>comedy films before 2000
Jokes every 20 seconds
>comedy films after 2000
Just a drama with a silly premise and some jokes every now and then
What happened?
>comedy films before 2000
Jokes every 20 seconds
>comedy films after 2000
Just a drama with a silly premise and some jokes every now and then
What happened?
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That's a really interesting observation, could you give some examples? To my memory Talledega Nights and Anchorman are pretty laugh-a-minute.
Here's an example, go fuck yourself.
The jews blew up the WTC and started endless wars in the middle east which kinda dragged everyone down a bit
>7 7
>WTC 7 fell in freefall
false flag confirmed
Are you not old enough to know that 9/11 completely changed the mood in our society? Things seriously were happier and more lighthearted before that day.
People aren't kidding when they say that. It was a collective traumatic event and ensuing danger that visibly altered our culture in only a few hours one day.
Watch the last 20 minutes of that happiness and maybe you'll get a taste of it.
dog is funny ;D
ยก REKT !
>It's designer week at Ross!
>What makes you smile at McDonald's?
>a plane crashed into the World Trade Center
Man that's jarring
Goddamn, the commercials are so different from now
Very trippy and unsettling
Judd Apatow
What? You clearly haven't seem many comedy films.
>comedy films before 2000
Original premises, great writing, not overly reliant on shock or obscenities.
>comedy films after 2000
Just compare the films now with the films of the 80s and 90s: John Hughes (Planes Trains and Automobiles, Home Alone, Weird Science), Bill Murray films (Stripes, Scrooged) Ivan Reitman comedies (Ghost Busters), Harold Ramis (Caddyshack, Groundhog Day), Michael Keaton films (Multiplicity, Mr. Mom), Gene Wilder films (See No Evil Hear No Evil, Young Frankenstein) etc, etc.
Now we have Judd Apatow, Seth Rogen, Hot Tub Time Machine, Neighbors, Bad Moms,etc, just a bunch of tasteless bullshit.
>started wars in thje mid east
nigga where u been? theirs always been wars in the middle east bitch.
The United States outright invaded two middle eastern nations within 18 months of that day, has attacked 5 more at some significant level and is STILL in a global war 15 years later.
hangover only the first one and
in bruges are 2 good comedy post year 2000
but i cant think about any other good comedy movie
This is disturbing to watch
How they don't know what exactly is happening and they're trying to figure it out
I was fairly young at the time so I don't remember 9/11 too well
To clarify, I'm not that guy and I don't think jews did it. I'm just saying that he's right that the wars by us agaisnt the ME was unprecedented.
When the second one hits the mood immediately changes to fear and knowing that it's not an accident. I teared up a little bit a few times. I'll remember that day for the rest of my lfie.
having Leslie Nielsen in it is sort of cheating tho
The fear in their voices
It's just so intense
I remember tearing up a little, at the time.
And now, watching it again, I'm feeling the same way
you're just thinking of seth rogan movies like Knocked Up, there is still shit like will ferrel movies from the 2000s that are like that.
i've never seen any of that kevin hart shit, but i'm sure that's constant jokes too
>extremely obese al roker
fucking kek, couldn't even make it to the plane crash part
The 90s were great! Who could forget classics such as Bio-Dome and Earnest Fucks a Goat?