portman
He literally did nothing wrong
Tfw 18 years old
I work at a movie theater, ask me anything
"Here's your popcorn sir, watch out it's hot!"
“the elites who ruined their lives hate Trump, corporate America hates Trump, Wall Street hates Trump...
What a fucking idiot
Stick your cock up her ass, you motherfucking worthless cocksucker
Is James Cameron the natural point at which Steven Spielberg and Stanley Kubrick combine into a single director?
Not one decent role after The Wire :(
Who is the most powerful being in Middle Earth?
We need to start supporting older women in Hollywood
"Don't worry guys, I'm fine! He just pretended to shoot me!"
Why was the faggot laughing when his friends were getting beaten to death?
I bet the patriarchy is behind this
Do you know who you are talking to man who controls fire?
good reviews
Started watching this. Pretty damn good. If you haven't watched it, definitely do so...
You're excited right Sup Forums?
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Westworld Thread General
When you're watching a movie and there are no "bad guys"
What would you do?
Black Mirror S03E03 - San Junipero
Rape scene comes up
Goddamn, why didn't they make Tom appear taller in this scene? He looks so small
What did Sup Forums think of Shin Godzilla?
Is this shit worth watching?
I want more Middle Earth damnit!
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Its crazy how you guys cant even have atlanta discussion threads without getting into some dumb pol argument yet youll...
Have you ever watched something only because you like the actress?
So now it's confirmed he's starting a network what kind of television shows will he air?
Find a flaw
Was this scene supposed to be so funny?
Now that he died, when will we see another asian guy with a white chick on TV again? 10 years? 20 years...
You have to be a fucking retard to think this is good cinema
ITT: "Heroes" who did everything wrong
Is he our guy?
So Sup Forums
Just what the FUCK is his problem?
"hello I am in every movie from the early 2000s."
What movie should I watch if I've never seen a single western
Impressive vehicle for Mr. Hardy
War of the World
Hello Sup Forums it's your good friend Sup Forums here
/got/ general - X-Men edition
Mind = Blown
Cyborg instead of green lantern or martian manhunter
Thoughts on the show?
This is objectively the best show of the 2nd millennium so far
Anyone like Cloud Atlas?
Halloween Core
Le female Aziz Ansari
Goddamn it, J.J., he's got the accent right, but this is still bad casting
Taylor Swift has signed on to The Batman
Mad meme fury road 2.0
STUDY: Frequent interruptions due to commercials leads to higher enjoyment of television programs
What are your major red flags when discussing film with someone?
Rick's group brutally murders 50 people in their sleep AFTER they get their hostage back just for a food delivery...
Whats his best movie?
ITT: Flawed movies saved by atmosphere
So I've seen plenty of threads on *when* The Simpsons went wrong, but can we have a thread about *why* it went wrong?
All jokes aside, is it good?
Do you like Jimmy Kimmel?
Would you ever let a girl punch you in the face, Sup Forums, in a non-sexual way?
Wtf I hate Germans now
>>75680572 (OP)
I'm watching this for the first time, and I find it very charming and innocent...
Is he our guy?
What the FUCK was she thinking?
This show is boring as fuck, why is it so well regarded?
Is this secretly the best Star Wars?
One of these threads since no actual threads are worth having
Stranger Things S2 will contain a love triangle between Eleven, Mike and Lucas
Can some explain the point of this to me?
Did Mr. Burns think that his mustache was sideburns?
Why did this happen?
W/ - Westworld General
What's the most impressive run for a filmmaker? I'm torn between Coppola (The Godfather, The Conversation...
If you could rewrite the prequel trilogy and The Force Awakens, what would you change?
The Avenging Silence (2018) by Nicolas Winding Refn
People will defend this
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
What did she mean by this?
Westworld Thread General
Hey Sup Forums
Given Joss' penchant for unexpectedly killing off main characters...
Wtf was his problem?
Post actors whose names you always forget. Pic related
Tfw no new hansen v predator this week
Dude I almost had you
I disabled my webcam after watching this desu
Be honest. He was a shit Dumbledore
Now that the dust has settled, what do we think of this movie?
Why didn't you like her role as Jean Grey, Sup Forums?
