Explain to me how exactly this guy was Force Jesus...

Explain to me how exactly this guy was Force Jesus? He seemed marginally (if at all) more powerful than any of the other Jedi.

The "other jedi" are the Jedi Council, the most powerful jedi known in the galaxy. Obi Wan is strong as h*ck. Anakin grows throughout the films and by the end of EPIII he's stronger than Obi Wan, but not by much. He presumably would have only gotten stronger (he's still quite a bit younger than Obi Wan for instance). Obi Wan is the only jedi he actually fights so we never see him explicitly and directly compared to anyone else.


They do a horrible job of showing it, but Anakin entered the Jedi Order as a 14-year old and promptly surpassed every other apprentice who had been training since birth. He killed Count Dooku (who was stronger than any Jedi except Yoda and maybe Windu) on his own, and probably did a ton of heroic shit in the Clone Wars (I haven't bothered watching the tv show, but what else could it be about?).

There's also the fact that he attacked the Jedi Temple with about 1000 soldiers and managed to kill nearly every single Jedi, which means he must have fought off multiple Jedi on his own about a dozen times over the course of a single day and didn't even get a scratch on him.

Actually even most the council members are such minor characters that we're not given any sense of their abilities in the films. After Qui Gon dies, it's basically just Anakin, Obi Wan, Mace Windu, and Yoda that are major jedi characters. Mace Windu and Yoda are supposed to be the senior members of the Council and as such are obviously very strong in their force mastery.

I was about to point out as says, he eventually kills Count Dooku easily who took on Yoda earlier with favorable results. Yoda is portrayed to be pretty much the de-facto standard for force mastery in the films so that should tell you something.

Pre-Disney canon explains it pretty well and goes into a lot of detail about just how much stronger he was than practically every other Jedi, but all that got erased so who the fuck knows.

This shit is so popular that there is no stable canon, so just think of whatever pleases you, because it doesn't matter and nothing in the Star Wars universe will ever be set in stone

>Obi Wan is strong as h*ck.

He really isn't. If you look at the fights Obi-Wan is in, a common trend is that he gets his ass kicked until the very end, when he outsmarts/surprises his opponent or somebody else saves him.

Not complete is your training, user!

Obi Wan is among the strongest Jedi. That doesn't mean he has a free pass to kill everything in his path easily. It's Star Wars not Dragon Ball.

Obi wan easily outdueled grievous and grievous was a jedi hunter. Obi by the end of EPIII had mastered his new style (which he switched to on EP2, explained why he sucked). When it came to fighting, he probably was near Yoda level.
Also Yoda probably didn't fight all out against Dooku. The dwarf had to fight zonning Dooku away from Obi and Anakin

Anakin Skywalker is Lucas's idealized vision of the unstoppable white male hero whom the universe literally revolves around.

It's really an old trope, and it's pretty fucking gross and boring at this point. A stale, pale, and male central figure (in your words "Force Jesus") is the linchpin of the entire narrative world. All other characters (especially marginal minorities and even his wife, Padme) only serve to add layers of complexity to the pre-eminent white male hero with his phallic laser sword.

The whole thing is well-trodden and hardly worth talking about anymore. Suffice it to say that you can learn a lot about George Lucas's wounded white cis male psyche by studying Anakin's role in the story and his utter lack of empathy for any other characters or folk.

>strong as h*ck
what the fuck does this mean?

>vs Darth Maul
Still padawan
>vs Dooku
just switched styles but still managed to hold up a little
>vs Grievous
He made Grievous bail out like a bitch after just 5 second of saber dueling.
>Vs Dooku 2
He wanted to win WITH Anakin
>vs Anakin
not even close scrub

>Obi by the end of EPIII had mastered his new style (which he switched to on EP2, explained why he sucked)

Is the form IV to form III switch still canon? Hell, are the forms still canon? AFAIK they only existed in the pre-Disney EU.

