>“Dear Friends … More to come but for now Ian Fleming + William Burroughs + N W R = The Avenging Silence,” he tweeted alongside images of two book covers: Burroughs’ “Nova Express” and Fleming’s “Dr. No.” The latter is the sixth James Bond novel, which was adapted in 1962 as the first film in the enduring series based on Fleming’s books, while “Nova” is much less straightforward.
>That mix — pulpy genre thrills and heady, potentially off-putting weirdness — sounds like signature Refn. “The Avenging Silence” is to be a spy thriller set in Tokyo. Its co-writers, not coincidentally, are Neal Purvis and Robert Wade, who have co-written the last five 007 movies (including all four to feature Daniel Craig in the title role).
>"I’ve had this idea to do a spy movie for a number of years and brought Robert and Neal in when we were working on ‘Barbarella.’ We have a really groovy relationship and have been working under secrecy — like real spy stuff. I was in Japan recently to figure out how practically I would make the film. I thought it would be fun to do a big extravagant action film; maybe a studio thing with a lot of stuff happening," the director said. "I’m by no means opposed to doing a studio movie, I think it could be great fun. Sometimes you can invent it yourself and find a way to make it work within the system. But to work in that system takes a certain kind of caliber and approach and I’m very interested in doing it in South East Asia because it’s foreign in terms of being a westerner. It would be funky to do it in Japan."
So I take this is supposes to be his own version of Bond?
Dylan Russell
> Aug 14, 2016 1:31 pm lmao
Nathaniel Russell
another middlebrow VOD flick with pretty colors
Eli Campbell
Shouldn't he finish the autism trilogy first?
Ryder Diaz
Please. He's Sup Forums as fuck.
>threw a table at a wall in film school and got expelled, then re-did the scene in Bronson >directed Drive even though he failed his driver's license exam like 7 times >directed OGF only so he could visit toy shops in Thailand then got upset because his wife put his toys in the attic >can't shoot his movies in non-chronological order >color blind >dyslexic >lost virginity at 24 >proposed to his first girlfriend (now wife), she initially said no but kept the ring >daughter doesn't call him Dad or Papa, calls him "Jang" the same nickname used by his adult friends and family >believes in Thai ghosts because his daughter sees them and Jodo told him some spooky shit reading tarot cards >tried to kill his stepmom but the gun didn't go off >literally wears a towel when he's shooting a movie to keep his energy inside him or something >can't pick his own clothes, wife does it for him >Mads says he can't talk to him outside of movie sets because he can literally only talk about cinema >keeps writing scenes about his characters going to hookers then getting limp, obvious self-insert >cried during his first meeting with the Goose >kissed him on the red carpet at Cannes >kissed Elle on the red carpet at Cannes >cried on live Danish TV >talked about fucking on live British TV >said he now only watches movies on an iPhone >has deluded himself into thinking he's close friend with David Lynch, randomly brings up "David" in conversations, while other people have no idea who he's talking about >despite his wife trying her best to dress him correctly, he still attends event dressed like a teenager while everyone else is dressed properly >almost got to his now wife to run away on their second date because he told her he was going to show her a beautiful, emotional film and then forced her to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre >has no neck
Aiden Green
this, obviously
Colton Long
Valhalla Rising, Drive, Only God Forgives?
Logan Perry
Adrian Wood
The Avenging Silence will star the Mads/Driver/Chang spirit/character again
>Refn also took pains to shoot Pusher in chronological order—an unconventional method he has since employed on all of his subsequent features. “I read that Cassavetes had done it on some of his films, so I thought, ‘That’s a pretty cool approach,’” he says. “And after I did it on my first movie, I felt, ‘How can you do a movie any other way?’ It’s like a painting—you paint the movie as you go along, and I like the uncertainty of not knowing exactly how it’s going to turn out.” dga.org/Craft/DGAQ/All-Articles/1203-Summer-2012/Independent-Voice-Nicolas-Winding-Refn.aspx
>I just made a film about women, with women protagonists… I decided that I’d made enough films about violent men, and I wanted to do a film with only women in the film, and so I did this story because my wife would only go to L.A. if we had to travel out of Copenhagen. She’s like, ‘I’m done with Asia. I will only do Los Angeles.’ And so I came up with an idea and went to L.A., and I cast this woman called Elle Fanning who is absolutely fantastic, and she played the lead.