What the fuck was his problem?
"zou bisou bisou"
Holy shit Sup Forums
Based on what we've seen and know
Movies you'll never ever ever watch again
How do you guys feel about interrecial couples in kids shows?
"How's the pie taste?"
What do you guys think shane would've done if he was the leader?
NBC has a new show where 400lbs woman is dating an attractive guy
/lynch/ or /twinpeaks/ general
You're at the cinema and this guy sits directly beside you
Admit it, bros
Wait, where is my dick?!
"And the Führer said, "Let there be cleansing." And voilá! There is cleansing."
Godzilla General
Is it even possible to hit someone this hard with a wooden bat? How powerful is Negan?
Can someone give me the run down on the hot dinner meme. Also friends thread. Favorite Character and why?
Has the bar for violence on television been raised? How the fuck did they get away with this?
Just saw it
Best horror remakes
MONSTER UNIVERSE: ‘Bride of Frankenstein’ Remake Is a Tale of Female Liberation
This wasn't really a fair choosing
What's their secret?
What happened to hansen vs predator?
Tfw this is the only choice for new J.B
If a director makes three shit films in a row is he shit?
Sucker Punch
Tries to come off as open minded and enlightened...
Find a flaw
Is there anything more embarrassing on tv than """ghosts""" shows?
Who was the worst character in the office
What do you think they did... before ladders?
Doctor Who General - /who/
Ow bad was it?
ITT: reddit shows and movies
*rubs head*
What's some essential WW1-core to watch? So far I've watched Joyeux Noel and Lawrence of Arabia...
TFA was worse than prequels
W/ - Westworld General
What did he mean by this ?
Alright lads?
Looks like we have a certified television masterpeice on our hands here, guys. The 4th and final season upcoming
You have 10 (ten) seconds to post a better comedy released in this decade
Is there a more GOAT panel show moment than this?
Holy fucking shit this is good
Trump is an ass but knew what he was doing and he didn't give a fuck. I'll give him props for that
Why are elves in Lord of the Rings movies so non emotional? In the books they laugh a lot, sing, dance...
Me on the left
What is Thorax' best documentary?
Just Saw This: AMA
Am I supposed to like this?
Webm thread?
What's this film called, Sup Forums?
Are there any presidential candidates Sup Forums likes?
What's his endgame?
Every dumb generic TWD fan after the premiere
Thoughts on King Kong (2005)?
When's the next Blade Movie coming out again?
I bet the patriarchy is behind this
It comes in pints
It's a Greg Proops tries to fit in episode
I've been expecting you
Who did you like more, Glenn or Abraham?
/got/ - An eternal general
That was seriously uncalled for. Like, you actually offended me. Don't you feel bad at all...
Even sheldor had sex
Fuck this is fun
Now that the dust has settled, whats the consensus?
Is Jack Bauer a good character?
Are there any anime Sup Forums likes?
/cold war kino/
Damn, I felt sorry for her friend
Describe Sup Forums in one picture
Get hype
Why is this objectively better than any other BM episode?
Watch it, pitbull owners
Was the joke that bad?
Is this Kino?
Star Wars VIII: "Nuke" Skywalker revealed
No, it's a cardigan but thanks for noticing!
Why does a woman with a net worth of $250 million need a roommate anyway?
Plane makes a weird loud noise
How can relationships be real if the welfare checks aren't real
What does /tv think of this show?
This episode makes no sense. It wants to shake its fists against pedophilia...
His Black Mirror waifu isn't Faye Marsay
Please don't flop
Why are military brass and leaders mostly portrayed in a bad light in modern media?
Slasher Thread
Got married
They couldn't do it. They weren't able to. They didn't want to
Black Mirror season 3
Never seen Rocky Horror picture show
Ahh yes, we've been expecting you. You'll have to be recorded before you're officially released...
Despite being pretty wasted as a character this was an incredibly badass death scene
Why haven't you fa/tv/irgins mentioned the best new show of 2016?
Killer Clowns
Post if you miss her
To the victor, belongs the spoils
Dakotafags BTFO
Mewling quim
"Tolkien has become a monster, devoured by his own popularity and absorbed into the absurdity of our time...