>14-year old
he was around 9

>There's also the fact that he attacked the Jedi Temple with about 1000 soldiers and managed to kill nearly every single Jedi, which means he must have fought off multiple Jedi on his own about a dozen times over the course of a single day and didn't even get a scratch on him.

I kind of wish this was explored better. One of the must irritating parts about Episode III is how the fall of the Jedi is condensed into a 3-minute scene that takes place in the course of a single night.

Complete is not your training, user!

what the fuck is that thing?

is that thing sucking a dick?

kill yourself faggot

Then wouldn't it be more effective from a narrative standpoint to demonstrate what an average or below average Jedi looks like to contrast what the Jedi ubermenschen look like? I mean, I've seen seven Star Wars movies in my life, and the only Jedi who seems innately more competent than any other Jedi is the one this board virulently loathes.

And don't get me wrong, I'm not a huge fan of TFA, but only in as much as I think Rey is exactly what Anakin SHOULD have been. Instead of telling us his power levels are >9000, why not have him do something that we as the audience already know he SHOULD NOT rightly be able to do? The problem with Rey was that, as far as the movie told us, she's just a typical Jedi and that's just how the Force works when the last six movies told us otherwise.

Maybe Lucas thought scenes showing Anakin slicing through Jedi would be a little too much for a kid's movie. The novel definitely did it justice, though.

>Jedi acting as a guard sees Anakin approaching with his troops
>Runs over to him, asking about what happened to the Jedi Masters
>Anakin waits till the guy turns around to look at the clones then ignites his lightsaber right through the back of his head

>Fucking Yoda can't take down Dooku
>Anakin does by himself in 5 seconds

u wot

>Then wouldn't it be more effective from a narrative standpoint to demonstrate what an average or below average Jedi looks like to contrast what the Jedi ubermenschen look like?

We do see them, but only in a very short scene. Remember in Episode II, when the Jedi are fighting in the arena and most of them get cut down by droids? Or when that one Jedi gets killed up close by Jango Fett? Those were the rank-and-file Jedi.

That's the point. Anakin had ridiculous potential, it's why the Jedi were so afraid (both to train him and not train him) and why Palpatine was so fixated on him.

See, and that's effective, but we really should have seen more of that. Give us an actual rank-and-file Jedi as a character. Maybe even make him another apprentice of Obi-Wan's that is Anakin's senior, and show Anakin excelling exponentially above him.

I know I'm saying OP was a cunt who didn't pay attention to the movies

Palpatine wanted his boipussy. It's cannon.

The prequels are famous for not delivering their actually rather good plotlines well. There's no news there.

>Anakin entered the Jedi Order as a 14-year old

Have you ever watched Star Wars?

>Give us an actual rank-and-file Jedi as a character.

>Jedi can block a single blaster shot coming at them
Fine that makes sense, but Jango should've been way better at killing Jedi. Fire both pistols at the same time at slightly different parts of their body and they physically won't be able to block them.

I saw Episode I a really long time ago. What was he then, 12?


that is uproariously funny to me for some reason, good post

Nah he's a super-wise motherfucker who goes toe-to-toe with a Sith Lord. I'm talking about a rank and file Jedi that would've been promptly schooled by someone as well trained as Maul.

>why not have him do something that we as the audience already know he SHOULD NOT rightly be able to do?
Like win a pod race humans don't have the reflexes for?

According to Weird Al Yankovich, he was nine and Padme was 14. Granted I don't know that either of those are accurate.

>the novel definitely did it justice

The novel was decent, but I didn't like how quippy it made Anakin. Like when he's killing the Separatists:

>"We were promised a handsome reward!"
>"I am your reward. You don't find me handsome?"
>slices off the guy's head

Kind of ruined the mood of the scene.

kill yourself faggot

Is there a word for this, when people start going on about how things that happened in the movie they watched weren't real?

Anyways, if Jedi were that readily killed they wouldn't end up policing the galaxy now would they?

they are, the other user is just a fucking moron

No, we didn't KNOW that. We were told it ten minutes before it happened. And it's a sloppy point all around as we're told humans can't do it, but aren't really shown why. The aliens that do it don't seem terribly spectacular or intelligent. It's completely arbitrary and emotionally flat.