>It was a great enjoyment. I actually… I don’t like men, even though I’ve made a lot of films with men in them. I’m not a guy-guy. I don’t really like hanging out with guys, I don’t do guy stuff. I love women. I love anything feminine. I love pink, I love dolls, I only have daughters. C U C K U C K
Wyatt Wilson
user i dont think hes a cuck moreso than just an autistic sperglord
Liam Roberts
>has deluded himself into thinking he's close friend with David Lynch, randomly brings up "David" in conversations, while other people have no idea who he's talking about
>tfw Refn's people have scrubbed the internet clean of his crying interviews.
Still remember watching them when they happened. So surreal. He was texting with von Trier live during them.
Christian Fisher
Fuck, now I have to see them.
Liam Rivera
Gabriel Perez
Xavier Phillips
Xavier Hall
It's funny cause he pretty much trolled Reddit during the AMA
Ayden Young
>A Refn spy thriller
Lincoln Mitchell
I can't fucking wait.
Adrian Price
good to read he isn't handling writing chores alone. his writing is the least interesting element of his films,sometimes bogging them down so much as to render them unwatchable (well, inscrutable) - looking at you, OGF & TND. a pair of good writers can help him out of this funk he's been in since Drive.
Carson Sanders
It was this program youtu.be/5ency36x3xQ Called Den 11. time. I can find most other episodes, just not the Refn ones.
David Wilson
Please let Jangposting become a meme
Connor Parker
After the box office bomb Neon Demon was,one has to wonder where he is getting the money from. I mean no offense but his budgets get higher every year and he lucked out once with Only God Forgives even if the movie is not good enough by his own saying.
Ryder Turner
>when she grabs his hands screaming for help internally
Zachary Martinez
Magnificent bastard
Dominic Adams
Mads and Nicolas became superstars BASED.
Daniel Morales
>that one casual faggot that I know that keeps bringing up drive >says things like "Man I wish that drive guy would make another movie" >every time I tell him about refns filmography he ignores me
Lucas Diaz
What did he do?
Aiden Johnson
Apart from Fear X and maybe The Neon Demon, all his films have made profit. And the latter was funded by Amazon so they don't give a fuck.
Jayden Moore
>Was supposed to make Pusher 4 with Lille mohammed in the lead role >lille mohammed got a 7 year prison sentence before they started shooting
Blake Nelson
Fuck no! What the fuck are you even talkin about? If anything, Refn became more of a true auteur after the success of Drive. With an approach to moviemaking not entirely unsimilar to that normally associated with the Nouvelle Vague. He sets out to do something and then he just does it, come hell or high water. I find that quite admirable.
h fuck there is a refn film who is going to be shown for the first time around where I live.. Pusher 2 I believe. Incredible.
Jason Perry
What's inscrutable about OGF or TND?
>a pair of good writers can help him out of this funk he's been in since Drive.
lmao Drive is like his 4th best film, maybe 5th
Justin Peterson
I dont know man,I recently watched My life directed and it shows that money are a struggle. I wish him all the best though,that autist makes me proud.
Jace Lewis
>Was supposed to make Pusher 4 with Lille mohammed in the lead role really? i thought that was Pusher 3, which he then shifted characters (for the better, i'd say)? either way, sucks for mohammed.
Juan Thompson
I have a feeling that neither Elle nor the Goose will be in it though... oh well, maybe Christina Hendricks gets another two-minute part though.
Jace Diaz
Look at the amount of producers in TND and he still ran into budget problems making it. He probably scrounges up small amounts from different people who believe in his work or something.
Oliver Sullivan
>that second one
Zachary Gray
what's inscrutable is how utterly boring and juvenile those two films are. great cinematography in them, though, but the narratives lack, ahem, drive. also, i'd say Drive is his best feature. it merges the pulp elements of his previous crime films with his new visual aesthetic. let's see, this is how i'd rank his films:
Drive Pusher 2 Bronson Pusher Pusher 3 Valhalla Rising Fear X Only God Forgives The Neon Demon Bleeder
James Robinson
>>tried to kill his stepmom but the gun didn't go off
What's the story behind this one?
Carson Young
>it's simple violence is like fucking
John Gonzalez
BASED Refn cucking Ryan Reynolds.
Levi Cruz
Watch the Moviefone unscripted interview for Drive with the Goose
Lucas Roberts
Him and his family don't have money troubles anymore because he makes so many commercials nowadays. He gets paid 20-25k per shooting day, at least, and every commercial takes 2-3 days to shoot. Do the math. Obviously, he has wife and kids so it's probably not enough to live in a mansion but anyway.