The British Broadcasting Corporation
Frau Blucher?
/webm kino/
Please tell me the "Immortan Joe did nothing wrong and those women were whores" thing is just a meme and not a serious...
Ham Margera
This show had a flawless run...
Has this been the worst year in Hollywood cinema EVER?
Watch Beyond
What's next for his career?
Seven fucking season
I think Natalie Portman inherited her attractive appearance from her mother
And now it's time to put a star in our reasonably priced car
What's the best meme of 2016 so far, Sup Forums?
Colored Streaks On Asian Women
Stocking up
Jocks are awesome and you're not: the flim
I haven't seen Aliens in like 5 years and I can't remember which cut I've seen
Lets write an open letter to the media exposing Dan Schneider as a serial rapist one word at a time
ITT: Terrible movies that are underrated
Have you ever been in a movie or tv show?
1. Nightman song (sung by Charlie in the bar)
This has to be some sort of world record
Why do they have to shove lgbtqwerty+- sjw agenda in everything!? And this guy was my favorite character!
Open door to teenage girl's room
Name a better horror director
If he wants Rick's group to work for him, why didn't he kille Eugene and Maggy...
What happened to Mickey Rourke?
Why was it so awful?
What went wrong?
"Dad, whose posting on Sup Forums after midnight?"
Are the boyfriends of porn actresses cucks?
I wasn't ready for the ending at all, did not expect to cry at fucking Rambo. I can't be just a total bitch, right...
>Some people ironically laugh at their jokes
Sam is unironically the best character in the Lord of the Rings
Forgettable Villain
Now I know that alot of you guys on here are Christians...
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
Daily reminder that Sobel did nothing wrong
ITT: movies that couldn't be made today due to the present political and cultural climate
>it's a female based episode
Do you think Daryl will get a hatedom for indirectly getting Glenn killed?
ITT: The Elephant in the Room
Why did they mean by this?
Stuck in traffic
What horror movie are you watching right now
ITT: Stuff that only you still remembers
Explain this, atheists
ITT Directors that never made a bad movie
"I disagree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."
What went wrong?
Approaching Halloween
How to deviate from source material; the right way
Is he our guy now?
Any kino?
ITT: actors who are quintessentially you
What went wrong?
You find this at sea
Which team are you, Sup Forums?
It's a lipp ruins a good thing episode
So what did you think of the latest Hillary Clinton campaign ad I mean episode of Supergirl?
What's his name again?
What the FUCK was her problem?
In This Thread, We Wait
I'm on season 3 now. He is by far the best actor and most interesting character on the show...
Fun movie to watch with my brother and his gf
What went wrong?
Movies you love to death, but nobody ever talks about
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
First episode of the new season
Is this any good?
Have you ever gone out and bought something simply because it was featured in a television show or movie you liked?
New film by Peter Jackson
Is Family guy any good?
How can blind men compete?
ITT: when normies ruin your show
What do you call this hair style?
Why do people like this?
What is this character's endgame?
Season 7 will have 6-7 episodes and then we will have to wait an entire year for Season 8 which will only have 6...
Let's talk about why Commando is the best movie of all time
Quick Sup Forums give me your best show to binge
Tv Now
Hello Sup Forums, i'm Louis Theroux with the BBC
Fuck Rick
And the winner is
Westworld Thread General
How did Goku always manage beat his enemy with a Spirit Bomb?
Is 30 Rock proof that women can be funny or did men write most of it?
What does Sup Forums think about pic related. I thought it was great desu
Is there any celebrity more full of shit than Emma Watson? Fakest, most superficial bitch I've ever fucking seen
ITT: bad guys who are actualy good guys
Post conspiracykino
Why didn't he (and Abe) even try to dodge the bat?
Was SNL always this bad or has it gotten worse over time?
What does Sup Forums think of bo burnham?
Morph guessing threat
Even if he wasn't in the pool it would be no basis off of how big his penis is...
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
Whats the next step in his master plan? And what is his endgame?
What went wrong?
Mel Gibson receives 10-minute standing O
Why does Marvel keep kicking WB/DC's ass?
Why was it named "The Tumblr"?
