Has this been the worst year in Hollywood cinema EVER?
Has this been the worst year in Hollywood cinema EVER?
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No, you're just a pleb who hasn't grown past blockbusters.
Movies are dead and culturally irrelevant.
name 5 indie movies released this year that are worth it
Yeah the bar is constantly being lowered. I don't see any signs of it getting better either. Some kind of HEBREW CONSPIRACY if you ask me
Like the last 15 years?
Miles Ahead
Neon Demon
Valley of Love
Blood Father
Taxi Teheran
kys asap
The Lobster
Hell or High water
Don't Breathe
12 Cloverfield Lane
casino american
You dumbfucks say the same thing every year.
I haven't seen any of those.
What do I win?
>Leo Dicaprio winning an Oscar
yeah, definitely one of the worst
Kill yourself ASAP
Cinema has been total trash since the end of the 80's, you literally can't prove me wrong
same thing happens on Sup Forums
every single year "this year is the worst year in music EVAR!!!!1111"
not this one. great year in music.
>going to Sup Forums ever
you are a gigantic cunt
I can tell
Arabian Nights
Cemetery of Splendour
Things To Come
Childhood of a Leader
The Witch
don't be plebs folks, support your local arthouse and you won't have awful opinions like OP
Has this been the worst year in Sup Forums Television & Film ever?
gonna watch those. You better not be meeming or I will find you and I will kill you.
the vvitch was mediocre shit so good luck taking peoples word here and not sifting through shit and beings grown up kinoman
Maybe because its on a steady decline you fucking mouth breather
nah that I was going to skip anyways. Don't like horror movies. Been burnt too many times.
I go to the movies about every weekend since my sister owns the theater and lets me get in & have popcorn for free.
Here is my rankings (personal preference)
I say 1-5 are "good to great" movies, and everything above 12 is ok
>all that garbage
>10 cloverfield lane
this is bait
I mean when your limited to wide release domestics in 2016 this is the list you get.
I would only really put "The Nice Guys" as a actually great movie, I really fucking loved it and if you don't like it thats your opinion
It's just going to keep getting worse, time to be one of those fags that rediscovers and watches the black and white classics.
you literally do not have a brain
only a mushroom can be this stupid
And it keeps getting increasingly worse every year you underage faggot.
Hardcore Henry is the only movie on that list that isn't garbage.
Hell or High Water
The Net
The Witch
Born to be Blue
Green Room
Manchester by the Sea
Toni Erdmann
Swiss Army Man
Neon Demon
Son of Saul
Embrace of the Serpent
The Club
The Invitation
The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Maki
The Fits
A Bigger Splash
It's been a fine year, just stop getting suggestions off IMDB
Literally its a list of domestic theatrical only releases, my actual top 10 only includes "The Nice Guys"
Better option: read a fucking book
This is my ranking of films i've seen from 2016 so far, everything down to Chevalier is worth a viewing based on interests.
Everything from Hell or High Water to The Club, I would say are all films I would recommend to anyone