As for his films, I don't think he has a problem. As long as he stays under a certain budget threshold, he'll always find money.
>I always as a firm rule make my movies based on how inexpensively I can make them because that means the more freedom I’m going to have. There’s a certain budget range now that I can maneuver around knowing that I’ll have complete autonomy. If I go above a certain level, I have to deliver specific things like a cast to create security. If it goes beyond that, I have to look on censorship and if it goes beyond that, I have to start looking on how do I make this appealing to as many people as possible? deadline.com/2016/05/the-neon-demon-nicolas-winding-refn-elle-fanning-hollywood-cannes-interview-1201752792/
Only God Forgives and The Neon Demon lack humanity.
Asher Foster
That would be lewd
Dylan Jones
>how utterly boring and juvenile
What do you mean?
>Only God Forgives and The Neon Demon lack humanity.
Why is that a bad thing?
Joshua Peterson
Nathan Cox
Brandon Russell
Is that Akira Kurosawa?
Hudson Scott
>thats true, i pointed a gun at her, tried to fire it, didn't work >goose loses his shit
my sides
John Murphy
>every commercial takes 2-3 days to shoot i once shot an entire music video in three locations on a $15,000 budget in a day. not all commercials take days to shoot. however, he's big time so i can see it taking a few days or a week for an ad shoot. and i sure as shit didn't receive $25k per diem. maybe i should change my last name to Refn since Rockerfeller doesn't seem to be working.
Evan Cook
No, it's Mizogushi
Anthony Myers
James Adams
they look so cute
Josiah Wright
The kind of commercials Refn directs have budgets between 500k and 1 million, star actors like Blake Lively and Matthew McConaughey, take at least 2 or 3 days to shoot and pay the director 20-25k per shooting day - at least, some might even 50k. The director also gets first class plane tickets, a suite in a 5 star hotel and all sorts of other perks.
Ayden Torres
Haven't you ever seen any behind-the-scenes pics of him?
Xavier Walker
>boring and juvenile while the former is my personal opinion, the latter cannot be contested. these are fairly simplistic comic book level narratives with a bit more violence and gore. i'd say OGF and TND are well-crafted cartoons for adults.
Parker Walker
Why did he cry tho? What happened?
Parker White
That's our Nicolas!
Ian Robinson
What are you talking about? What is your problem with the narrative?
Aaron Reed
yep, indeed. i get budget motels (unless when i'm field producing at resorts or large event parks, then i get decent suites), 1 day for scouting, and 1 or 2 days for a shoot. i won't reveal my per diem or salary, but it's no where near Refn's. maybe my team should pitch Gucci.
Tyler Powell
wtf I love Refn now
Caleb Collins
I like to think about them fucking and trying to have a baby together.
First Refn pushes his Stellan Skarsgård-tier dick inside her, thrusts a couple of times, goes limp, pulls out. Then he tells Elle to start cutting herself with a knife. She obliges as Refn starts stroking his cock, making it erect. He keeps furiously spanking his monkey, his neck fat jiggling around like he's a fucking cock, and finally erupts on Elle's naked body. Then he uses his fingers to slowly and carefully scrape his cum inside Elle's vagina like that one serial killer.
Owen Cooper
>travelling the world, shooting with 10/10 babes and staying in 5 star hotels through the force of sheer autistic obsession with film
I jelly
Josiah Lee
Their plan was to use the interviews to write a book so they talked about his life and feelings. I don't remember the specific things that made him cry.
Kayden Nguyen
>said he now only watches movies on an iPhone >has deluded himself into thinking he's close friend with David Lynch, randomly brings up "David" in conversations, while other people have no idea who he's talking about
Wew David would rag on him about that one.
Alexander Anderson
Whats with all the replies? Are there really this many newshits that think they're Sup Forums?
Nolan Watson
i wouldn't say i have a problem with the narrative. i just categorize it as not really adult fare. don't get me wrong, i enjoy some elements of the films, just not the overall narratives. the cinematography, score, editing, and general ambiance of his last two films are spot on. i only wish his screenplays would appeal more to the intellect.
I like your style, boy. You're gonna make it far some day!
Grayson Lewis
>i only wish his screenplays would appeal more to the intellect.
What films do you think "appeal to the intellect"? What does appealing to the intellect even mean, exactly? The movie having a "message"? The movie having philosophical musings?