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Second for shrinkfags are retarded
Theres already a new general at though
>tedcuck is winning over based willhelm
my guy desu
Azor Armistice
ded thred
Why the fuck wouldnt he link it to the old thread? This is what gets shit deleted by the janis
says i cannot delete the post
if shrinkray doesn't exist then explain the size of my penis haha checkm8
>you and your wife's son will never watch her through the shrinkogram while she is at BLACKEDworld
Friendly reminder that Ed Brubaker is saving Westworld with his superior writing skills.
Praise him.
Would they really delete for that? I thought they'd only step in if people started fucking around with hundreds of generals at once
Anyway I just wanted to say OP that \W/ in the subject is pretty good, keep it up
>I thought they'd only step in if people started fucking around with hundreds of generals at once
Nah, there's one Jani that gets suuuuuper buttflustered if there is more than one general above the bump limit. Almost immediate "flooding" deletion and ban.
Must be warming up tendies right now, only explanation why this hasnt been deleted yet.
Do the hosts have super human strenght/reflexes like Asimov robots? Or are they human even in that?
Do all guests enter the park by the same village? If thats the case wouldnt it seriously limit their possibilities in the park? Arent there other villages/cities/spawn points?
Plebs come in via Sweetwater, Silver can enter in Pariah, Gold can enter even further out. The park isn't that enormous either.
Why are some of the guests such pussies?
Are there really people so cucked that they freak out at the mere idea of playing the dark path? Do they get ptsd over seeing the 'bad' option in games like mass effect, oblivion, and kotor?
Yeah, I think they are just starting to show us his awesomeness. I relate because his a guy who look at the stars
thirding this actually
I liked his Captain America run desu.
we can just re use this thread when the other one goes down
This is a nice thread. Please no bully.
The show now feels deliberately disjointed from one scene to the next. It's like every scene is being presented as a fragment of memory. Bernard seems to be having these meetings with Dolores independent of time. Are they real physical meetings or just physical representation of him in her head?
I get the sense that the season and it's loops and resets were filmed chronologically and then chopped up in editing to be rearranged for each episode.
what would android pussy smell like?
Well, hopefully real pussy
wasn't that rock that the robot smashed his own head with pretty big?
it's probably similar to unlocked retard strength when their programming screws up
lithium grease
>she will never sit on your face
Lawrece is best waifu.
mods please ban ww generals and move them to trash
What's his name?
He used to party with lawrence but now torments him and teddy in order to beat the game/maze.
memes you say
The real world isn't real.
That's not Logan.
if you don't want to woo Dolores and go on a nice date with her then there's seriously something sick and twisted inside you
this is a fucking world not call of duty kid
Do androids smell like people? Are they sweaty and all?
What if I was a guest and I wanted Armistice to sit on my face? Would it smell like rubber or silicon instead of sweat and pussy stank?
sorry no one likes whatever show you like as much as they like westworld
The behaviours of the guests seem quite tame compared to what the real world's elites would be doing in westworld.
I'd love the implication that there's hardcore Blood Meridian shit happening in the outskirts of the park where depraved psycho guests go to enjoy themselves.
Not sure HBO have the balls though.
>tfw no humble british writer bf to offer me a relentless fucking experience
And that's why you don't go on fucking dates.
Hella fr**king epic dude
Posting this to /r/bane as we speak
Westworld is a show about TV shows. Ford is the writer, the other people he works with are studio executives trying to take his creation over for mainstream appeal. Most people tune in for surface level nudity and violence, but some fans dig deep and become obsessed like Man in Black searching for his maze. Westworld layers on religion, classic literature, and technology so thick that its all red herrings. Guests tune in to the TV show via the train and piano (opening credits to the tv show) then go through the same syndicated re-runs.
They imitate a human body in every way according to the website
>not 'I'm shrunk'
They literally already implied that. Well not even implied, outright stated.
I'd woo her. And and sell her to Mr. Wu to live on his pig farm.
Do you think they ever make hosts resemble people they like, use their employee discount, go to Westworld, and live out their fantasies?
It's not that they don't have the balls. Even HBO still needs to get certain ratings for its shows. A full realistic psycho show would put off a lot of people.
After Westworld, they should adapt Sleeper and related WildStorm material.
this guy needs to do pro bodybuilding. mirin to be quite honest famiglia
>inb4 video game manchildren think the ideas and themes of Westworld were borrowed from their favourite game, not realising that said game had lifted all it's ideas from renowned literature that they're too stupid to have even heard of
>Liking the boring white male archetype
not bad, needs work, final Ford reaction panel might do it
sorry tumblr didn't realize you were here
Like we've been intimating, according to all we know so far about the rules, pure psychopathic behavior seems just fine, even to the extreme (so long as no guest kids are around). But they even showed us some dude shooting up the saloon in Meave's flashback. To be respectful to the other guests, it probably is best that you take your bloodthirsty ways out to the hinterlands, because nothing will impede you and you won't impede on anyone else.
salty milk and coins
>I don't know what archetype means
>renowned literature
you mean the screen-play?
Can anyone explain the motivations of the that lady who's sleeping with Bernard? I don't even know what her job is.
I just made this for you. Enjoy.
reminder that 1:1 fags are pure r*ddit
Soulless corporate VP.
she's the project manager, get a job kid
>Fallout 4 invented sentient androids
Teenagers should be euthanized
claiming logan as husbando
Do you think when he came on to the train William immediately regretted his comparatively lame outfit?
Already claimed him last thread, friend. We're gonna have to have a sunset showdown to settle this.
>Theresa Cullen, Westworld's terse operations leader, responsible for keeping the park from sliding into unscripted chaos
no but it's basically the same as an open world video game with NPCs except much more realistic so the analogy is obvious
wat? hahha fuck off m8 I don't know where these shit ideas are coming from but just take them back
She's a supervisor for the board. Don't know about her motivations because she's done fuck all so far.
They're timid because security is watching, even though in truth security doesn't give a fuck.
Shit polls
Needs updating.
Who /shrink/ here?
Actually, though I'm enjoying the show, I don't think most would be comfortable going very far, mostly because of the realism and the fact there are other guests, kids, and park staff around.
In reality, I think such a park would be much tamer because of that, and simply because of property and safety regulations. Still, a fun ride, but the occasional edgehog would be frowned upon, even with the confines of the "ultimate fantasy".
How do the guns work in this show?
She's the key to all of this.
Also an obvious robot.
definitely. logan's outfit is the best in the show, only hector and MiB can compete with it.
She has to be the CEO right?
she's just a generic strong womyn character to keep the womyn feeling like they're in control. they would get mad if it was only Ford calling the shots every episode
Is this the maymay general?
where do you think you are?
Some pseudo-thoughtful shit like this wouldn't surprise me after the conspicuous parallels they drew in Inception with filmmaking - the director, the actor, the money ect.
I hope they don't go the route of a giant metaphor. It's one of the reasons the work of the Nolans has zero rewatchability. They're too concerned with being clever that they're projects lack humanity and are incapable of truly connecting with an audience.
why is this still allowed?
Are you shitting me?
It's weed.
William is always trying to stop Logan from having fun. William is such a dick head.
What else is she?