Instead, why not have Anakin use the force in some visible way without meaning to. Hell, have him get angry and kill someone with his mind. It demonstrates that he's ridiculously powerful and prone to anger and potentially the dark side. Space go-karts are a fucking retarded way to communicate that this kid is a future Sith Lord.

>Instead, why not have Anakin use the force in some visible way without meaning to. Hell, have him get angry and kill someone with his mind.

Doesn't sell as many toys, makes it harder to get parents to take their kids to see it. How many human beings do we see Anakin kill in the entire prequels? One?

genuine Ralph McQuarrie right there

>No, we didn't KNOW that
>We were told it ten minutes before it happened.



Fine, then don't have him kill someone. Have him do something potentially violent or dangerous that we instantly know is connected with the force without having to think about it, make it visually impressive and tie it to an emotional outburst.

A good example of this sort of thing was Kylo Ren freezing the blaster bolt in Force Awakens. It was a simple, visually compelling action that, while we'd never seen it before, we knew immediately was connected to the force and demonstrated that Ren was extremely powerful and dangerous. Granted they completely fucked it all up in the third act, but that's not the point. It was an effective moment.

Why is Luke so superior to Anakin in every way?

What I'm trying to get at is that podracing is not something we would immediately identify as being related to the force. If you had gotten up to piss during the part where they told you humans can't pod-race for some arbitrary reason, would you have watched the scene and thought, gee whiz, this kid must be a powerful Jedi. Contrast that with the scene in Empire where Yoda lifts the X-Wing out of the swamp. You wouldn't have to have been told beforehand that Yoda was extremely powerful in order to understand that he was serious business, you knew it innately.

Riddle me this: if Anakin was so powerful, why didn't he dodge Obi-Wan's lightsaber?

I would've just dodged it and then killed him.

People don't realize that Obi was one of the strongest Jedi. Almost on Windu's level


The film decided to tell you he was powerful rather than showing it. fuck lucas.

I really hated how worthless force powers felt in the prequels. Ironically i remember playing some shitty shitty movie game about episode 3 where anakin is actually shown lifting a fuck huge pillar and using it to ram the sealed doors of the jedi temple. A shitty movie game does a better job of showing anakin as somewhar competent than george fucking lucas.

Only a dozen or so Jedi on the council can hold their own against a competent enemy. Even a lot of the council in episode 1 is killed off by episode 3. Almost every Jedi below them is fodder like the 3 guys mace windu brought to arrest sheev.

The battles we see in the movies are of the most exceptional Jedi but our love for those Jedi has made it so every new Jedi in a video game or book has to be as good at fighting as anakin or obi wan.

It was a false prophecy. Luke was the real savior. Well, until they fucked it up with VII, and that Mary Sue bullshit.

my my this here anakin guy
Maybe Vader someday later
Now he's just a small fry

He can see things before they happen, that's why he appears to have such quick reflexes, it's a jedi trait, the force is unusually strong with him that much is clear.

The whole point of the prophecy is that anakin eventually ends up defeating the evil by throwing grandpa shiv off the conveniently placed bridge.

Luke would have been crispy bacon if Anakin didn't ultimately step in and end Sheev. Luke just managed to inspire him basically by being the goody-two-shoes that Anakin once wanted to be but gave up on.

Either way, the whole savior trope should've ended there.

To be fair is was sheev

I think most people would agree there was no need for more starwars after the shitshow that the last three and half movies were.

you're a dumb cunt user

Actually that final scene makes a lot more sense with the added context of the prequels. I remember thinking it was weird as a kid when I saw Vader suddenly turn on his master and save the day. But the prequels do a good job of establishing the tragedy of Anakin and how he always wanted to be a force for good but was manipulated by his lust for power. Then when Luke shows up and finally kicks his ass, it's like he can see finally that he could have been good AND powerful.


dooku's way powerful. far as anyone knew he was basically the whole separatist force.

