Which team are you, Sup Forums?
Which team are you, Sup Forums?
I'm #straight, so none of those two.
So you are team Rosalie?
team edward mate
Team poor Indian. I hate the rich faggot vampire
But he's vegetarian. That's cool today.
Jacob will never be this BASED.
And cares for elephants
>married FKA twigs
>provided the guitar for a Death Grips track
Is he, dare I say it, /Sup Forums's guy/?
Jacob is more qt
Team I Hope Bella Dies During Child Birth And Both Of Those Faggots Kill Themselves Over It
this team
Team Edward forever
Jacob is a twat and a paedophile
>the ribbon looks like catears
my heart..which movie is she the cutest in?
>Jacob is a twat and a paedophile
New Moon and Eclipse
he's not a werewolf
he's a shapeshifter who takes the form of a wolf
That IS a werewolf from the classic myth tho, the bipedal version came after.
Honestly I only know the things people bitch about the most when it comes these movies or books and not much else
but he doesn't require the full moon for transformations, and he cannot infect anyone else from biting them
they're all just indians who turn into big dogs
>they're all just indians who turn into big dogs
So skinwalkers?
Rami was in Breaking Dawn. I don't know how to feel.
That fits, I'll use that instead
I'm team Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing
Team Charlie because they should've centered the series around him.
My girlfriend made me watch all these movies and I hated them yet now I'm nostalgic towards them because it reminds me of the beginning of our relationship.
Top Dad.
kristen stewart desu
A small town drunken police officer trying to reconnect with his stuck up daughter finds out that not only do monsters exist but his two best friends are a vampire and a werewolf.
Me too :(
>picking the manlet ever
Well I'm not really sad about it, we're still together after 6 years
>6 years
congrats. marry her dude
Team Meme
My fucking nigger.
Alice desu yo
What's his end game?
jacob was a faggot, a beta, and a creep
Cisco is a vampire now?
truly /ourguy/
>implying short muscular guys don't make the best bottoms
Me and my dad are team jacob.
>not representing Eddy
Jacob. Rides motorcycles, surfs, and cliff dives. Sounds fucking sweet. I mean yeah Edward had nice clothes and a nice Volvo but not being able to go out in the sun is gay
Literally me were married now The first one is, dare I say, kino. The director really nailed the rainy, gloomy atmosphere.
Team Alice
He may be a manlet which is unforgiveable, but those 2 girls are ugly as fuck
>t. manlet
sure bro
>tfw Alice and Bella had more chemistry than Bella, Jacob and Edward combined, even though KStew and RobPat were into each other irl
>she doesn't want a pocket boyfriend
The girl on the left is kind of cute but the girl on the right really isnt
>it's a Taylor has to flash his ginormous dick to show girls that, even though he's a manlet, he's still a MAN episode
lol no. Kstew cucked RobPat remember
gay people don't exist in Twilight
Pretty much, he'd be a God if he managed to fuck Grimes in between all that.
>Daily Reninder: a tons of people watch this shit.
I thought their irl relationship was just forced bullshit for the tabloids.
Team Count, obviously.
(Although is also an acceptable response.)
>Wolves were just as fast, strong, lethal.
>teeth sharp enough to kill vamps
>retained some strength in human form
>don't age as long as you still turn
>accelerated healing
>not bound by theist
>pack mentality with your bros
The most I'd have to worry about is turning when angry, after that I'd much rather be a wolf
That's not what Team Whatever means...
But you're right. Twilight Vamps suck. Not in a good way.
Um I'm clearly choosing my team simply based on the fact that I like twi Wolves better than vamps. So I'd clearly like jacob
>That's not what Team Whatever means...
"Team X or Y"
>women deciding who they want to fuck
>men deciding who they want to be
It's like pottery.
Wolves were cooler but easily lose in 1vs1
You want to fuck the manlet?
These movies were so racist. She chose a guy whiter than white and not a person of colour. I'm disgusted.
>men deciding who they want to be
Keep telling yourself that, Gaylord.
It's literally what just happened.
It's exactly what that whole meme was about.
>gay in denial: the post