>Production has just started on the second season of the hit Netflix show Stranger Things, and the show creators, The Duffer Brothers, are being tight lipped on future storylines. However, in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, co-creator Ross Duffer did divulge a few secrets, namely that more focus will be given to the character Lucas. The show received some criticism over the fact that Lucas' character, the show's only African American character, was underdeveloped and the creator's seem to have taken this on board.
>"We're going to explore Lucas' home life, and really explore what it means to be young and black in the smalltown Midwestern 1980s setting." Says Ross Duffer. "There will also be some new tension between Lucas and Mike, as they find themselves both competing for Eleven's affections."
>One of the most popular aspects of the show was the love triangle between Nancy, Jonathan and Steve and it seems like a no brainer that the younger cast will experience there own version of this.
>Stranger Things Season 2 will premier 2017 on Netflix
>"We're going to explore Lucas' home life, and really explore what it means to be young and black in the smalltown Midwestern 1980s setting." Says Ross Duffer. "There will also be some new tension between Lucas and Mike, as they find themselves both competing for Eleven's affections."
>implying Lucas doesn't want Mike and hates Eleven.
Landon Martin
Mike bout to learn about getting cucked at a young age
Noah Peterson
what about the upcoming the plotline where will is force-fed estrogen hormones and turned into a trap?
James Jones
>will contain a love triangle I was going to say this was a terrible idea but then I realized s1 also had a love triangle with Jonathan, Nancy and Steve. This is the kind of quality writing that I should expect.
Jose Baker
When will Steve/Nancy/Jonathan become canon
Mason Sullivan
White men literally can't compete
Adam Howard
Those are some ugly ass kids.
Logan Ramirez
god i really hate it when shows focus more on boring ass love stories rather than the plot
Jayden Torres
why does the boy look more feminine than the girl
Blake Thompson
Eleven confirmed for getting blacked
Adrian Wood
Really? A love triangle involving Eleven and Lucas? Did they forget just how wary of El Lucas was?
So much for decent writing. Lucas was the only kid with any common sense on the show.
Eli Turner
>>'At the end of the day, it's only acting, and it's something you have to do, and I would do anything for the show. I cut my hair, I kissed Finn,' the young British actress said.
I feel bad for Finn, she's always being mean to him, what a stuck up little brat
Nolan Baker
Too bad the kid who plays Lucas sucks balls. It's a mistake to focus on him.
Samuel Wright
Why didn't they just make a brand new story with a different set of characters in a new setting? It would have been better this way
Nicholas Morales
I just can't wait for my MILfu to return!
Daniel Murphy
The quote is fake you morons
Adam Cooper
Wow huge fucking spoiler. Eleven confirmed alive and at some point being rescued. Can't believe they actually admitted it. Lucas can fuck right off though, dude treated her like shit the entire season.
Alexander Perry
Obviously he changes his feelings over the course of time
Owen Hall
i know, just felt like posting it anyway
Asher Lewis
>love triangles in everything Give me a fucking break
Justin Gutierrez
When else has she been mean to him? They seem friendly.
Tyler Bell
>literally who news site >Non-professional writing >no other news outlets have similar information
Article discarded
Lucas Hill
I hope MILFu and DILFu get together
Jacob Reed
This is basically a kids show, not the walking fucking dead. Of course she's back.
Caleb Morris
So Sup Forums was right yet again.
Tyler Reyes
Women ruin everything. These love triangles are just a fucking waste of time to create artificial drama when the actual plot is stalling out.
Jaxson Rodriguez
She's definitely a lot more closer with the black kid and Dustin than with Finn, they almost never took a picture together
Jackson Green
11 is the cutest tomboy
Andrew Ward
>Sup Forums in charge of reading in 2016
Sup Forums but with movies instead
Jason James
*smacks lips*
*grabs dick*
*rapes a white bitch*
*collects benefits*
*doesn't raise his kids*
*sparks up blunt of the finest sticky icky*
*evolves from a chimp*
Andrew Peterson
>Eleven & Lucas
Wtf....Lucas was the only one in the group who DIDN'T like Eleven...he was focused on trying to save their damn friend while Mike and Fats were too occupied trying to help Eleven.
Lucas >>>> Mike, because he knows bros come before hoes
Jeremiah Diaz
That's because Finn was filming IT and even when he wasn't he just never seemed to be around for events. Maybe it's because he's super awkward compared to the rest of them.
Isaac Cook
Now you're pulling from your ass, Mike was the one who was trying to find Will the whole time, and El was the only lead they got so he stuck with het
Cameron Butler
I already hated the dumb romance between Eleven and Mike, now they're gonna double ruin it
Jose Howard
I think Finn hasn't been available for a lot of promotional stuff because of filming IT. Joe and Charlie are never photographed with the kids and Natalia is, but I don't think that means they hate them.