Westworld Thread General
Why did it fail?
This is the worst piece of trash I've ever watched
American "television"
At what age did you watch your first R-rated movie?
Have you done your yearly rewatch yet?
Sup Forums is a couple blocks down, man
ITT classic quotes from our favorite television characters
Conviction: Live Thread
Is she no longer blacklisted?
Shin Godzilla Thread
Anyone read Norm's memoir yet? Funniest stories I've ever read about SNL and Hollywood
The Twilight Zone
This is as unrealistic as it gets
When the little girl in zombieland asked Bill Murray if he had any regrets why did he say Garfield?
So were they inter-dimensional Jews or what?
Why aren't they married?
Who is this neon demon
ITT: Movies men are allowed to cry at
Huge ratings decline
There is no actual discussion of film or television on here. Bane threads get at least 50 plus comments every time...
So how long until we get a Revenge of the Nerds remake/reboot where the Nerds are the villains and the Jocks are the...
Come Hither and give heed
Favorite comfy game show?
So why did so many normies hate yesterday's episode?
Jon represents ice. Dany represents fire
30 reviews
/got/ general
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
Why was Meadow so liberal?
Comedy films before 2000
Mafia TV
Have networks like Nick or the Disney Channel ever produced anything that could be considered kino?
Just watched Groundhog Day for the first time and the weather outside of my apartment was perfect for the viewing...
How spooky was he?
Westworld Thread General
So now it's confirmed he's starting a network what kind of television shows will he air?
The Human Spider? Really? Only some kind of corn holing nigger fucker would come up with a name like that!
I don't understand. Can someone with a degree in history/battle tactics explain what the hell this is?
Could you agree that this is absolutely the best show to watch high?
Unique/iconic posters
Will we ever get a good dune movie or tv show?
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
Do we unanimously agree Tony Soprano is the best character ever depicted on screen?
Do I really have to drop this show after only four episodes?
Oh yeah. What happened with that
How long does cable TV have left to live before the internet replaces it?
Why does he use a different stupid voice for everything he's in?
Would you suck a cock to keep your job at McDonalds?
Name a shittier villain
I bypassed the character development!
Literally the most useless character in Star Wars
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
Can someone explain to me what exactly the One Ring actually DOES?
ITT: Things that make you go "hmmmmm"
How is he a villain? He literally did nothing wrong
Westworld Thread General
Sup Forums: The Original Soundtrack
The Passion of the Christ
Was this she biggest cunt character on tv
Who's your favorite Star Wars character? Mine is pic related
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Hey, nice to meet you. I was watching some of your porno movies last night, you're fuckin' hot as shit
Thoughts on this?
Fact: Enchantress is hotter than Harley Quinn
A 16yo guy liking 12yo girls is to be considered paedophilia
So Jon Snow strikes a deal with the midget, then marries the chubby mother of dragons...
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
"m-maggine i... i'll find y-you"
What is the name for the type of humor that is cringy but almost purposefully so...
Arrested development is the greatest comedy of all time. Prove me wrong
Any movies about Japan and its superior culture? Not interested in things like the Last Samurai...
What's this hairstyle called
Is this what culture has come to?
Is Jack Bauer a good character?
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
Webm Thread
British documentary
Ignore the Christmas jokes, was she really that bad as a character?
The nice guys
It's a worf's heavy handed but completely reasonable suggestion for pre emptive measures gets rejected by Picard...
This is actuallay pretty funny
Westworld Thread General
Show me a one goddamn 80s movie/tv show which had a neon light extravaganza shit like all these retro-80s stuff coming...
According to leaked emails provided by Wikileaks...
Say it with me. Only Fellowship of the Ring was any good
Can anyone explain to me why this fat fuck decided to do 2 podcasts and then just fuck off again?
Did she make the right call?
The Young Pope thread
I'd just like to ask why Walking Dead fans are such faggits
What is your favorite James Bond film?
Thought it was going to be a realistic take on humans traveling to Alpha Centauri
This is my fucking vacation
I'm going to watch a single TV episode with someone today, and I don't want them to think i shit taste
What rating would you get bros?
