Stick your cock up her ass, you motherfucking worthless cocksucker

>Stick your cock up her ass, you motherfucking worthless cocksucker.
>Your mother sucks cocks in Hell, Karras, you faithless slime.
>Do you know what she did, your cunting daughter?
>Fuck him, Karras! Fuck him!
>Let Jesus fuck you, let Jesus fuck you. Let him fuck you.

I thought this movie was supposed to be scary. This is just hilarious. I can't believe it won best writing for this shit.

it's just another overrated movie

my cousin was scared shtiless when I showed it to her

watch it from an early 70s perspective

>Your mother sucks cocks
that a good one

>"fuck me, fuck me!"


Yeah, I can see how people would be absolutely terrified by all the cursing and blasphemy back then.


I don't know if it's scary anymore, it has been over 40 years, but it's still one of my favorite movies.

Demons are antagonizing , what do you want them to say?

dont wash for 2 days, wear bell bottom flares and listen to led zeppelin

I have dreams of a rose and falling down a flight of stairs.

>dream analysis

1) you are a girl or confused male, probably never had sex.
2) you have a pussy odour complex or an oral sex intimacy issue.

There is nothing shocking about this movie now because we are so desensitised with stuff that is far more gruesome, sometimes made poorly and cheesily, sometimes made well, but the fact is that there wasn't such a realistic portrayal of the subject matter before this.

Most people who passed out during the movie didn't collapse from the scares but from the medical scenes. The director didn't approach this as a horror film but as factual and that is a of part of what makes it last.

The film's horror doesn't come from the cursing, it comes from the build up, the culmination of everything that happens. Maybe I might as well be talking to the wall but I will defend this movie as one of the greatest films ever made on any day.

>can't fucking google.
Nice try there, little buddy.

Perhaps it was good for its time. But classics are supposed to stand the test of time, like classics in literature do.

Of course, since this audio visual medium relies largely on technology, it's not easy for a movie to be as good for so long. However, there are movies that have stood the test of time, even when viewed today.

That twist in the show tho

Horror was a normie thing back then. Sup Forums would have been into blaxploitation and kung fu. Though I don't know if Godfather shitposting would have been as good as Sopranos shitposting.

By not being autistic.

I really don't have an answer for you besides that, it's not difficult to look at how something would be received today versus previous circumstances and understand how it would be different.

It's just outdated and made for a completely different timeperiode you fucking retards.
basically impossible. You can definitely appreciate movies alot more while trying to do this, but it'll never have anywhere near the same impact on anyone as it did back then.
This guy gets it.

>hurr during, old movies are sooooooooooooo stupid!

>c'mon guys, let's go make Unfriended a hit movie.

I hate tweens and millenials so much.

Jesus christ how did Raimi get away with that?

t. Millenial

I still find the scene shocking today within the context of when it was made. I mean the original Black Christmas is the only other horror movie from the era that had language that offensive; it had the scene where the killer says far more perverse stuff down the phone but that was released a year later. I'm quite sure this singlehandedly raised the bar for obscenity in film in the eyes of the wider general public, in a big studio production anyway.

>lol she said a swear word I find this hilarious because I am 12

I'm 32, you cum-caked chode


you're a millennial

So what you're saying is you hate yourself?

It's the same with Avatar. When it came out, everyone was ooh aah. But now such 3D CG are common place and we are left with a derivative movie with furry undertones. Heck, one of the first movies showed a few seconds clip of a steam train barreling towards the audience. Many in the audience fainted or panicked because it was a novel experience.

You're an idiot. Someone who grew up with rotary phones, betamax, etc. Is not a millennial.

I consider anyone under the age of 25 a millennial. Otherwise they're Gen x/y

Oh Paulie, won't be seein him no more

>he thinks that's not good writing
For real, the drastic change of language is unsettling, and I imagine it was even more so at the time. I'd say in that kind of situation, it's good writing.

Besides, it's not like good writing depends solely on the dialogues. Most of the times, the writers don't even write the dialogues themselves.

T. Millennial

>I'm a millennial but I can't handle my worldview crumbling so I'm going to make up my own definition
Lol. I was born in 1995 and I grew up with rotary phones and VHS because my parents were old. I didn't even see a DVD until I was 12.

What a life you've lived

>look at how something would be received today versus previous circumstances and understand how it would be different
sounds like autism senpai

The point is the definition is meaningless because it literally means "someone who came of age in the new millennium" yet special snowflake faggots want to make a new generational buzzword every 5 years because "these kids couldn't understand me, maaaaaaannnnnnn, I was real hardcore growing up in the 90s"

I guess the honest question would be why the 70's perspective is more valid. That's some cringey edgelord dialog, and just because people were sheltered naive pussies back in the 70's doesn't make it any more laughable, they were just the first ones to dare to be edgelords. While that might have cultural significance, it doesn't mean it's great.

A millennial is someone who grew up in the new millennium and has no recollections of the time before the year 2000. That's the only way that term makes sense, so there's no way anyone born in the 80s is a millennial. I was born in 1984 too and I grew up in the 90s, so don't fucking call me one.

What a fucking retard, so you're saying you need to be what, 40+ to not be a millenial? Fuck off grandpa.

Be honest faggots, would you have fucked her?


Depends if before or after she stabbed her vagina with a crucifix.


In the new series a priest gives an oral to a demon.

at the time of the 30th anniversary release my older sister WANTED to see this went to the cinema at some point during the film why the fuck did you bring me to see this shit I mean really no appreciation for this mainstream classic it wasn't bad at the time I hadn't see it

Just because faggots born in 1995+ are so ashamed of their generation they want to piggyback off the older ones so they can pretend their incredibly vapid lifestyles are not meaningless.

4 years ago at 28 I dated an 18 year old (born 1994) it was like dating a fucking Martian. I constantly had to explain shit from 94-2006 to her.

Fuck off with your Google definition of millennial and face the facts that your generation invented pussy shit like being emo and men using hair straighteners.