>We want a Mexcian drug lord but we don't have much money to hire Benicio Del Toro.
We want a Mexcian drug lord but we don't have much money to hire Benicio Del Toro
Bus pass...
>we want Brad Pitt but we don't have the money to hire him
jesus christ, i can't unsee it now.
heh I thought I was the only one who thought this
This movie has no masculinity! We need some muscle dammit!
>We want Leonardo DiCaprio but we don't have the money to hire him
Forgot pic
fuck off newfag
>we want a female Bane
Perhaps. But appearances
Can be
Brothers with different daddies
>Also we wanted Kristen Stewart
>We want anybody but we don't have much money
>Still 2+ months in 2016
>he's already filmed 20 movies that release in 2017
Why is that table next to them so messy....?
it's weird how everyone in that picture is staring at the camera
yeah..the flash went off m8
Why has noone created a shop of this where we can see Pepe taking the photo? Or even better the pleb-and-proud Wojak?
But no red eyes
most redpilled actor ever
How does he do it?
>I need Marky Mark for this Vietnam warkino but we ran out of budget
>say no more
I imagine he got to where he is today by having an insane work ethic and just never grew out of it.
more likely a huge divorce, but unlike Brendan he has the means to unfuck his shit.
>We want Daniel Day-Lewis but we don't have the money to hire him
>We want the best of the best but we don't have the money to create a technology that can bring Marlon Brando back to life
how new are you
What's the next level
Regular Joe-Lewis
oh kek
shitty comp
>He actually likes "I'm acting" the actor
Don't ever compare reddit's darling child to DDL
>Julia and Eric Roberts are siblings
>We want...
>We want Matt Damon but he won't shoot children
>we want a nigger, but can only afford a black guy