New details on the aliens in Alien: Covenant
Black Mirror series 3
Is Rotten Tomatoes a good indicator of quality?
Indiana Jones 5
Simpsons filename thread
Would you kill 100 third-world peasants to live 60 more years? Would you do it again and again for millennia?
Why didn't you grow up handsome and tried to fuck the mommyfu next door?
Did this skit make anyone else emotional? Why is it so good?
/lynch/ or /twinpeaks/ general
Realism in Film
Westworld Thread General
Hey morons, miss me yet?
Did they go too far this time?
I need Loserkino
Elrond is 6000 years old. His father is a "great seafarer" according to Wikipedia
Underrated films thread
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
The Twittersphere Is Not Happy About Amy Schumer’s ‘Formation’ Parody
Has a famous actor ever quit acting to pursue a more noble profession, like medicine?
Could this be the most meme flick of all time?
Las nights episode of the Walking Dead confirmed to be a failure and is making the fanbase leave the show
What is this pose called?
How many actors did you lose respect for during this election?
What happened to their careers?
What's the best bollywoodcore?
Do you miss the experience of renting movies?
What's the evilest film you can think of? And i don't mean some fucked up, gorey or edgy horror flick...
Entire game of thrones season 7 leaked
Why does the one ring fit Frodo's finger?
"le big dick Rick! So based!!"
Wait, wait wait people think this is great? People really are that blind...
Great Tier
I'm not on episode 5 of season 3 and I've yet to see a SINGLE white/white couple
Wtf? I hate the american judicial system now!
Max Landis BTFO Sup Forums
Westworld Thread General
>Rick doesn't kill Negan
Joking aside is Fargo the best TV series ever?
How do we "fix" /"tv/", Sup Forums?
How the hell is he 52 years old looking like this?
Is it OP? Does it need a nerf?
I'll find you... Maggy
Why do so many people on Sup Forums pretend to not like or watch The Walking Dead?
Character tries pot for the first time
So let me get this straight: You can't show sex on basic cable, but THIS is ok?
Wtf I love nazis now
What is the point of this character?
After what has been named the most ludicrous bid war on script buying history the winner of it all is non other than...
So, what was the verdict of last night's episode?
"D-dad... just do it, just do it."
Substantially larger than the fell beasts of the nazgûl
King Mel
Its not an s
Could Kenny kill Negan?
What the fuck was his problem?
Uh oh, looks like your computer was infected with a malware...
Does Sup Forums like gravity falls?
Here's a thought: is there something like a martial arts horror movie?
Ahh yes, we've been expecting you. You'll have to be recorded before you're officially released...
What is Sup Forums's consensus on Cate Blanchett?
Why did nobody tell me about this absolute kino before?
Why the fuck does he keep spoiling movies with no warning whatsoever?
I suffer as beautiful young rich white woman aboard a luxury cruise ship
What the fuck were they thinking? Troll face in 2016...
Cinegrid thread
What do you think about Rick and Morty™?
What does he do in the ready room?
Post movies that make you cry tears of joy
How many times have you rolled your eyes during this week's episode?
Now that the dust has settled, was she right?
So, who's next?
How fucking hype are you guys for Episode 8
Who /hyper normalisation/ here?
Pseudoscience: the podcast
Where were you when Cartman became a numale?
Now that the dust has settled, who is the best young actress in Hollywood?
Childhood crushes thread #3
/Neon Demon/ general eternal
Will this be regarded as a masterpiece in 20 years?
So we all know when an actor does this "I'm acting" thing to show his skills, how dicaprio always does...
(You) decide what I'm watching this evening. Repeating digits have higher priority
Guess who's going to be in The Walking Dead soon!!!!
Was she a strong female character?
Eternal /got/ general
Why is this one of the most underrated comedies out there?
Murder house = asylum > roanoke = freak show > coven >>> hotel
ITT: Paid critics
Wtf his standup is actually funny why did you meme to me?
Do you think Kelly Preston did a better job in Jerry Macgquire or Holy Man?
/wwg/ - Westworld General
Can you guess what they are?
Scream is almost 20 years old
Medieval battle
Jon Snow meets Daenerys Targaryen Scene (GoT Season 7)
Its better then Age of Ultron but worse then Winter Soldier
Now that trans people's struggles are pretty much accepted to be the civil rights fight of the current decade...
