can you guess what they are?
Can you guess what they are?
Other urls found in this thread:
white Christian cuckolds
the black guy must be a russian spy
Martin Luthor King?
One's an English clerk and the other's a Botswanian(?) Prince?
I'm just taking a guess.
>The BBC festival
Reminder: The BBC will not allow any film/tv show to be aired in England IF they are not full of diversity/LGBT characters.
I don't want to be red pilled anymore
I'm sick of it all.
I hope the nukes start flying t b h
There is nothing wrong with a bit of chocolate man
>British BBC Film Festival
nothing wrong with executing them either
>British British Broadcasting Corporation Film Festival
Really made me think
Race traitors
>an actual african kang
Nah I'm pretty sure they changed it to Big Black Cock a couple years ago
What movie is this?
wtf, now I hate black people
source? that actor (the black guy not mew) looks so familiar but i can't place him
I am sure the British people that have to pay for the TV license are very happy of their choices.
idris elba
How does britain manage to cuck themselves at every possible opportunity?
Biggus Dickus
morgan freeman
Kat Williams
Harambe the gorilla
HAHA Nice Meme Dude!
mew is so cute
Will Smith
I already got tickets for me, my wife and her son and boyfriend.
Clark Kent's adopted parents with baby Superman
Shaun King
When are the nukes falling?
will this be at the BBC festival?