So Jon Snow strikes a deal with the midget, then marries the chubby mother of dragons, and they wind up battling the white walkers, winning, and ruling, right?
So Jon Snow strikes a deal with the midget, then marries the chubby mother of dragons...
>not pulling his magic sword out of that dragon bitch and marrying Arya
Here's to hoping Dany dies in season 8
Nah nigga, Arya and Gendry 2018.
>marries his aunt
>Remember when GoT was supossed to go against the "chosen kids of special snowflake bloodline save the day riding dragons against the undead doom army" cliches of fantasy books?
>Pepperidge farm does.
What the fuck is this
i can't wait to see all the awkwardly bad acting with kit harrington and mother of burgers
Shit that's going to be painful and funny!
I'm now looking forward to the next couple of seasons for more than the cliff notes ending of GRRM's story he's never going to finish.
>targaryen incest
what a fuckin surprise
yeah why not....
So, does the next season end with Dany's dothraki army freezing in westerosi winter because they've never even seen snow, let alone learnt how to deal with it?
im just wondering how the normies will react to it
They will develop some shit mysticism towards it, rever it as her new goddess (the queen of fire and the king of ice, hurr) and conquer the lands beyond the wall, eventually developing Vuvuzelas, Ebola and (you heard it here first) Wall Street.
Don't worry. As you can see from OP, they're wearing big blankets.
if they react to it at all it will just show how unfamiliar they are with the source material
Normies won't even know that they're related.
>will break the internet
>universal 10/10 by all critics
>masterful writing and planning by d&d
>emmies left and right
>castle wall
where are they?
great wall of china
So how the fuck does Dany sail all the way the fuck over to Winterfell from half way into Essos AND it's still not fucking winter? Holy fuck D&D have no sense of timeline.
You're mom's vagina
At least Davos doesn't die right away.
She used the same teleporter that Varys, the Queen of Thorns, Theon, and Ashayara used.
>nailed it
Nah, D&D have never even tried to hide that bitch is their favorite.
Another year of lurking before you post faggot
he's the last sensible person watching this embarassing trainwreck
They are masters of hack shock deaths that come right the fuck out of nowhere and have zero impact as a result, so it's possible they might kill her off.
This is the worst possible outcome for the show. D&D are gonna do it anyways. Fuck this makes me angry.
Surely there could be worse outcomes?
Why not have a game? List all the absolute worst things you can think of for the plot/characters to go, and everyone else judges how likely D&D will add it.