What went wrong ?
2 > 1 >> 3 >>>> 4
Stranger Things Season 2
Childhood boners
Last year. when you stepped on that shard of glass on the beach
Give me a good movie to watch
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Oh for fuck's sake, mickey
How did this movie make you feel, Sup Forums?
Why is she wearing this mask?
So Logan is the flashback version of the Man in Black right?
Uh, you don't get to bring F•R•I•E•N•D•S
Did Glenn deserve to get Lucille'd?
Wouldn't they make a lot more money selling sexy robot slaves to people instead of hosting a theme park?
Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA
M-m-maggie, I'll find you
1. The Gold Rush
If Chewbacca is physically incapable of saying anything that sounds remotely similar to "Chewbacca...
The Watchmen
ITT: We come up with plots for Black Mirror episodes
We want a Mexcian drug lord but we don't have much money to hire Benicio Del Toro
Why did this feel very mediocre?
Why did Scott have to be such a shitty actor?
What was this expression trying to convey?
Welp. Another one just got fired
Thoughts on this show? I quite like it despite its flaws
Are there any other adult shows that are just like Curb?
Beta orbiting a ROBOT
In addition, it was later announced in September that Warner Bros. was planning a Harley Quinn spin-off...
How do we save Hollywood action movies?
What did they mean by putting every single fetish into a early teens show?
He is such a good comedian
Does capeshit need to take notes from Japan?
Imdb link doesn't work, faggot
Shot in 4:3
My wifes' son
I-I got jungle fever, space edition
For a remake this is pretty damn good...
Birth Of A Nation
THIS was at one point going to be Mary Jane Watson
Westworld Thread General
Wtf I hate The Walking Dead now
Explain to me how exactly this guy was Force Jesus...
I was born with scum like you
Baneposting a friend
ITT: Shows you think are crap, but watch anyway
Does Sup Forums waifu actors, or characters?
Mark or Jez?
Literally who can stop him?
Alien species evolving hundreds of light years away
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
Why is the video game better than the show?
Be honest, this was the greatest movie of all time
Watching movie with older sister
*record scratch*
Name me you favorite movies where nobody dies
Westworld Thread General
What was your favorite no mercy robot kill shot from the Transformers series?
What the fuck went wrong?
Just watched this
Raise your hand if you've ever felt personally victimized by The Great American Satan
Do you think Mike has had a threesome at some point in his life if not regularly now?
So...Why did they kill him off?
In the increasingly cookie-cutter realm of Marvel comic book movies, a little strange goes a long way
You're at Blockbuster, checking out movies and old video games, when this dude slaps your ass with his baseball bat...
Pampered and treated like princesses in a wasteland where everybody else is poor, starving and has to work hard
Why hasn't CGI been topped since this?
Allowed to show zombies ripping off peoples flesh, biting their throats etc
When you're watching a movie and there are no "bad guys"
You feel your ass slapped
Blue is a fucking GIRL?
ITT: Villains who did nothing wrong
When did the staff at IGN become such triggered fags?
What went wrong?
Are there any movies that depict Earth with its true shape?
"Get on your knees, user."
I'm glad someone said it
Hack or misunderstood genius?
What did /tv think of this? Not what I was expecting at all. One guy actually walked out of the theater
You know anybody who can network 8 connection machines and debug 2 million lines of code for what I bid for this job...
Asian film thread (Korean/Japanese/Chinese etc.)
Ash vs Evil Dead
Westworld Thread General
How much power did he have again?
One word at a time
What are some god bless america films?
ITT post characters that are literally you. I'll start:
Just started reading The Hobbit
Can this 'kino' meem die already?
Do any other Sup Forums patrons have trouble finding anime to watch?
Not realizing hes under the dumpster
IIT: We write the next movie of Seth Rogen
It took them fucking 7 seasons to make a good episode
What does Sup Forums consider god tier?
What was her endgame?
Season 1 cast
Westworld Thread General
The Walking Dead Season 7 Premiere post episode thread
Why can't he fucking act after 6 fucking years of this shit?