Aaron Bailey
The fuck are you talking about? Lucas went and found the Military base on his own....there was a whole plotline about how Lucas was mad at the others for focusing on El while not looking for Will
Levi Ward
she said episode 8 was her favourite except the part where she has to kiss Finn, she also said she hoped Mike would get a new gf
Sebastian Fisher
That might just be teasing, she's not even a teenager yet, she probably feels awkward having to act like they're a couple on the show
Easton Ramirez
It's over, the show's done, they're full on pandering to SJWs now, they're introducing racemixing and cuckolding to appeal to the numale demographic. I'd bet a 100$ that we also see a character become gay and one becoming transgender. D R O P P E D
Jeremiah Brown
>she also said she hoped Mike would get a new gf Give source
Nathan Sullivan
S-stop defending the niglet you race traitor
Wyatt Smith
>Wtf....Lucas was the only one in the group who DIDN'T like Eleven
When the girls you used to hate, you date I guess you'd best investigate The Facts of Life The Facts of Life
Asher Morris
upboat XDDD
Aaron Ortiz
so I finally watched this and it was just ok. I don't see why it got so hyped up on Sup Forums. It's like they took a generic D&D storyline and combined it with generic middleschool/highschool drama
>terrible child actors who just shout everything and overact >stupid school chad plotline >the older sister is way too skinny, can't even thiccpost about her >dude star wars, D&D, such nerds lmao look how cool we are now >go to great lengths for a happy ending for Will but have the qt magic girl explode for no reason at all
James Wood
How did the main boy change from a fully grown adult woman in the 90's to a child in the 2016's ?
Evan Walker
i can't let this die
Carson Brown
why is he getting cucked both in real life and in the tv series? Finn deserves so much better
Ayden Rodriguez
Stupid Duffers don't mention Mike being the main character and Finn having 99% of screen time. You just know season 2 will suck balls.
John Garcia
so what is the truth?
Parker Kelly
Some people in Brazil would give their right arm for the privilege.
Carson Phillips
don't we all
David Hughes
>Eleven, played by Millie, is the only character who’s not confirmed to return just yet. The brothers said in the ew interview: “We leave that up in the air
Gavin Kelly
>in Brazil not only there...
Alexander Jackson
Jason Davis
Who cares about Millie or Eleven ? Also she'll be back of course.
Joshua Morris
If she isn't confirmed to return, how could the producers describe a planned love triangle with her?
Carter Lee
>I already hated the dumb romance between Eleven and Mike
You are the worst kind of person.
Matthew Adams
Froggo is a goddamn ace. He'll steal the show no matter what they do.
Liam Martinez
This. Dropped fucking hard.
Grayson Gutierrez
it's true, but the world would be a better place with Stranger Things season 2 being just a 100 episodes long tv series thoroughly documenting Finn's daily life and exploring his emotional depth, talent and sense of humour.
Lucas Williams
OP is memeing. Read the fucking article, sperg.
Adrian Anderson
I don't know why they didn't just make a Stranger Things spin-off that followed Mike through the trials and tribulations of adolescence, with Mr. Clarke remaining his teacher through high school and then inexplicably becoming the Dean of his university in the last couple (and best) seasons. They would call it 'Frog Meets Pond' and it would win all the emmys.
Jason Sanchez
Didn't she try to kill Lucas?
Wyatt Long
Well, we musn't lose hope.They still have time to do that.
Liam Davis
What would be the spiciest way to start the season?
Jeremiah Gomez
>David Bowie stole my green bomber jacket
Literally, unironically what did he mean by this?
Ethan Hughes
hiring IT boyos and having them to do the usual stuff with Finn. I can't think of anything spicer at the moment.
Ethan Sullivan
He is too young tl be cucked. It's not fair!
Landon Morales
why is his face so damn kissable ?
Christopher Myers
It's fake you retard
Hunter Carter
He's just entering high school and is on the most famous show on planet earth at the moment. You know how many chicks at his school he could bag? All of them. Every single one. Even the dykes.
Caleb Myers
slep tite kitters
Landon Russell
No, it's fake and Sup Forums has never been right. Not once.
Daniel Sanders
>that fat fuck on the left
What the FUCK is his problem?
Sebastian Allen
Color me surprised that Reddit:The Series has a stupid love subplot. Actually don't, because I'm not surprised at all
Samuel White
>One of the most popular aspects of the show was the love triangle between Nancy, Jonathan and Steve really?
Robert Moore
>netflix collates data from its users' viewing history and taylors its "originals" to suit that >Sup Forums loses Stranger Things
Joseph Jenkins
thank god its fake, cause seriously, why would someone even want to put in more drama into the show? IT already felt like days of our lives: monster high edition.
Kayden Ross
God I'd give anything to buttfuck this dumb bitch
Lucas Edwards
Doesn't really matter if this is true or just a rumour.
It'll happen and Lucas will score. Ah... 2016.
Dominic Edwards
I'm not even sure she would know what that is sir user. Lewd.
Noah Diaz
...She's literally twelve years old.
Justin Scott
Cameron Wood
No age can resist the BBC.
Benjamin Price
Logan Morris
Holy fuck that black kid was fucking annoying. For 6 1/2 goddamn episodes he did nothing but fucking whine and be a total goddamn cunt.
He was redeemed in the end, but I was seriously questioning why they were even friends up to that point.
Jayden Gomez
>only focus on a few characters >a lot of characters left unexplored >FOCUS MORE ON THE BLACK KID!!!!!!!
Jesus Christ what the fuck is wrong with people
Levi Morales
A man has his needs.
Easton Hall
not that guy, but i definitely heard her say that on one of the interviews she did at some con?
Jeremiah Wright
They spelled "absolute, undeniably worst"
Samuel Cox
>One of the most popular aspects of the show was the love triangle between Nancy, Jonathan and Steve
Blake Cox
Apparently lucas and the new girl have been on a show together so already the fangirls on instagram are pairing them up. So it won't be him with el it'll be him with max. Eleven has a date with the demogoron that's all.
Christian Evans
The only Eleven in this show is the size of Lucas' meat sword