Why do they have to shove lgbtqwerty+- sjw agenda in everything!? And this guy was my favorite character!
Why do they have to shove lgbtqwerty+- sjw agenda in everything!? And this guy was my favorite character!
Gordon's fiance was a bisexual in the first season, but what happened?
they made the wacky villain a homo? sounds fun.
did he and nygma kiss finally?
Penguin invited him to a dinner where he was going to confess his love, but Nygma saw a girl he liked at a store and went with her.
My guess is Penguin is going to eat his feelings and take out his heartbreak on Gotham.
Where were you complaints about the lesbian relationship that was running for the past two seasons?
> man who really loves his mother and has mother issues with his boss
>surprised and outraged that he's gay
>that voice
>surprised and outraged that he's gay
Yup, glad I wasn't the only one who appreciated that.
I haven't watched today's episode, last week's it looked kind of gay but Nygma was obviously exploiting Penguin's desire to have his mother figure back by acting the same loving way she did.
You better be fucking bullshitting. If Penguin goes gay for Riddler i'm ditching this shit.
They made Penguin gay? That seems kind of annoying if true. I don't have a problem with it but it seems "easy", like they're going with the stereotype of the effeminate man being gay.
Because they're two of the more iconic Batman characters. It doesn't fit. Two basically nobody women being lesbians isn't that big of a deal.
just fucking die
Nope. It happens at the end of the episode.
It was obvious from season 1
>get a chance to rub some female feet
>acts disgusted
what happened in yesterday´s episode ?
more gay fancy stuff with Penguin and Riddler ?
Penguin gets his heartbroken while Riddler goes off to fuck some chick he met at the store.
he deserved it !
>And why it should
Any web "journalism" site that uses this as part of a headline is scum.
Really, that's what breaks your canon boner?
>explain Joker's at times fluidic backstory by having him be a memetic virus that effected random individuals in the populace when victim zero laughed maniacally over broadcast television
>tfw I started cackling before they began cutting to random people cackling to the proto-Joker
>me being Joker may well be canon
Penguin is a FAG????
is she "white" by American standards?
is she "white" by Brazillian standards?
She's perfect but she a slutho
>not even remotely answering my questions
fuck you and your whore mother
Goddamn is she carrying a football team in there?
>is she "white" by American standards?
I would say hell no but people are retarded. Americans pretended George Zimmerman was white.
and pic related too
>swn do porn
I love you too :3
Is that the same guy that played ADD in Accepted?
>women get pregnant
>use it as an excuse to get fat
Why the fuck are they allowed to get away with this?
why shouldn't they be allowed to get away with that?
Oh grow up, it's a beautiful thing to see and I for one applaud DC and Fox for being brave enough to take this step with an iconic villain
why would it matter if penguin is gay or straight?
you aren't having sex with him regardless
it's like if I quit my job as soon as she marries me
a big ol kek from me to you
They're only white if they poorly reflect their heritage. Soon we may get a reversal of one drop rule when it comes to shitskins chimping out.
>one drop rule
so Keanu Reeves is Korean, right?
Don't give me shit for it, the US treats anyone with a tan as PoC, unless they pull some shit then everyone prays it's a whitey
>basically nobody
tigress and harley quinn
Barbara is NOT Harley quinn in no way shape or form, she's just a nutjob black widow
you're a fucking idiot
She still seems pretty Bi
Except when they count crime statistics and then hispanics are white. Have to beef up those numbers to make whites look bad.
>can't refute shit
>namecalling.exe initiated
Stay mad bro
I'm glad I dropped it at the first episode of season 3. It's true. He wants to diddle the riddler.
>Gotham is bringing back the Gay villain trope
About time
Thank God her delicious ass can easily be viewed without having to watch the show.
>jews oppressed for 400 years
>surprised when they want to push every strange type of agenda down your throat just to make sure no one is ever oppressed again
There's a reason they've been kicked out of every country they've ever inhabited
I don't care I'd still fill her womb until pregnancy.
when put the catsuit ?
Being gay suits his character, being a scorned minority even moreso.
Pity the show is unwatchable shit.
Penguin being an autistic asexual would make him even more of a scorned minority.
but I though the Penguin was declared sane
has it ocured to anyone that he loves him as a brother
>that fine hot piece of ayy lmao ass
ayy lmao
so glad I already dropped this unwatchable piece of shit already after first season
Muh I can't root for a gay man wah wah
He's more Nygmasexual, really. He's become infatuated with a guy who understands him better than anyone ever has and doesn't treat him like a freak but instead as a true partner. It's doomed, of course, but it's not hard to see someone like Oswald literally falling for someone that's shown the kind of empathy with him that Nygma has.
I hope they explicitly state Riddler and Penguin are butt fucking just to piss you off.
this guy get it
Penguin's villain archetype is that he's a vile and weird manipulator.
Therefore I honestly thought he was either asexual or mommy-sexual, certainly not "straight" or "gay". Maybe it's just me.
>Implying she isn't a female proto-Joker
Wasn't this episode the exact same shit as last week? Did we get anything new?
>Bald boss is changing into the Hulk
>Mad Hatter shenanigans with Gordon that lead nowhere
>Gordon's love triangle
>no Bruce
>Penguin is gay for Nygma
I swear most good shows don't survive their second seasons.
camren catwoman, but that´s not from the actual episode...
His actor is gay.
So not Kringle will fuck shit up between Penguin and Nygma and they'll no longer be a duo, Would have been nice to see them as a duo like Batman and Robin
Because jews want you to accept gays are normal members of society, instead of the abnormal sexual deviants that they are.
>Same exact feeling
Hell, they have to ruin everything
yes, it is
season 3 episode 3
nothing in the last episode, only that gay thing ?
>media jews = americans
CLASSIC yurotrash
They're not shoving anything. They are appealing to popular trends in society as they have always done since they are a business and their primary concern is money which is maximized through mirroring popular social trends. You are just a socially alienated loner who has come to adopt extreme conservatism as a psychological crutch since it appeals to isolated individuals with many personal failings and are easily triggered by television reminders that you are out of touch.
>mirroring popular social trends
This is the problem though, every cunt now has a voice so they speak up for gays and minorities etc because it makes them feel special and they get to show just how much they care. That doesn't reflect most normal people or society.
At this rate Bruce Wayne will be a brony by season 5
I kind of like it. Why wouldn't the villains be gay or bi or whatever? It's set a few decades back, so social attitudes towards that stuff were probably largely negative. Barbara talks to Gordon pretty defensively about her bisexuality in season 1 I think.
Have there been any gay characters that are also "good guys"? I think so far they've only shown gay villains, which is consistent with the idea of outcast/evil people manifesting that quality in a variety of ways - including sexual interests.
nigma gives me a total kamina vibe "belive in me who blieves in you". His drill will pierce the penguin heavens.
Because it means instead of having a Penguin/Riddler supervillain team up where they combine their strengths and resources to take on all-comers in the battle for Gotham city we're going to get a whole season of dragged out will-they-won't-they bullshit.
Babs isn't Harley Quinn and Tigress is a nobody.
Gay Villains need to come back desu.
>watching jewvision
>in 2016
>wonders why an agenda is being pushed
I think I found your problem.