Sio Bibble Thread
Anyone want to stream FX for the Strain?
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
Does she have a future in Hollywood?
Why haven't we got this yet? It's 2016 we need it!!
How was her body of dialogue in Neon Demon?
How much has one President been able to fuck a country up in 4 years?
What do you think of Abigail Breslin's body of work?
The Walking Dead Season 7 Premiere thread 3
Does she have a future in acting?
Westworld Live Thread
Why didn't the trade federation just make entire armies of destroyer droids...
ITT: Shows that could never get made today
The Walking Dead Season 7 Premiere thread 2
How would you describe this outfit?
Ranking of all the Black Mirror episodes?
Pan's Labyrinth
The Walking Dead Season 7 Premiere
Tfw capekino is no longer just a meme
Is this show worth watching if I'm not a libtard?
Why was he mad at Picard?
ITT: our guys
ITT: Bad Adult Swim shows
Whats the draw of these Dario Argento movies? I watched most of this last night. It was very stupid...
What do you think of the Peter Sellers Pink Panther films?
Shane would've made a better leader than Rick
New episode of Once Upon a Time tonight at 8
Oh no it's not an actual cradle of filth. That would be horrible
Just finished watching this
Movie equivalent of this audio kino?
Anyone streaming TWD tonight? Too poor for cable this time around
ITT: Deaths that actually made you sad
ITT: post cool film stills that could be used as cover photos
/His/fag here. What's the greatest war-epic/historical drama of all time?
Why is she so perfect bros?
RIP Glenn and Abraham
Itt: childhood shows you fucking hated watching
Tfw you lived long enough to see the Prince of all Saiyans become the most powerful character on Dragon Ball again
Most DC fans hate them
ITT: times you walked out of the theater
Black Mirror
You don't like shitty characters, do you, Sup Forums?
Would all those perky bimbo types really have 4-5 ratings? In their hugbox maybe...
ITT : Changes in the source material that would have completely changed the movie
Want to watch Stranger Things and enjoy some mystery and stuff
Westworld Thread General
VHS covers, posters ect
Was he a Christ figure?
American Horror Story: Roanoke
Name ONE good film with a pablo honey song in the soundtrack
ITT: we design a movie theater, one design suggestion at a time
ITT: Shit movies Sup Forums told you were any good
Black Mirror S3 E3
Scenes you lost your fap virginity to, 90's edition
Conspiracy error
It's been 7 hours and 3 months
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
This was one of the best movies this year
Tell that to Zod's Snapped Neck
Why did this turn out to be so good? I havent seen the first one, has it aged well?
How many movies have you seen so far this year, 177 here, watching 178 right now
I don't get it
You are posting among a sea of children
Movie rental prices
Why did James Rolfe never reach his potential and become a film director?
Who Would Tony vote for in the 2016 election?
Sexism is dead
How can one man be so based?
Will he issue in the second era of Arnold?
2017 in film
ITT: I post screencaps of comments from popular youtube trailers and you have to guess which movie it comes from
"Come out sir, we know you've been illegaly downloading movies"
Famous Movie Mistakes
"What if we made a live action adaption of this comic but cut out all the edgy interesting stuff so we won't alienate...
What's the next for Alison Brie's career ?
Black Mirror General
How come there's no male movie star equivalent to Melissa McCarthy?
Why hello there, beautiful!
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
President Trump
Post your guilty pleasures
Is he going to be alright?
Emma watson bread? emma watson bread
Is this based on actual events?
Childhood crushes thread #2
Will we ever know that feel?
Pitch your film ideas. We know you have them
ITT: /comfy/ core
Is this accurate?
What are some good marital arts kino?
Was SNL always this bad or has it gotten worse over time?
What made red skull stand out so much compared to the other villains?
Twin Peaks
/got/ general
Weekend Box Office: Madea's Halloween #1 over Jack Reacher
The villains of DCEU's "The Flash" are reportedly Captain Cold and Golden Glider
Will it be the first good DCEU movie?
Left or right?
Marvel does it again
Apologize now
Who is the strongest actress in Hollywood?
How can you get raped by a head she must have a very loose vagine
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
Television and Film
Video Games