I'm glad someone said it.
I'm glad someone said it
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holy shit the death star is a member berry
What did he say
what we've all been saying. That it wasn't that good, that it ripped off to much from the original trilogy.
>I'm glad someone said it
>what we've all been saying
I'm sensing a contradiction.
VII wasn't that good.
Which is what most of Sup Forums had been saying, it was a safe nostalgia cash grab . However, it was still much better than the shitquels which were irredeemable garbage.
Fags don't understand when we say the VII was better than I, II, or the memeist of all III, we aren't defending VII as great, we are saying the others were so goddamn bad.
no u ;^)
Force Awakens was decent, but at least they tried to be original with the prequels.
found the hothead.
except force awakens is the better star wars movie up to now.
prequels are usually underrated by plebs, and original trilogy is HEAVILY overrated by the same plebs.
This is basically a cartoon giving internet trolls a handjob. Yeah, TFA wasn't that good, but it wasn't that bad either. I think we all agreed it was a 6/10, do you really need some comedy central show to validate that for you?
If anything this is sardonic at it's highest level...which actually makes it even more funny.
So, wait, I didn't watch South Park this week. Was it more repeating jokes and nothing happening dragged out again?
Prequels were garbage. I know you were 8 when you saw them and you think it was cool because it had a ton of CG flips and now you try to defend it as deep because it was a thinly veiled critic on the Bush administration. But Lucas is a hack who should stick to stealing ideas from other movies and having other people direct and edit.
There's a reason why V is universally considered not only the best of the Star Wars movies but also a great movie in its own right, and guess which movie Lucas had the least involvement in.
Christ, Sup Forums is actually defending the prequels just to be contrarian? Is this some kind of mental illness?
Someone important said it.
>A fictional meme dad is more important.
Yes he is, he is more important.
People only defend it for "muh world building". The films themselves are memorable bad at best and forgettable boring at worst.
people unironically call empire strikes back "V"? smh2bhfam
>they are the moron brothers
I agree with this, prequels at least expanded the universe and added more to the canon
It very honestly didn't really need an expansion though, the universe was fine how it was, I don't think it was originally intended to be an expansive universe like LOTR, but I think it the prequels "inspired" to an extent the expanded shit like the comics, books and games that don't have anything to do with the prequels
You should seriously unironically kill yourself
>This is basically a cartoon giving internet trolls a handjob.
Mainstream media detected.
Especially since most lore additions of the prequels make no fucking sense when you are rewatching the originals
Luke, did I tell you about midichlorians?
>ripped off to much from the original trilogy
it was more of a deconstruction: it took a different idea and told it using the very same rythm from the original movie.
it makes much more sense than doing either a sequel, a prequel, or a reboot.
i'd say, pure genius.
Absolute poetry.
What is his endgame?
III was better than VII and I liked both
He's the ultimate troll
>wasn't that good
>that good
It wasn't good. Not remotely or slightly. It was bad.
Better than defending "I boipussed the compresah" and death star 3.0
TFA is garbage, get over it user.
I hope this is bait. Nobody can be this stupid right?
It was obviously bait, and you fell for it like a chump
That's the "Star Killer" base you mongoloid.
Prequels were better
built lore. more creative.
Yes, just like every single episode has been since you got old enough to start 'membering.
Don't say shit that makes sense here, user. You'll be attacked by the dreaded memers.
Well yeah. VII HAD to play it safe, to have faith restored in the series.
Hopefully VIII doesn't echo Empire too much.
When you put it that way...
When will the prequels being bad meme die?
when the universe implodes wiping out every copy of them
as soon as the current trilogy is finished, normies will begin hating it, ignoring all its qualities, and will begin appreciating how fun and creative were the prequels in retrospective.
I unironically believe > 1 > 3 > 2 > VII
I'm waiting now too.
Or at least him revealing he DID have a plan that was thwarted by seeing actual vagina.
Prequels were fuck awful fag
I'm so glad I can finally use this picture.
Eat a dick you fucking faggot
>yfw heidi is a troll
>her tossing her phone into the river was protocol zero
>makes cartman snap
Force Awakens was good. Sup Forums gets really protective of the prequels because they marked an age before casting became diverse
This desu.
The prequels were hot garbage, anyone who defends them is either meming or underage
Which is ironic since Finn and Poe are immensely more likeable and well developed than Anakin or Padme.
>a new hope
it's called star wars, pleb
Not really.
I think Heidi will die, killed by the Dannish when she and Cartman find out that the Danish plan on using their Trollhunter website for evil, not just stopping trolls.
This will snap Cartman out of his funk and cause him to reign holy hell on the Danish.