Its probably because as a kid, no offense, you were pretty dumb. Most kids are.
Its pretty clear since episode 5 that vader is conflicted as fuck about having to battle his own son. When luke confronts him on endor you can see him standing there and having a "what the fuck im doing with my life" moment. Same at the end of the sixth film, they both show concern for one another, luke looking relieved after realising the hand he just slashed off was just a piece of junk and him watching his son getting zapped by sheev, uncertain of what to do. Vader is surprisingly expressive for an awkward walking plastic trashcan.





Fresh out of h*cks.

Yeah but the "he's my son" motivation by itself is a little weak. Vader has helped to kill literally billions of people and is obviously off the deep end into the dark side. Who knows what kind of atrocities he's committed before episode IV. Of course it makes sense that he doesn't want to watch his son die in front of him but the prequels are what add weight and context to that fact. Especially since the thing that tempted him over to the dark side more than anything was his fear of losing those closest to him.

Immediately emergency powers

I completely disagree. Blood bounds are probably one of the strongest , most immediate drives known to man. In vaders case they are a direct expression of the whole "there some good left in dad" thing that luke pushed. I dont think it needed any further exposition, even if they established him as someone already evil from the start instead of a former good guy.

You can beat Obi-Wan when he has the high ground.
You just fucking can't

Also, its pretty well establish that vader sides with sheev mostly out of fear of getting fried on the spot, he even proposes luke to join and fight him together at some point.

One of the most disappointing things I've seen in my entire life... Made even more dissapointing by the fact that they hype up Anakin for three prequels. I would have loved to have seen a bit more of a fight from Vader. It would help to make his death a little less sudden too.

Fuck you, the prequels are shit.

Or when he kills Nute Gunray and says
>now it's six million and one

I'm not SJW, but it was too much even for me.


this line established holocaust as canon in the old EU

All the other Jedi spent decades (or, in some cases, centuries) honing their Jedi powers.

Anakin got good in the span of like ten years.

Kenobi didn't become a Jedi Knight until he was in his thirties. Yes, he was a 30-something Jedi padawan in Phantom Menace, and that's apparently good for a human (your normal Jedi is probably a padawan into their 40s). An alien like Yoda was probably a padawan for hundreds of years. Anakin gets knighted when he's like 20, and even then, they held him back not because of a lack of power, but a lack of experience. And keep in mind, Anakin started way later than the other Jedis, most of whom joined as infants.

For how long he'd been training, Anakin should be in a class with those little kids. Instead, he's going on solo missions and fighting Sith.

Dooku was old as fuck at that point. You can see that he's gotten fat, too. Yoda would have beaten ep3 Dooku even more easily.

General Grevious killed dozens of Jedi with his body and Obi took him down.

He was the only Jedi with black robes. It really made me think.

Not going to lie; if he said it all deadpan and serious, that would totally work for me. Dark humor delivered by dark characters make me happy, especially when, on a conscious level, they can recognize humor, but they're so broken on the inside that their own jokes don't even elicit a smile or a grin from themselves.

Nah. Other Jedi wear black.

It's customary to wear black after you get a limb chopped off. Luke did the same.

Choose the Force. Choose the Jedi. Choose a master. Choose the Council. Choose a fucking blue lightsaber. Choose protocol droids, R2 units and clone troopers. Choose Naboo, Coruscant and Tatooine. Choose fixed-interest credit payments to the Kaminoans. Choose a Corellian freighter that did the Kessel run in less than twelve parsecs. Choose a Wookiee. Choose sneaking into the Death Star, deactivating a tractor beam, waving your lightsaber in Darth Vader's face. Choose turning into a blue ghost at the end of it all, disappearing into thin air, nothing more than an embarrassment to the whiny farmboy you trained on the way to Alderaan.

Choose your destiny. Choose the Force.

But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose the Dark Side. I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got the high ground?

How one jedi can be so based