I also think they will pull some major bullshit where Kyle will find out that his dad is Skankhunt and but hides the truth, while Cartman destroying the Danish folk will ironically ensure he never finds out who did the deeds he was framed for. But I would not be shocked, if Kyle doesn't "punish" his dad by taking away all of his computers and smart phones and tablets and give them to Cartman, with the final shot of the season being that Kyle didn't reformat the tech and that on said computer equipment, lurks proof of Gerald being the troll and fans being left with the sequel hook where we all start wondering how long it will be before Parker and Stone remember the files on Cartman's new computer equipment and have him find out Gerald was the troll
>implying the prequels weren't idiotic cash-grabs themselves
If anyone dies, it will be Scott Malkenson. He'll snap and kill himself for real.
I also wonder if anyone will be punished for breaking Cartman's shit. Or how they will replace it without handwaving things in terms of the plot device of Cartman's mom buying him new stuff.
Return is far better than force awakens. Awakens isnt as bad as menace though
>don't get along with others
They're profiting off of you, morons.
They even just did a fucking episode mocking you and yet you still worship anything they produce.
Literal idiots.
Maybe they will bring back up that Cartman's mom is a whore who did German shit-themed fetish porn?
That could be an interesting angle: Cartman's mom goes back into the porn world to make quick money to buy Cartman new, top of the line tech, as a "surprise" for him.
Would tie in with Gerald's lie about being into piss related porn (Sheila buys Gerald a new porno and are shocked it's got Cartman's mom in it). And you could get Cartman struggling between returning to the world of social media and staying off-line with Heidi and it being the reason behind their break-up
>and guess which movie Lucas had the least involvement in.
Episode VII, which is the shittiest SW of all time.
I'm validated by people that matter.
Rome fell because they abandoned the old spirit of the empire and had the entire military made p of non-Romans. If they had a return to their values in the 5th century Rome wold not have fallen. Dumbest scene this whole season which is saying something.
>different idea
Are you fucking retarded?
The Empire Strikes Back > Star Wars > Return of the Jedi> Revenge of the Sith > The Force Awakens > The Phantom Menace > Attack of the Clones
>I'm so glad I can finally use this picture instead of coming up with any thoughts for myself. If this opportunity didn't come up I'd still be waiting like a drooling retard
Kys fag
lol Good job, you cherry picked one government in a history of thouands to validate your argument
>>I'm so glad I can finally use this picture instead of coming up with any thoughts for myself. If this opportunity didn't come up I'd still be waiting like a drooling retard
>Kys fag
Posted from RLM
>Revenge of the Sith
I'm sorry isn't that the one where Natalie Portman's character dies of a broken heart? Doesn't get much dumber than that.
bonjour rddit
>character dies of a broken heart
It was Rey forcechoking her from the future. This happens in episode 8 right after she forcechokes Greedo before he enters the Cantina in episode 4.
there isn't a single person older than 16 on Sup Forums. Use Sup Forums's image for Sup Forums, it's hilarious how they always see themselves with delusional levels of stoicism.
when will the 'the prequels weren't that bad' meme die
kill yourself
Soon because it will no longer be ironic, but taken for granted. 7,8,9 will make 1,2,3 look like 4,5,6.
I thought of exactly this scene when I first saw RotS
>it wasn't that bad either
Yes it was, I've never left a theatre more pissed off
it's not pure genius it's pure safety for the people investing in it
>I think we all agreed it was a 6/10
Fuck yourself faggot
heh, why would it piss you off?
for me that was attack of the clones, but I wasn't pissed off, just a kind of disenchanted confusion at the time. I was thinking "did that suck so bad just because i'm 16?"
but in retrospect I'm kind of glad it sucked. It was a lesson, a simple one.
Nothing stays good.
It was cheesy as fuck and I think it works out ok. Not good, but enjoyable. TFA is way too shallow to be considered better. I do think its very close though, whereas the OT is pretty far removed from the other four in terms of quality.
what, what part of that incredibly lazy hack writing of eh I dunno, I'll just say she dies of a broken heart is ok by your standards?
kill yourself
a story for another time
>people act like South Park making fun of a popular movie is something new that they don't do every fucking season
The originals were bad movies that were made for children and the prequels were worse and also made for children.
The only people who try to draw artistic and literary parallels from 'Star Wars' films are the same people who unironically and unconditionally consume neo-confederate fan fiction in order to "break the conditioning"
That's literally the example they used to lend credence to their argument. You could always shrug it off as a joke, but plenty of people are already using it as though it's actually based on fact.
Most governments that collapse from a refusal to change do so from revolts seeking to institute change. Functioning governments and societies collapse from within because people institute the wrong changes, not because they want to go back to what worked before.
Blatant lie but whatever.
South Park literally just copies things the internet have already been saying since forever.
This entire thread.
>hates blacks
fuck off you stupid nigger. don't presume to speak for Sup Forums
>someone actually took the time to make this image
Admirable, in a way.